
文摘   2025-01-07 13:55   美国  




以下报道来自《新西兰先驱报》(The New Zealand Herald)





North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is known for his intense crackdowns on its citizens in everyday life and now a popular food item has been banned.



According to reports, Kim has banned North Koreans from eating hotdogs as part of a crackdown on Western culture slowly oozing its way into the hermit nation.





The hotdog has grown in popularity in South Korea, and Kim has since declared that serving sausages is now an act of treason against North Korea. It is claimed that people caught cooking or selling hotdogs could find themselves arrested and sentenced to hard labour in their infamous labour camps.



Hotdogs aren’t the only food to be the subject of a brutal crackdown. Kim has also forbidden the sale of budae-jjigae, a South Korean-American fusion dish made from an umami-rich broth, Korean hot pepper paste, flakes, kimchi, and American Spam, beans, and sausage. The hotpot dish, which means “army base stew”, contains hotdog meat or Spam which has been banned in the North. The fusion dish appears to have crossed the border into North Korea around 2017, more than 50 years after its creation in the South. Budae-jjigae was created in the 1950s when US soldiers in the region discarded meat. South Koreans used the meat to create stews.

受到残酷打压的食物不止热狗一种。金正恩还禁止销售“韩式部队锅”(budae-jjigae),这是一种韩美混合菜肴,由富含鲜味的汤汁、韩国辣椒酱、辣椒片、泡菜、美国斯帕姆火腿、豆类和热狗制成。这道火锅菜的意思是“陆军基地炖菜”,其中含有在朝鲜被禁止的热狗肉或美国斯帕姆火腿。这道融合菜可能是在2017年左右越境进入朝鲜的,距其在韩国诞生已有50多年。“韩式部队锅”诞生 20世纪50年代,当时驻扎在韩国的美国士兵放弃了吃肉,韩国人用这些肉制作炖菜。




North Korea has also banned steamed rice cakes tteokbokki which is a popular street food in South Korea.



Food isn’t the only thing the hermit nation is cracking down on. Reports emerged in December that claim people who get divorced in North Korea are facing one to six months in labour camps for their “crimes”. Divorce is considered an anti-socialist act and anyone who wishes to divorce needs the Government to sign off on any requests.


