
文摘   2025-01-15 07:52   美国  


译者按114日,乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)在其社交媒体发文,称乌克兰调查人员仍在继续与朝鲜战俘之间沟通(审讯的委婉说法)。泽连斯基还贴出了审讯视频。从审讯对话得知,这名朝鲜战俘用的俄罗斯证件,名字是假的,他自己也记不住自己的假俄文名字,他受伤后独自待了几天后被乌军发现。 





Communication between captured North Korean soldiers and Ukrainian investigators continues. We are establishing the facts. We are verifying all the details. The world will learn the full truth about how Russia is exploiting such guys, who grew up in a complete information vacuum, utterly unaware of Ukraine, and who are being used by Russia solely to prolong and escalate this war. Only Russia needs this war. I am grateful to all our warriors who are defending Ukraine's positions. I am also grateful to everyone in the world who is helping us to protect lives and our independence.






Investigators: When, where, and under what circumstances were you captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine?



N. Korean POW: I don’t remember exactly, but there was some kind of battle. I got wounded, and after the battle, there was a retreat. Since I was wounded and couldn’t move, I was on my own for about 3, 4, or 5 days. After that, the Ukrainian troops found me, gave me an injection of some kind, and transported me here by vehicle.




Investigators: In the Russian documents you were issued, was there a photo of you and your real name, surname, and patronymic?



N. Korean POW: There was no photo. I don’t remember the name either, but it wasn’t my name.




Investigators: Were you or your unit given orders about the rules of conduct with prisoners of war or civilians on the territory of Ukraine or Russia?



N. Korean POW: I was trained like this. If we captured a Ukrainian soldier, we would show him a picture of his home. One pictures is a house, the other picture is a weapon. We would let him show what he chooses. If the chooses the house, he is released. If the chooses the weapon, we send him into captivity.




Investigators: Did you or anyone in your unit capture any Ukrainian servicemen?



N. Korean POW: No.


