报道来自韩国《中央日报》(JoongAng Ilbo)1月13日的报道,和视频对照,并无夸大或扭曲之处。懂英语的可以看视频,视频也不长,而且视频中的英语很简单。 Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky released a video on Sunday showing two North Korean soldiers allegedly
being interrogated after their capture in Russia's Kursk region, where they
displayed seemingly hesitant attitudes about returning to their country.周日(1月12日),乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)公布了一段视频,视频显示,两名朝鲜士兵在俄罗斯库尔斯克州(Kursk)被俘后接受了审讯,视频中,他们对回国似乎表现出犹豫不决的态度。
In the approximately three-minute
video posted on X, the soldiers are either sitting or lying down as they answer
questions. The questions appear to be posed by a man who speaks Korean.泽连斯基在社交媒体上发布的这段视频长约3分钟,视频中,这两名被俘朝鲜士兵在回答问题时或坐或躺。问题似乎是由一名讲韩语的男子提出的。(译者注:视频显示,是乌克兰人在提问,讲韩语的人在翻译)
The Security Service of Ukraine
(SBU) previously said that interrogations are conducted with the cooperation of
interpreters from the South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS). 乌克兰国家安全局此前曾表示,审讯是在韩国国家情报院翻译的配合下进行的。
When asked if they knew they
would be fighting Ukrainians, one of the North Korean soldiers shook his head.当被问到是否知道他们将与乌克兰人作战时,一名朝鲜士兵摇了摇头。(译者注:视频显示,审讯人员问一名朝鲜士兵“他们的指挥官是否告诉了他们在和乌克兰打仗”,他回答说,“他们告诉我是在训练。”)
"[The commanders here] said
we would be doing practice as if it were the real thing," said the
soldier. He added that he had been there since Jan. 3. "I came, saw
comrades die and then I got injured on Jan. 5 while hiding in a bunker."这名士兵说:“这里的指挥官说,我们将像真枪实弹一样进行演习。”他补充说,他从1月3日起就在那里了。“我来的时候,看到战友阵亡,然后我在1月5日躲在掩体里时受伤了。”
When asked if he wanted to go
back home, he replied, “Are the Ukrainian people good?” After hearing the
answer, "It is good," he responded, "I want to live
here." 当被问到是否想回家时,他做了回答。“乌克兰人民好吗?在回答“很好”后,他说:“我想生活在这里。”[译者注:此处原文英文措辞有些问题。视频中显示,该朝鲜士兵最初说“想生活在乌克兰”,后来说,如果要求他回朝鲜,他就回去,但如果给他机会留下来,“他想留下来”。]
Another North Korean soldier
nodded when asked, "Do your parents know you are here?" When asked,
"Do you want to return to North Korea?" he looked down in silence,
but nodded when asked, "Do you want to return to Chosun?”在被问到“你的父母知道你在这里吗”时,另一名朝鲜士兵点了点头。当被问到“你想回到朝鲜吗?”时,他低头沉默不语,但当被问到“你想回到朝鲜吗?”时,他点了点头。
"Ukraine is ready to hand
over Kim Jong-un’s soldiers to him if he can organize their exchange for our
warriors who are being held captive in Russia," Zelensky said in his post
on X.泽连斯基在社交媒体上发帖说:“如果金正恩能组织他们与被囚禁在俄罗斯的我国战士交换,乌克兰愿意将金正恩的士兵交给他。”