
文摘   2025-01-04 11:18   美国  
I had been meaning to write this article to share some facts, but I was unsure if it could be posted. Both the Chinese and English versions were written by me. Practicing English whenever possible, especcially English translation, writing and conversation, mainly contributes to my success in sailing through the Level One test for CATTI in one go.

Thank you sincerely to all readers who have taken the time to comment and share their perspectives. It's unfortunate, however, that some comments may appear as “not visible due to violations of related regulations” or “X spam replies hidden”.


I want to assure you that, as the author, I am not responsible for deleting or blocking your comments. While I do have the ability to take down or block comments, I exercise this power only in extremely rare circumstances, such as instances of blatantly abusive language. Otherwise, all comments remain untouched. As you can see from the screenshots provided, these actions are the result of the WeChat platform's automatic identification process.

Below is a screenshot of comments from the post titled “Total Assets Over $400 Million, a $10,000 Handbag—Thailand’s Female Prime Minister Discloses Personal Wealth.”


Below is a screenshot from the post titled “North Korea Enforces New Rules to Strictly Control Divorce Rates, Sending Divorcees to Labor Camps.”


Below is a screenshot from the post titled “Min Aung Hlaing’s New Year Message: I Could Have Developed Myanmar, But Ethnic Armed Groups Ruined It.”


Regarding the platform's criteria for determining whether a comment “violates related regulations” or qualifies as “spam”, I'm honestly at a loss. In some cases, a comment may initially appear fine, but once I approve it for display, it's immediately flagged as “not visible due to regulation violations”.

For comments that are not visible, marked as spam, or deleted, I sincerely apologize, but there's little I can do to rectify the situation. To help avoid such issues, I suggest readers be mindful of their wording when leaving comments. This approach might help reduce the occurrence of these problems.

