译者按:演员王星被绑架贩卖至妙瓦底,后经泰国军警解救出来,此事发生后,苏奇督又开始表演了一通,据泰国媒体《泰国国民报》(The Nation Thailand)报道,苏奇督发出了5条禁令,表示要严厉禁止妙瓦底的诈骗产业、人口贩卖等非法活动。
2024年5月,苏奇督曾发布公告,要求在妙瓦底的在线企业(实际也就是网赌电诈公司)的外国人在10月31日前离开,否则就要采取法律行动。不过到了2024年9月11日的时候,苏奇督又贴出公告,否认要关闭那些诈骗公司。大家可能还能记得,在2023年10月-11月期间,缅北的白所成、白应能、白应发、明学昌、刘阿宝、魏怀仁等人还在开会研究打击电诈呢,还信誓旦旦地说,果敢自治区“有信心、有能力铲除电诈。”实际上他们自己都全是搞电诈的。Major General Saw Chit Thu, chief
of the Karen Border Guard Force (BGF), met with military and business leaders
in Myawaddy, Myanmar on Wednesday to discuss measures for tackling
transnational crimes and human trafficking, Thailand’s Ratchamanu Task Force
reported.据泰国王室特遣队(Ratchamanu Task Force)宣布,克伦族边防卫队(Karen Border Guard Force)首脑苏奇督(Saw Chit Thu,译者注:苏奇督的军衔可能有误,2024年1月份时候,缅军准备把他升为准将,但双方没谈好,最后未能晋升)周三(1月15日)在缅甸妙瓦底(Myawaddy)会见了军界和商界的领导,商讨解决跨国犯罪和人口贩运的措施。The task force comes under the
Naresuan Force, which patrols the Thailand-Myanmar border in Mae Sot district
of Tak province. The Thai town is across the Mei River from Myawaddy in
Myanmar’s Kayin state.该特遣队隶属于纳黎萱王部队(Naresuan Force),在来兴府(Tak,译者注:也称“达府”)湄索县的泰缅边境巡逻。湄索镇与缅甸克伦邦的妙瓦底仅隔着一条河——莫艾河。During the meeting, Saw Chit Thu
announced that all business operators and partners in Myawaddy must observe the
following five rules:会议期间,苏奇督宣布,所有在妙瓦底的企业经营者和合作伙伴都必须遵守以下五条规定:1. Cooperate with the BGF in
monitoring information related to human trafficking networks, scammers, illegal
businesses, and other groups involved in illegal activities.1. 与克伦边防部队合作,监控人口贩运网络、骗子、非法企业和其他参与非法活动的团体的相关信息。2. There must be no acts of
coercion, intimidation, physical abuse, and inhumane torture.2. 不得有胁迫、恐吓、身体虐待和不人道的酷刑行为。3. Use of labour under 18 years
of age is prohibited.4. No collection of money from
human trafficking activities.5. No scamming or fraudulent
operations. Any businesses caught engaging in illegal activities will be shut
down and forced to leave.5. 禁止诈骗或欺诈行为。任何被发现从事非法活动的企业都将被关闭并强制离开。The task force said the meeting
was attended by BGF leaders, commanders of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army
(DKBA), and about 60 business operators in Myawaddy, most of whom are Chinese.特遣队称,参加会议的有克伦边防部队领导人、克伦民主佛教军(Democratic Karen Buddhist Army)指挥官,以及约60名在妙瓦底的企业经营者,其中大部分是中国人。Analysts believe the BGF’s move
aims to clean up businesses in Myawaddy, a town with several casinos, now that
Thailand is in the process of passing an entertainment complex bill. The law
would legalise building casino resorts in the kingdom, making it a major
competitor of Myawaddy.分析人士认为,克伦边防部队此举的目的是整顿妙瓦底镇的商业,该镇有多家赌场,而泰国正在通过一项娱乐综合法案,法案通过后,在泰国建造赌场度假村将合法化,使其成为妙瓦底的主要竞争对手。