译者按:据《纽约时报》(The New York Times)报道,根据全球有组织犯罪指数,缅甸现在是全球最大的有组织犯罪中心,在缅甸肥沃的土地上,猖獗的犯罪活动给该国5500万人民带来了灾难性的后果,还将违法犯罪的恶果传播到全球各地。种植者明目张胆种植毒品,无论是军方,还是一些民族武装组织,都在从事毒品生产和贸易,缅甸再次成为世界上最大的毒品生产和出口国。
The flower fields stretch out
from the mountain village along most every road — fluttering patchworks of
white and pink and purple.一处处花田沿着这座山村的各条道路向外延伸,白色、粉红色和紫色的花丛随风舞动。
The beauty in this corner of Shan
State, in northeastern Myanmar, might seem a respite from the country’s brutal
civil war. Instead the blooms are a symptom: It is all opium poppy in these
fields, and Myanmar again ranks as the world’s biggest exporter of the raw
material to make heroin and other opiates. And that’s just the beginning.这是缅甸东北部掸邦一角的一幅美景,看上去仿佛从该国残酷的内战中摆脱了出来。然而并非如此,这些盛开的花朵是一种不良的征兆,田地里种的都是罂粟。缅甸再次成为世界上最大的海洛因和其他鸦片制剂原料出口国。而这仅仅是个开始。
Since descending into a
full-blown civil conflict nearly four years ago, after the military overthrew
the elected government, Myanmar has cemented its status as a hotbed of
transnational crime. It is a playground for warlords, arms dealers, human
traffickers, poachers, drug syndicates and generals wanted by international
Myanmar is now the biggest nexus
of organized crime on the planet, according to the Global Organized Crime
The criminality flourishing in
Myanmar’s fertile soil carries disastrous consequences for its 55 million
people. It is also spreading the fruits of transgression across the globe. With
more than half of the country battle-struck following the military coup in
February 2021 that unseated the civilian authority of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
Myanmar is racking up dubious superlatives.在缅甸肥沃的土地上,猖獗的犯罪活动给该国5500万人民带来了灾难性的后果。它还将违法犯罪的恶果传播到全球各地。2021年2月,缅甸发生军事政变,昂山素季的文职政府被推翻,全国一半以上的地区陷入战乱。
It is now the world’s largest
producer of opium and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of synthetic
drugs, including methamphetamine, ketamine and fentanyl. Concocted with
precursor chemicals from neighboring India, tablets made in Myanmar feed habits
as far away as Australia. With factories in overdrive and international law
enforcement overwhelmed, street prices of these drugs are alarmingly cheap.如今,缅甸是世界上最大的鸦片生产国,也是世界上最大的合成毒品(包括甲基苯丙胺、氯胺酮和芬太尼)生产国之一。利用来自邻国(译者注:此处原文和译文都有删减)印度的前体化学物质制成的药片,缅甸满足了远至澳大利亚的瘾君子的毒瘾。制毒工厂的超负荷生产,以及国际执法部门的无力应对,令这些毒品的街头价格低得惊人。
In Myanmar’s borderlands,
criminal networks that unite Chinese kingpins with ethnic warlords are
kidnapping people from all over the globe to toil in factories that scam people
online. International police organizations say that this online fraud has
bilked billions of dollars from retirees and lonely hearts in the United
States, China, Europe and beyond.在缅甸边境地区,由邻国毒枭和少数民族武装组织组成的犯罪网络正在绑架来自全球各地的人,让他们在园区里从事网络诈骗。国际警察组织称,这种网络诈骗已从美国、中国、欧洲和其他国家的退休人员和孤独的人手中骗取了数十亿美元。
“Organized crime has a vested
interest in conflict continuing because it thrives in that environment,” said
Masood Karimipour, the regional representative for Southeast Asia and the
Pacific for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, or U.N.O.D.C. “And
the longer the conflict goes on, the more territory falls under the control or
influence of parties who stand to profit.”联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室东南亚和太平洋地区代表马苏德·卡里米普尔说:“有组织犯罪会因冲突持续而获益,因为这种犯罪在这种环境中会壮大。冲突持续越久,就会有越多地方被那些有利可图的势力的掌控或影响。”
“The profits,” he added, “are
from truly horrifying things that are destroying lives in Myanmar and in many
other countries.”他还表示,“这些利润来自于真正可怕的事情,这些事情正在摧毁缅甸和许多其他国家的人的生活。”
New York Times reporting within
Myanmar over the past few years of intensifying war has laid bare how the
country’s descent into failed statehood is stoking conflict at home and
exporting misery, dependency and corruption across continents.《纽约时报》在过去几年中报道了缅甸国内不断加剧的战事,从中可以清楚地看到,这个国家如何沦为失败的国家,助长国内的冲突,并将苦难、依赖和腐败输出到世界各地。
These are the biggest cogs in
Myanmar’s military-industrial crime complex:这些都是缅甸军事工业犯罪机器中最大的齿轮:
Opium in the Open明目张胆的鸦片
In the Shan Hills of Myanmar, the
opium poppy is called “the peace flower.”在缅甸的掸邦山区,罂粟被称为“和平之花”。
The name is an irony: There has
not been true peace in Shan State for decades. Over the years, more than a
dozen ethnic guerrilla groups have fought the Myanmar military — and each other
— for dominance, not only of the territory but of the drug trade, too.这个名字颇具讽刺意味,几十年来,掸邦从未有过真正的和平。多年来,十多个民族游击队为了争夺地盘与缅甸军方以及彼此作战,争夺的不只是领地,还有毒品贸易。
This planting season, opium
farming in Pekon Township in Shan State reached a troubling milestone. For
years, farmers grew their poppies in mountains and valleys, away from the authorities
that would, sometimes at gunpoint, impose taxes, demand a cut of the crop or
even destroy their fields.在这个种植季,掸邦贝贡镇(Pekon)的鸦片种植达到了一个令人不安的程度。多年来,农民们在远离政府的高山和峡谷中种植罂粟,过去政府有时会用枪指着他们,向他们征收税款,要求分成,甚至摧毁他们的田地。
Today, these growers cultivate
opium flowers openly in their villages. Nourished by complex irrigation
systems, fields of poppies sway beside churches, temples, police stations and
town halls. Farmers harvest the oozing opium resin without fear of getting
“Now there is no government, no
military, so we don’t have to hide,” said Daw Hla Win, as she returned from
tending her poppies in a field across the street from her house. “It’s the best
time ever for opium.”拉温(Hla Win)从她家街对面的田里收割罂粟回来时说:“现在没有政府,没有军队,所以我们不用躲躲藏藏,现在种鸦片再好不过了。”
Jungle Drug Labs丛林毒品实验室
A bottle of beer in Myanmar costs
about $1. A little pink pill, a potent combination of methamphetamine and
caffeine known as yaba, goes for less than 25 cents.在缅甸,一瓶啤酒的价格约为1美元,而一粒粉红色的“雅巴”药丸——冰毒和咖啡因的强效组合——价格不到25美分。
Last year, governments in East
and Southeast Asia seized a record 190 tons of methamphetamine, the U.N.O.D.C.
said, but its street price dropped as jungle labs in Shan State went into
The making of synthetic drugs in
Myanmar predates the coup and ensuing civil war. Warlords in certain
self-administered regions of Shan State have long overseen drug economies, with
the military and its proxies taking a cut of the profits. Air force helicopters
would fly packets of pills and chunks of crystal methamphetamine to cities and
ports for distribution overseas, former pilots said.早在政变和随后的内战之前,缅甸的合成毒品制造就开始了。长期以来,掸邦某些自治地区的武装组织一直在掌控毒品经济,军方及其代理人从利润中分一杯羹。多名前飞行员称,空军直升机会将一包包药丸和一块块冰毒空运到城市和港口,再分销到海外。
The intensity of workshops
churning out synthetic drugs has reached a new high since the army takeover in
Myanmar, drug trade monitors and law enforcers say. Ethnic armed groups in Shan
State have begun producing new club drugs, such as “happy water” and lollipops
made with a cocktail that includes ketamine, MDMA and methamphetamine.毒品贸易监督员和执法人员称,自缅甸军队接管政权以来,制造合成毒品的作坊达到了一个新的高度。掸邦的民族武装组织已经开始生产新型夜店毒品,如用氯胺酮、摇头丸和冰毒混合制成的“快乐水”和棒棒糖。 (喜欢就请关注)