Concise Report
Carbonylation Reactions of a Metallapentalyne: Synthesis of Its Ester and Amide Derivatives
Carbonylation reactions are a valuable synthetic method to construct carbonyl compounds and carbonylation reactions of aryl halides stand out as a highly significant tool for generating carbonyl substituted arenes. However, the important reactions have never been realized in aromatic metallacycles. Herein, we present the first carbonylation reactions of metallaaromatics, specifically alkoxycarbonylation and aminocarbonylation reactions of an osmapentalyne. During the carbonylation process, the electronic and steric properties of nucleophiles are regarded as critical factors. The alcohols with bulky substituents (isopropanol) require more reaction time and tert-butyl alcohol is inert in the reaction. Comparatively, amines, being stronger nucleophiles, exhibit divergent behaviors. Bulky amines undergo aminocarbonylation, whereas small amines prefer direct nucleophilic additions. Control experiments revealed that the intermediate derived from coupling of metal carbyne with CO plays a significant role in the carbonylation reaction. According to these observations, a divergent pathway for the reaction is proposed. Furthermore, the photophysical properties of these carbonyl-functionalized osmapentalene complexes are studied, and the maximum absorption peak of compound with a carboxylic group exhibits a significant red-shift due to the smaller HOMO-LUMO gap. These findings contribute to expanding the reactivity of metallaaromatics and offer new opportunities for the synthesis of carbonyl-functionalized metallacycles.
金属杂芳香化合物同时拥有金属配合物和芳香共轭化合物的性质,近年来该领域取得了长足的发展(Chem. Rev. 2020, 120, 12994)。夏海平团队一直围绕原创的“碳龙化学”开展研究,构筑了一系列颠覆传统的芳香性π共轭分子骨架基元,这种新颖的金属杂芳香化合物是由一条7-13个碳原子组成的纯碳链配体与过渡金属的螯合物,被同行们称为“碳龙同花顺”(图1)。Carbolong词条及其代表性分子结构入选国际经典教科书《March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry》英文最新版,并被C&E News所报道。经过近十年的发展,“碳龙化学”从分子骨架原始创新逐渐迈向了性能应用探索开发,并进入了快速发展时期(Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51, 1691; Acc. Chem. Res. 2023, 56, 924)。展现出原创性基础研究厚积勃发的强大后劲。
图1 碳龙同花顺
图2 锇杂戊搭炔的羰基化反应
上述研究结果作为Concise Report发表于Chin.
J. Chem. (2024, 42, 2765-2772, DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.202400409)。该项工作得到了国家自然科学基金委、广东省催化重点实验室,深圳市杰出人才培养经费等项目资助。
夏海平:现任南方科技大学化学系讲席教授、深圳格拉布斯研究院执行院长。中国化学会理事、会士,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。曾获2020年度国家自然科学二等奖(第一完成人)。2016年获得中国化学会第七届“黄耀曾金属有机化学奖”。主持成果入选2013年度“中国高等学校十大科技进展”。原创的“碳龙化学(Carbolong Chemistry)”入选国际经典教科书《March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry》英文最新版,11种“碳龙试剂”进入百灵威试剂目录销售。研究方向:金属有机化学、高分子化学。