试读分享|《新式冷战》(The New Cold War)罗宾•尼布赖特 Robin Niblett

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The New Cold War: How the Contest Between the US and China Will Shape Our Century 

by Robin Niblett







An urgent and essential assessment of the global contest between the US and China, and how looking to history will help us to navigate it, from former Director of Chatham House and “An illuminating book for the interested citizen as well as for those making policy and ” – Hillary Rodham Clinton We have entered a new Cold War. The contest between America and China is global and unbridgeable, and it encompasses all major instruments of statecraft – economic, political and military. It has its tinder Taiwan. And both protagonists are working hard to draw allies to their side from across the world. We stand at its beginning. But this Cold War is nothing like the conflict between the Soviet Union and the West which defined the second half of the twentieth century. We need new ideas to navigate its risks and avoid a globally devastating hot war. In this urgent and necessary book, Robin Niblett argues that only by looking back can we learn the lessons to guide us through this new he goes through the ten ways in which the New Cold War is different and offers five rules for navigating its onset. How we manage this contest will determine not only whether there is still space for international cooperation to deal with our many global challenges, from the climate emergency to the technological revolution, but also who will lead the twenty-first century and, quite simply, the course of all our futures.



2023年2月1日,《比林斯公报》的编辑蔡斯·多克(Chase Doak)在蒙大拿州比林斯上空扫视晴朗的蓝天时,发现了一个奇怪的白点,就像白天的星星一样,静静地悬挂在那里。在《公报》摄影师的远距离照相机的帮助下,他看到那是一个气球。东方大国为这个十九世纪的巨型后代配备了二十一世纪的技术和三辆校车大小的太阳能电池阵。这是一个令人震惊的幽灵,尽管它不会对地面上的人构成威胁,而且作为空中侦察和信号情报的工具,它的影响也备受争议。
 民主党人则谴责美国的对手采取了严重的敌对行为,尽管气球很可能只是偏离了航线。2月4日,当气球飘到南卡罗来纳州海岸上空时,拜登总统下令击落这个移动缓慢、毫无防御能力的入侵者——一架F22战斗机能够以近2.5倍音速飞行,打击150多海里以外的目标。这种残酷的力量对比使大洋对岸得以从发现热气球的尴尬中解脱出来。对岸的喉舌《环球时报》写道,这就像 “用大炮打蚊子”。
 气球事件 "彻底暴露了两国关系的有毒状态和双方的深深忧虑。长期以来,两国政府一直在进行空中侦察,但大多是通过隐形地球静止轨道上的卫星,或通过同样隐形的数字手段渗透对方的数据库和国家安全基础设施。气球的出现,以及随后被揭露的它远不是第一个穿越美国及其亚太盟国的气球,才唤醒了美国公民对以下问题的认识,面对日益激烈的竞争。
