试读分享|《女性面对的战争:及那些敢于抵抗的勇者》(The War on Women) Sue Lloyd-Roberts

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The War on Women:And the Brave Ones Who Fight Back

by Sue Lloyd-Roberts


1973年,苏·劳埃德·罗伯茨(Sue Lloyd Roberts)作为一名新闻实习生加入ITN,并成为英国第一批在苏联荒凉前哨进行报道的视频记者之一。作为一名游客,她还进入了中国西藏、缅甸等世界上最险峻的地方。在长达40年的职业生涯中,她目睹了世界各地妇女遭受的最恶劣的暴行。但是,在亲眼目睹对女性种族的战争的同时,她记录下了她们令人难以置信的反击决心。



在冈比亚,她为接替母亲担任村里女性割礼师的Maimouna提供了发言权,并为11岁的Manemma 提供了一个平台。




In 1973, Sue Lloyd Roberts joined ITN as a news trainee and went on to be one of the UK’s first video-journalists to report from the bleak outposts of the Soviet Union. Travelling as a tourist, she also gained access to some of the world’s most impenetrable places. During her 40-year-long career she witnessed the worst atrocities inflicted on women across the world. But in observing first-hand the war on the female race she also documented their incredible determination to fight back. The War on Women brings to life the inconceivable and dangerous life Sue led. It tells the story of orphan Mary Merritt who, age sixteen, instead of being released from the care of nuns was interned by them in a Magdalen Laundry and forced to work twelve hours a day six days a week, without pay, for over a decade. She gives voice to Maimouna, the woman responsible for taking over her mother’s role as the village female circumciser in The Gambia and provides a platform for the 11-year-old Manemma, who was married off in Jaipur at the age of six. From the gender pay gap in Britain to forced marriage in Kashmir and from rape as a weapon of war to honour killings, Sue has examined humankind’s history and takes us on a journey to analyse the state of women’s lives today. Most importantly she acts as a mouthpiece for the brave ones; the ones who challenge wrongdoing; the ones who show courage no matter how afraid they are; the ones who are combatting violence across the globe; the ones who are fighting back. Sue sadly died in 2015, shortly after writing this book, today she is widely recognised as one of the most acclaimed television journalists of her generation. This book is the small tribute to the full and incredible life she lived and through it these women’s voices are still be.

