试读分享|《聚会:如何打造高效社交网络》(The Art of Gathering)2024年暑期哈佛大学推荐书

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The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters 

by Priya Parker


对我们生活中聚会的力量、目的和益处的变革性探索:在工作中、在学校里、在家里和其他地方。普里亚·帕克在《聚会的艺术》中说,我们每天都在聚会。如果我们能够理解是什么让这些聚会变得有效和令人难忘,那么我们就可以重新规划和引导聚会,让每个人,无论是主人还是客人,都能从中受益。帕克将 “聚会 ”定义为三个或三个以上的人为了一个特定的目的聚集在一起。她说,当我们理解了聚会的目的--认可、学习、挑战、改变--我们就学会了如何组织相关的、令人难忘的聚会:从高效的商务会议到发人深省的会议;从欢乐的婚礼到团结的家庭聚餐。帕克曾与世界经济论坛、现代艺术博物馆和零售公司 Fresh 等组织合作,她利用自己作为战略促进者的经验,解释了普通人如何创造大大小小的非凡场合。她通过数十个引人入胜的例子,分解了这些体验的炼金术,展示了好的体验是如何炼成的,并演示了我们如何学会将这些元素融入到我们所有的聚会中。本书既是一次旅程,又是一本指南,充满了具有实际应用价值的重要理念,将改变你对商务会议、家长会和后院烧烤的看法。

A transformative exploration of the power, purpose, and benefits of gatherings in our lives: at work, at school, at home and beyond. Every day we find ourselves in gatherings, Priya Parker says in The Art of Gathering. If we can understand what makes these gatherings effective and memorable, then we can reframe and redirect them to benefit everyone, host and guest alike. Parker defines a gathering as three or more people who come together for a specific purpose. When we understand why we gather, she says — to acknowledge, to learn, to challenge, to change — we learn how to organize gatherings that are relevant and memorable: from an effective business meeting to a thought-provoking conference; from a joyful wedding to a unifying family dinner. Drawing on her experience as a strategic facilitator who’s worked with such organizations as the World Economic Forum, the Museum of Modern Art, and the retail company Fresh, Parker explains how ordinary people can create remarkable occasions, large and small. In dozens of fascinating examples, she breaks down the alchemy of these experiences to show what goes into the good ones and demonstrates how we can learn to incorporate those elements into all of our gatherings. The result is a book that’s both journey and guide, full of big ideas with real-world applications that will change the way you look at a business meeting, a parent-teacher conference, and a backyard barbecue.

