业 主:北京海德汤泉休闲酒店管理有限公司
Client: Beijing Header Leisure Hotel Management Co.,
Interior Design: Shanghai Di Si Architectural Decoration Design
Consulting Co., Ltd.
Complete Time: 2024.01
Design Team: Sonja Song, Venus Yu
项目介绍(Project Instruction)
海德汤泉 一次独特的体验式灯光设计之旅
Header Hot Spring
A Unique Journey of Experiential Lighting Design
在北京的生活休闲活动中,温泉酒店以其独特的天然温泉资源和丰富的休闲设施,占据了举足轻重的地位。这里不仅是市民们缓解压力、放松身心的理想之地,更是享受健康养生、体验传统文化的热门场所,深受大家的喜爱和追捧。海德汤泉酒店位于北京望京,弥补了该区域一站式休闲放松餐饮聚会场所的缺失。Among the leisure life activities in Beijing,
hot spring hotel plays a decisive role due to its unique natural hot spring
resources and rich leisure equipment. Here is not only the ideal place for
citizens to relieve stress and relax themselves but also the hot place to enjoy
health preservation and experience traditional cultures. It is deeply loved and
sought after by everyone. Header hot spring hotel is located at Wangjing,
Beijing, making up for the lack of one-stop leisure, relaxation, dining, and party
places in the area.汤泉室内空间光环境以营造当下年轻人追求的松弛感为主,追求宁静放松的休憩环境;局部配合室内主题空间及特色道具运用了彩色光,给空间增添了现代感和时尚氛围的同时,为年轻客户带来了独特的体验及印象。
The light environment of interior hot spring is
mainly for creating the sense of relaxation for youth and pursuing the rest
environment with peace and relaxation. Colorful light is partly applied for
interior theme space and feature props, which adds the sense of modern and
fashion atmosphere and leaves unique experience and impression on the young
基础光摆脱了传统空间设计中采用天花筒灯为主的形式,与室内设计顾问深入探讨,尽量利用墙面及天花的材料透光的特性营造了空间主要的光环境,灯具与特色屏风的结合又能迅速地让客人识别功能区的所在。Basic light gets rid of the form, the main application
of ceiling downlight of traditional space design. The translucent feature of
wall and ceiling is used to create the main light environment for space after
deep communication with interior design consultant. The combination of
luminaires and featured screen can make customers recognize the location of
function area quickly.
Buffet Area
完成入场后,客人通过网红的旋转楼梯步行至餐厅,旋转楼梯通常也是客人打卡的道具背景之一。餐台上的重点照明烘托了商家精心为客人准备的每一道菜品,这些菜品在灯光的映衬下显得格外诱人,充满食欲。After finishing check in, customers walk to
restaurant by internet celebrity spiral stairs. The spiral stairs are usually
one of the prop backgrounds for customers to clock in. The key lighting on the
table stands out each dish prepared by businesses for customers. Under the
backdrop of light, the dishes look very attractive and appetizing.游乐区
Amusement Area
休闲娱乐区的灯光充满了活力与趣味。五彩斑斓的游戏屋在灯光的映衬下如同欢乐的音符,跳跃在每一个角落,激发着孩子们的无限想象力和创造力,每一个游戏屋均设置了调光旋钮,可根据客人的喜好选择自己喜欢的亮度。The light of amusement area is lively and
interesting. The colorful game house seems like joyful notes jumping at each
corner under the backdrop of light, motivating children’s unlimited imagination
and creativity. Each game house all sets the dimming knob and customers can
choose the luminance they like.©北京海德汤泉休闲酒店管理有限公司
格子屋则是小朋友们最喜欢的区域,路径错综,在空间中穿梭探索。每间格子屋同样设置调光旋钮,供客人在屋内看书或小憩。Grid house is children’s favorite area. The path
is complex and children can explore through space. Each grid house also sets
the dimming knob for customers reading or rest.
书吧及小木屋的灯光则显得温馨而宁静,为家长们提供了一个放松身心的私密角落。The light of book bar and wooden house is warm
and peaceful, which provides parents a private corner to relax.
Rest Area
半围合的休息区将亮度降到最低,为客人提供了极为静谧且安静的空间。The luminance of semi enclosed rest area is
lowered to the lowest to provide customers an extremely peaceful and quiet space.
SPA Area and Guest Room
理疗室灯带所呈现出的柔和的光晕,将初生的太阳定格在墙面上,将客人包裹在温暖柔和的环境中,心情逐渐放松。The soft halo the strip lighting of SPA area
presents freezes the newborn sun on the wall and wraps customers in a warm and
gentle environment. And it also makes customers have a relaxing mood gradually.
Outdoor Hot Spring Area
灯光勾勒出泡池的轮廓,仿佛置身于一个神秘而美丽的世外桃源。夜晚,星星点点的灯光点缀着整个区域,营造出浪漫而迷人的氛围。The light describes the figure of pool and makes
people feel like being in a mysterious and beautiful paradise. At night, starry
light decorates the whole area and creates a romantic and charming atmosphere.
Here, light is not only the tool of lighting but
also the expression way of art and emotion, bringing the double enjoyment of
vision and spirit. Light becomes the soul of space, making people immerse in
the wonderful light and shadow and leave happy memories.©北京海德汤泉休闲酒店管理有限公司