业 主:上海锦和投资集团有限公司
Client: Shanghai Golden Union Investment Group C0. Ltd
Architect: HBA
Interior Design: HBA
Lighting Design Team: Jason Yang, Renyu zhou, Tina wang, Ada Xiang, Zhenhua Zhang
项目介绍(Project Instruction)
中国的第二家THE CHEDI安岚-坐落在浙江素有“江南小桂林”美誉的新昌穿岩十九峰风景名胜区旁,“CHEDI”来源于梵语“冥想的地方” 旨在找到内心的平静。
The second “THE CHEDI” in China is located in Xinchang, which is called “Guilin in Jiangnan”, close to Chuanyan Nineteen Peak Scenic Area. “CHEDI” originates from the Sanskrit word for "place of meditation" and is designed to help people find their inner peace.
安岚的选址一直尤为独到 ,项目的整体布局与当地地理环境紧密相依,背倚陡峭的山石,面朝潺潺的韩妃江。夜幕降临,伴随着光影,开启一场人文与自然的对话,让身体与心灵进行一次深度的邂逅。栖于江畔的每栋别墅都拥有全景落地窗和独立露台。低照度、低色温的光营造静谧悠然的度假光环境,让宾客远离嘈杂的都市的同时,心灵重归安宁。
The location of THE CHEDI is always specific. The whole layout is closely related to the local geographical environment, leaning against the steep rocks and facing the murmuring Hanfei River. As night falls, along with light and shadow, a dialogue between humanity and nature is opened, allowing the body and mind to have a deep encounter. Each villa perched on the riverside has panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows and an independent terrace. Light with low illumination and low color temperature creates a peaceful and relaxing resort light environment, allowing guests to get away from the noisy city while regaining peace of mind.
入口 ©携程
温暖的光色及立面上显著的入口标识THE CHEDI,形成了客人到达后对酒店的第一视觉观感。特色的遮顶及侧亭的框景,将韩妃江,穿岩峰的自然形态纳入眼中。两翼低位且呈现序列感的灯光在客人缓步进门后,让心情逐渐放缓下来的同时形成了入住酒店的仪式感。
The warm light color and the prominent entrance sign THE CHEDI on the façade form the first visual perception of the hotel upon the guests' arrival. Featured roof covering and frame view of the side pavilion makes the natural state of Hanjiang River and Chuanyan Peak come into the eyes. The low and sequential lighting of the two wings creates a sense of ritual when guests walk through the door, gradually relaxing the mood and creating a sense of ritual for the hotel.
The interior layout of the lobby is open and inviting, and the materials are mainly made of wood and warm colors. Matching with freehand and flexible artworks and decorative chandeliers, the gentle and layered lights restore the modern Chinese spatial pattern and atmosphere.
宴客厅 ©携程
宴客厅 ©携程
Although resort-themed hotel banquet halls usually do not need to be similar to the standard business five-star hotel in the city for complex scenes, lighting design still considers most scenes of meeting and banquet synthetically. The combination of dark herringbone roof and starry decorative lights forms a dignified but romantic feeling of the space.
Taking the ladder to the top of the mountain, and the trestle lighting full of rituals will guide the guests into the "Ta Yun Xuan" of Yunding Restaurant. Most public areas use the design of large floor-to-ceiling glass, framing the picturesque scenery of the mountains and forests to achieve the effect of drawing the scenery into the room, making guests feel as if they were dining in the valley. The light uses the combination of layered and atmospheric diffuse light and decorative lighting more instead of the use of direct light, creating a sense of space instead of emphasizing the horizontal illumination.
The mock-wooden structure of the Star Auditorium, with its panoramic floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall and skylight, creates a romantic space. Facade lighting highlights the beauty of the structure on the top of the building. The decorative floor lamp arranges orderly and the floating step light leads guests entering the hall, which is full of a sense of ceremony.
弧线型的挑高房梁设计,视觉上增大了屋内的空间面积。 客房大面积的全景落地窗让山景的葱郁映入房间。灯光结合房梁及立面的构造,将灯光更多的隐蔽其中。隐约中透出的一抹透出的光色,犹如天际间洒下,让宾客在隐世之境重拾平静。
The large panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows of the guest room allow the lushness of the mountain view to be reflected into the room. The lighting is combined with the construction of the room beams and façade to conceal more light in them. A faint light theme like the rain falling, letting guests collect peace again in seclusion.
The intermountain bamboo and wood conceal in the cliff and valley. Appreciate the river, make a pot of tea and chat with close friends, and you will feel the peaceful world. The slow pace of life makes us enjoy our own relaxing time!
摄影师:ZiL ArchVisual
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