Bjarke Ingels
BIG 建筑事务所创始人和创意总监,作品赢得多项国际建筑奖项,在多所全球顶尖大学授课。
Bjarke Ingels × Lin Fanyu
Architecture Talk
活动时间 TIME
纽约时间:2025年1月22日 20:00
Wed, Jan 22, 2025, 8pm ET
北京时间:2025年1月23日 9:00
Thur, Jan 23, 2025, 9am GMT+8
92nd Street Y, New York / Online
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Bjarke Ingels 是我们这个时代最有远见的建筑师之一,也是 BIG 建筑事务所的创始人。BIG 有许多知名作品,比如 2010 年上海世博会的丹麦馆、荣获世界建筑节最佳住宅建筑奖(World Architecture Festival Award)的 Mountain Dwellings,以及斩获美国建筑师协会荣誉奖(AIA Honor Award)的丹麦海事博物馆(Danish Maritime Museum)。
Bjarke Ingels is one of the most visionary architect of our time and the founder of BIG Architects, whose acclaimed work includes the Danish Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Mountain Dwellings, which won the World Architecture Festival Award for Best Residential Building, and the Danish Maritime Museum, which won the AIA Honor Award.
BIG 建筑事务所部分作品
Bjarke Ingels 的设计总是呈现出一种精妙、新颖的视觉形式,这些视觉效果常常成为建筑项目最外在、最直观的特质,哪怕是对建筑并不熟悉的观众,也能一眼感受到其中的创新和惊艳。然而,这种形式语言并不是追逐风格的产物,而是源于他创新性解决方案的内在需求。正是解决实际问题的设计逻辑,才要求建筑呈现出这样的外观或结构。形式是回应现实问题的结果,而非起点,背后蕴含的是明确的设计逻辑。
Bjarke Ingels’ designs are defined by a striking yet subtle visual language, instantly recognizable for their bold innovation, even to non-experts. However, this is not about aesthetics alone. His forms arise from the demands of solving real-world problems. Each design reflects a clear logic, where form follows function, responding directly to practical challenges.
The Twist,「扭桥」博物馆,位于挪威基斯特福斯雕塑公园,连接河谷两岸,以其中心处90度的扭转闻名,形成一个既是桥梁又是博物馆的独特空间。
对 Ingels 来说,建筑要解决问题。建筑像是一种政治实践,它不光决定人们的生活环境,也具备影响和塑造社会的能力。这个理念是他所有设计思维与作品的起点。在这个理念的影响之下,他对冲突抱持一种开放、接纳的态度,总是尝试满足各方需求——这是“Yes Man”这个称号的由来。
For Ingels, architecture is a tool for solving problems. It shapes not just physical spaces but also influences society. This belief drives his inclusive attitude toward conflict, striving to balance the needs of all stakeholders—a mindset that earned him the nickname "Yes Man."
这带来的影响是,当面对看似矛盾的需求时, 他的做法不是回避或简化。既然旧有方法都失效,那就只能寻找新的解法。冲突的局面被转化为一个设计课题,建筑师要做的,是通过设计实现看似不可能的整合,然后为现实问题提供解决方案。
Instead of avoiding or simplifying contradictions, Ingels reframes them as design challenges. When conventional methods fail, new solutions emerge. Conflict, for him, becomes an opportunity for innovation, where design integrates diverse demands into cohesive solutions.
The DryLine 是 BIG 为纽约市设计的一个抗洪方案。它也被称为 The BIG U,项目核心是一个贯穿曼哈顿下城的「保护带」,从西侧哈德逊河沿线出发,绕过南端到东河,形成一个“U”形,总长约10英里(16公里)。项目不仅是一个防洪系统,还兼顾公园、公共空间和社区活动场所功能,防洪设施被巧妙融入社区建筑中,不破坏城市景观。
Copenhill 位于丹麦哥本哈根,基本功能是一座垃圾焚烧发电厂,它是全球最清洁的垃圾焚烧厂之一,发电过程中几乎不排放任何污染。巨大的斜屋顶被设计成一个滑雪场,外立面是全球最高的人工攀岩墙。这个项目是全球可持续建筑和功能混合利用的标杆案例。
Oceanix City 就是 BIG 在住房问题上的一次新尝试。这是一座模块化、可持续的浮动城市,由 BIG 和联合国人居署共同发布,以应对气候变化和海平面上升带来的威胁。Oceanix City 由六边形漂浮模块组成,模块之间通过柔性连接器连接,既能规模化生产,也能根据水域条件灵活调整。这个城市系统强调「绝对可持续性」,雨水收集、湿度调节、日照利用、农业生产和废弃物处理等各种元素都需要纳入考虑,以便打造一个闭环的人造生态系统。
Oceanix City is BIG’s bold response to housing challenges. Jointly unveiled with UN-Habitat, it tackles the threats of climate change and rising sea levels.
Built on hexagonal floating modules linked by flexible connections, the city is scalable and adaptable to different water conditions. Each module operates autonomously, integrating rainwater collection, solar energy, food production, and waste management into a self-sustaining ecosystem. Oceanix City reimagines urban living as a system that balances human needs with ecological harmony.
Oceanix City 原型设计。一个漂浮模块预计可以居住 300 人,通过连接浮岛,可以扩展至最多容纳 100000 人的小型城市。
在 Ingels 的理念里,建筑需要跟真实生活发生关系。为了跟随 Enric Miralles 学习,他主动前往巴塞罗那,但是却选择中途退学,因为他对 Enric Miralles 的教学感到失望:「我完全无法理解这些东西如何与现实生活产生联系。我感觉自己身处一个与外界完全隔绝的泡沫中。」
For Ingels, architecture must connect with real life. Motivated to study under Enric Miralles, he moved to Barcelona but eventually dropped out, finding the teaching disconnected from reality: “I couldn’t understand how any of that related to real life. I was inside a bubble that was completely disassociated with the rest of the world.”
Flugt,丹麦难民博物馆,坐落于二战期间丹麦最大的难民营旧址,曾容纳约 30000 名德国难民。项目在两座原有建筑之间添加弯曲的耐候钢结构,形成 1600 平方米的展览空间。
This resonates with Lin Fanyu, the interviewer of this conversation. Lin is an artist, entrepreneur, and contributing writer for the Chinese edition of Financial Times, where she interviews influential business and cultural leaders, producing articles and audio pieces on global leadership, art, and business. Her multifaceted career is the result of deliberate choice.
林凡榆毕业于哥伦比亚大学建筑研究生院,哥大的教学环境注重实验性研究和跨学科合作,这令凡榆十分兴奋,但她也逐渐发现学院体系的局限——学院系统不可避免地强调专业细分,因此才需要提出跨学科这样的概念来模拟真实生活,而纽约恰恰是一个巨大的活跃的、以真实生活为场域的跨学科实验场,而这与 Ingels 的理念不谋而合。
Graduating from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Lin was inspired by its experimental and interdisciplinary focus. However, she soon recognized academia’s limits, where over-specialization made “interdisciplinary” a buzzword. In contrast, New York City—dynamic, ever-evolving, and grounded in real life—became her experimental ground for turning ideas into action. This decision echoes Ingels’ philosophy of stepping outside the “bubble” to engage with the complexities of reality.
此次对谈将在纽约的 92NY 举行,从住房解决方案到城市变革、再到未来星际生活的畅想,Ingels 和林凡榆将共同探讨设计如何改变生活,并以创新思维应对当代复杂问题。
This conversation, hosted at 92NY, will explore how design transforms lives—from housing solutions and urban innovation to visions of interstellar living. Ingels and Lin will discuss how creative thinking addresses contemporary challenges. Join us on [Wed, Jan 22, 2025, 8 pm ET] in New York, or tune in via live stream. For details and tickets, visit the 92NY event page.
Bjarke Ingels
BIG 建筑事务所创始人和创意总监,作品赢得多项国际建筑奖项,在多所全球顶尖大学授课。
Bjarke Ingels × Lin Fanyu
Architecture Talk
活动时间 TIME
纽约时间:2025年1月22日 20:00
Wed, Jan 22, 2025, 8pm ET
北京时间:2025年1月23日 9:00
Thur, Jan 23, 2025, 9am GMT+8
92nd Street Y, New York / Online
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