社群这周读的依然是本简单小书,Matt Haig 的 The Comfort Book。篇幅短语言简单,除了小作文和名言警句,还有书单、歌单、影单、菜谱......可以像刷朋友圈样读。 这本书读起来可能会觉得又水又啰嗦,有些地方我读着也腻于是就跳过去。我很理解作者为什么会写这样一本书。如果你也写过一些内容,也曾对陌生人 pour out your heart,就知道这很难得。 「Words are seeds.Language is a way back to life.」 这些年我写过上万条小作文,有的是英语学习,更多是某一刻的感悟。我也有顾虑觉得不好意思,心想这样的分享会不会尴尬?是不是太矫情啦?至于吗? 然而最终我还是把它们写了出来。那些你觉得被感动的句子,很多是我哭着写出来的,这是我的相信也是我的幸福。 「Words don't capture,they release.」
那些让你感到安慰的文字,只是作者的自我鼓励罢了,警惕那些「活得通透」的人,没有了迷茫也没了灵魂。 那些至暗时刻没那么可怕,反倒是这黑夜让我们感到希望,找到对自己来说最重要的东西。 「The best thing about rock bottom is the rock part.You discover the solid bit of you.」 最后摘抄几句书中的内容。道理没多么特别,听了很多次也说了很多次。同样一句话,换了个说法就多了种角度,看到了更多角度自然会开始行动。 1️⃣ We are the subject in the sentence. 2️⃣ Each moment is a brush stroke in a painting—let’s say a painting of a river—which, when we stand back, can be rather beautiful. 3️⃣ Don’t absorb criticism from people you wouldn’t go to for advice. 4️⃣ Be humble because you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars. 5️⃣ Happiness occurs when you forget who you’re expected to be. And what you’re expected to do. Happiness is an accident of self-acceptance. 6️⃣ If you truly feel part of a bigger picture,if you can see yourself in other people and nature,if this you becomes something biggerthan the individual you,then you never truly depart the world when you die. You exist as long as life exists.Because the life you feel inside you is part of the same life force that exists in every living thing. 7️⃣ You don’t stop the rain by telling it to stop. Sometimes you just have to let it pour,let it soak you to your skin. It never rains forever. And know that, however wet you get, you are not the rain. You are not the bad feelings in your head. You are the person experiencing the storm. 🔄 我们是一切的容器, 可以这样感受也可以那样想。去阅读写作去倾听感受,用自己的方式去看见和相信。We are all part of something bigger. Be curious.Don't be defined.Allow fuck-ups.Say yes to the things that help you live. 🔗 📖读了本治愈忧郁的小书 📖一本语言有趣的职场小书❤️我最近也感到一阵焦虑✏️“你为什么天天在朋友圈写小作文?”