
文摘   2024-12-18 18:32   北京  



具体来说,范围一是指直接温室气体排放,即排放产生自一家公司拥有或控制的排放源;范围二是指电力产生的间接温室气体排放,是核算一家企业所消耗的外购电力产生的温室气体排放;范围三是指其他间接温室气体排放,是一家公司活动的结果, 但并不是产生于该公司拥有或控制的排放源。

近期,碳核算金融合作伙伴关系(Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials,PCAF)正在尝试开发一种面向范围四排放的新方法,即对“避免排放”进行报告和核算。



作为由行业主导的合作伙伴关系组织,PCAF的成员包括560多家金融机构。PCAF制定的碳核算方法已成为衡量和披露与贷款和投资相关的排放,即“融资排放”(financed emissions),以及资本市场交易,即“促进排放”(financed emissions)的黄金标准。

尽管全球公认的温室气体核算体系(GHG Protocol)在其《企业价值链(范围三)核算与报告标准》的第9.5节中提到了“避免排放”,并将其定义为“企业范围一、范围二和范围三清单之外的温室气体减排机会”,但目前还没有关于“避免排放”核算的官方标准。





此外,PCAF还在就新兴的“前瞻性排放”(forward-looking emissions)指标征求意见,并就其提出的量化“预期减排量”(expected emissions reductions, EER)的两个具体方案中的首选方法征求反馈意见。格拉斯哥净零金融联盟(GFANZ)曾在去年提出“预期减排量”方案,用于衡量转型融资活动的脱碳贡献。

第一种方法是建立排放基线,计算到某一年预期实现的绝对排放量。第二种方法是使用反事实情景(a counterfactual scenario)来估算预期排放量,类似于“预期避免排放量”指标。

在依赖化石燃料的亚洲地区,围绕有序淘汰煤炭(managed phase-out of coal)的讨论日益增多。上个月,印度尼西亚新任总统Prabowo Subianto承诺到2040年全面淘汰化石燃料,不过金融家们对印尼目前在全国范围内推广首个煤炭提前退役项目的成效表示怀疑。

去年10月,GFANZ亚太地区网络总监Yuki Yasui表示,迄今为止评估脱碳进展的主要指标——融资排放,可能没有充分考虑到融资转型活动的减排效果。





去年7月,全球最大的、资产规模约为1.59万亿美元的养老金基金——日本政府养老金投资基金(GPIF)委托美国数据提供商洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange)估算其在三个投资组合领域的避免排放量,包括零排放车辆、公用事业以及铜和镍等矿产。



Climate accounting body proposes inaugural standard for Scope 4 emissions

The new Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials guidance goes beyond the dominant financed emissions metric and could be used to quantify avoided emissions from financing the early phase-out of coal, which has gained momentum in Asia.

Nearly a decade after the concept was first coined, the financial sector is taking a stab at developing a new methodology for reporting “avoided emissions”, also known as Scope 4 emissions.

Up until 28 February 2025, the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) will be consulting on its inaugural guidance to expand avoided emissions reporting to all asset classes, beyond renewable power projects which such reporting was previously restricted to. 

The industry-led body counts over 560 financial institutions among its members and has emerged as the gold standard for measuring and disclosing emissions associated with loans and investments, also referred to as “financed emissions” as well as capital markets transactions, or “facilitated emissions”.

Currently, no official standards for avoided emissions accounting exist, though the globally recognised Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) has referenced the term in Section 9.5 of its corporate value chain – or Scope 3 –standard and defined it as “GHG reduction opportunities [that] lie beyond a company’s Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 inventories”.

Scope 4 emissions represent avoided emissions that arise from the use of one product or service, compared to higher-emitting alternatives in the existing market. Examples may include using wind turbines or solar panels, instead of fossil fuel power plants; LED bulbs, instead of incandescent bulbs, or an online meeting software, instead of business travel.

In its standard, GHG Protocol acknowledged that some of the Scope 4 accounting challenges include determining an appropriate baseline scenario for selecting the technologies to compare, avoiding “cherry picking” – so both emissions increases and decreases across the entire product portfolio are accounted for – and avoiding double counting of reductions between multiple entities in a value chain.

For financial institutions, PCAF has identified two distinct ways that financed avoided emissions can be calculated and attributed. 

The first is on an entity level, through general corporate instruments, like loans and investments in a company selling solar energy or meat replacement products. The second is on a project level, through specific use-of-proceeds instruments, such as a green bond investment in energy efficiency measures in real estate or a direct investment to close down a fossil fuel power plant.

PCAF is also seeking comments on emerging forward-looking emissions metrics and getting feedback on the preferred approach between two specific options it has put forth for quantifying “expected emissions reductions” (EER), which the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) introduced last year to measure the decarbonisation contribution of transition finance activities.


The first option is to establish an emissions baseline to calculate the expected absolute emissions to be achieved by a certain year. The second option is to use a counterfactual scenario to estimate the expected emissions, which makes it akin to an “expected avoided emissions” metric.

The concept of EER has particularly gained momentum in Asia – discussions around the managed phase-out of coal have increasingly taken place in the fossil fuel-reliant region. Just last month, Indonesia’s new president Prabowo Subianto pledged to fully phase out fossil fuels by 2040, though financiers have cast doubt on current efforts to scale its first early coal retirement project nationwide.

Last October, Yuki Yasui, the regional director of the GFANZ Asia Pacific network, said that financed emissions – the dominant metric for evaluating progress on decarbonisation to date – may not sufficiently account for emissions reduction from financing transition activities.

“If you are financing the managed phase-out of coal, you would be bringing more financed emissions into your portfolio and it doesn’t look good,” Yasui said at a launch event where Singapore’s central bank launched new transition planning guidelines. This is even though a bank’s intention for financing such a transaction is to bring future emissions down, she added.

Yasui said that some investors have already started using portfolio alignment metrics, which track how aligned their financing activities are with a Paris Agreement-aligned pathway. This was also one of PCAF’s recommendations related to how financial institutions may disaggregate financed emissions according to portfolio characteristics liike green finance, transition finance, managed phase-out or alignment with an international net-zero framework.

Examples illustrating how disaggregated disclosure can help financial institutions show that even though certain transition-related investments have a high emissions intensity, they could be expected to decrease. Source: PCAF

Last July, Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) – the world’s largest pension fund, with an estimated US$1.59 trillion in assets – commissioned the United States-based data provider Intercontinental Exchange to estimate its avoided emissions across three portfolio sectors, including zero emission vehicles, utilities and mined minerals like copper and nickel.

The resulting analysis found that the mined minerals industry had the potential to increase avoided emissions at the highest relative pace by 2030, given that it supports other decarbonisation solutions like solar and wind energy, battery storage and electric vehicles.


封面图源:Gabrielle See

翻译/韩迪  编辑/吕雅宁   

审核/汪燕辉 吕雅宁  排版/包林洁






宜减煤 Farewell Coal