ESG与项目管理:成果的力量——IPMA副主席Vladimir Obradović2024大连演讲精要(附PPT,可下载收藏)

文摘   2024-10-31 17:30   陕西  


本文分享IPMA副主席、IPMA塞尔维亚分会主席Vladimir Obradović的演讲精要,其演讲题目是“可持续发展、环境、社会和治理与项目管理——成果的力量”(Sustainability, ESG and Project Management —The Resultant Force)。



可持续发展、环境、社会和治理原则以及项目管理的融合需要全面的检查和整合,以造福社会。20世纪70年代,科学家们开始告诫人们不要过度消耗资源,强调资源的有限性及其对世界的影响。随着 “地球超载日 ”一年年提前到来,我们必须采取新的方法,防止为今天的目的而消耗明天的资源,无论其理由如何。


In recent years, the concept of sustainability has grown to have a crucial position in contemporary business. Despite the topic's longstanding presence, the escalating need for food, water, and energy, along with increasing consumption of natural resources, emphasises the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. 

Organisations increasingly align their efforts to promote sustainable practices, making project management essential in coordinating these initiatives. In selecting a project, program, or portfolio, one must not solely consider conservative factors such as strategic alignment and the iron triangle, among other criteria. We must transition from project success to project value. 

The convergence of sustainability, ESG principles, and project management requires comprehensive examination and integration for societal benefit. In the 1970s, scientists began to caution against the overconsumption of resources, emphasising their limited limits and the consequent impact on the world. As Earth Overshoot Day occurs more earlier each year, we must adopt new methods to prevent the consumption of tomorrow's resources for today's purposes, regardless of the justification. 

The International Project Management Association has prioritised theoretical and practical advancements in sustainable project management. As an internationally recognised leader in project management, IPMA has established a standard for sustainability in project management that assists project managers, projects, and organisations in reengineering their processes to enhance operational sustainability. By integrating sustainability concepts with environmental, governmental, and societal factors alongside optimal project management approaches in an honest manner, we will provide a powerful impetus for advancing our society towards genuine sustainable development.

IPMA副主席Vladimir Obradović 2024大连演演讲PPT.pdf

Vladimir Obradović ,项目管理和组织能力建设方面经验丰富的专业人士。作为专家和顾问,他为政府、公共组织、非政府组织和盈利组织工作了 15 年以上。他是国际项目管理协会(IPMA)副主席、国际项目管理协会塞尔维亚分会主席以及贝尔格莱德大学组织科学学院管理跨学科研究系主任。

他在教学和研究工作中取得了丰硕成果:在国内和国际会议及期刊上发表了 200 多篇论文(其中 20 多篇被 Web of Science 索引),并出版了 20 多部著作和章节。他曾多次发表主题演讲和特邀演讲。

他曾担任多个计划和科学委员会的主席或成员。Vladimir Obradović 拥有丰富的科研工作经验,他是《欧洲项目管理期刊》的主编、《国际项目管理期刊》的国际编委,以及《项目领导与社会》和《信息技术与学习工具》期刊的编委。

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