Kuaishou Technology
(1024 HK)
24Q3E review: core business grew steadily and external ads growth surpassed expectations
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投資要點/Investment Thesis
投資要點/Investment Thesis
2024Q3,公司其他服務收入同比增長17.5%至42億元,快手電商GMV同比增長15.1%,達到人民幣3342億元。供給端來看,2024Q3快手電商月均動銷商家數量同比增長超過40%,其中新入駐快手的商家數量同比增長超過30%,這主要得益於公司持續推動「斗金計劃」「啟航計劃」和「扶遊計劃」等新商家策略;需求端來看,2024Q3快手電商月活躍買家數同比增長12.2%至1.33億,環比有所提升,這得益於公司圍繞新使用者的成長階段設計了多元化的營銷玩法;展望Q4,我們認為隨著公司商城場景逐步推進,泛貨架GMV佔比持續超大盤增長(2024Q3 GMV佔比為27%以上),預計全年GMV同比增速有望達18%。
Media data, ecommerce and local services helped drive advertising revenue from external clients in the third quarter. With the core businesses tracking a steady revenue uptrend, we reckon investors might want to watch for any shifts in profit margin trends. We maintain our BUY call on the stock.
The gist: BUY
· 24Q3E adjusted net profit up 24%; both revenue and profit were in line
· Ecommerce: seasonal dip in content GMV; pan-shelf GMV set to rise steadily
· Online marketing services: external ads up strongly; internal ads stable
24Q3E highlights: adjusted net profit up 24%; both revenue and profit were in line
Key metrics: Kuaishou Technology’s unaudited 24Q3E results showed it generated revenue of RMB31.1bn, up 11.4% yoy, and gross profit of RMB16.9bn, a yoy increase of 17%, while adjusted net profit rose handsomely by 24.4% yoy to RMB3.9bn.
Expense management:
· Sales and marketing expenses increased 15.9% yoy to RMB10.4bn in the quarter, equivalent to one-third of revenue, mostly due to promotional activities.
· R&D expenses increased 4.5% yoy to RMB3.1 bn, equivalent to 10% of revenue, much of it from employee welfare benefits.
· Administrative expenses, however, shrank 11.4% yoy.
Key takeaway: Kuaishou’s core revenue is tracking a steady uptrend and we suggest that investors watch for changes in profit margin trends.
User traffic: new DAU record in Q3; both DAUs and duration ticked up yoy
408m DAUs: the Kuaishou app averaged 408m daily active users, a new record, while it drew 714m monthly active users in 24Q3, yoy increases of 5.4% and 4.3%. Each DAU clocked 132.2 minutes in daily usage time on average, 7.3% longer yoy.
Outlook: we believe the company will keep drilling down per-user acquisition and retention costs, and we expect user acquisition ROI will continue to tick upward ahead.
Online marketing services: external ads up strongly; internal ads pacing steadily
External ads: Kuaishou generated RMB17.6bn revenue from online marketing services in 24Q3E, up 20% yoy, driven mainly by external clients. Its external ads industry profile showed strong growth in markets like media data, ecommerce platforms and local services. The company launched differentiated ad placements with diverse scenarios in the Universal Auto X (UAX) segment in Q3, which led UAX to account for about half of its external clients’ total marketing budget.
Internal ads: the number of merchants with active sales and investments in Kuaishou’s closed-loop advertising increased more than 50% yoy in 24Q3.
Outlook: we expect the external advertising business would maintain strong growth in Q4E, while internal ads would likely grow in step with GMV growth.
Ecommerce: seasonal dip in content GMV; pan-shelf GMV set to rise steadily
Key metrics: ecommerce GMV rose 15.1% yoy to RMB334.2bn. Kuaishou accounts ecommerce under its “Other services” segment, which generated revenue of RMB4.2bn in 24Q3E, up 17.5% yoy.
Supply: the number of monthly active merchant in Kuaishou’s ecommerce business rose more than 40% yoy on average in 24Q3, among which the number of new merchants rose more than 30% yoy. This was mainly due to the company’s strategic initiatives to woo new merchants, such as Golden Bounty, Set Sail and Uplift.
Demand: Kuaishou’s newly-designed diverse-marketing strategy harnesses new ecommerce users’ growth value and it drew 133m monthly active buyers in 24Q3, up 12.2% yoy, while also increasing on a qoq basis.
Outlook: as the company’s mall scenarios gain traction, we expect pan-shelf GMV will increase its share of total GMV in 24Q4E (from over-27% in 24Q3), while we anticipate 18% GMV growth for 2024E.
Livestreams: more guilds and anchors sign on; new products gain traction
Key metrics: revenue from livestreams amounted to RMB9.3bn in 24Q3E, down 3.9% yoy, while the qoq decline trend narrowed. The number of guilds and institutions signed to the platform rose 40% yoy and it signed over-60% yoy more anchors as of end-Q3.
Drivers: Kuaishou increased livestream collaborations within its ecosystem. For instance, the Kwai Hire show nearly doubled yoy the number of resume submissions daily on average, while its job-matching rate increased more than 20% yoy.
Outlook: we believe Kuaishou will keep optimizing its livestream ecosystem through innovative product formats like Kwai Hire and Ideal Housing to better fulfill user demand across a variety of scenarios.
Foreign markets: ROI-driven strategy; focus on monetization in major regions
Key metrics: revenue from international markets increased 104.1% yoy to RMB1.33bn in 24Q3E, while operating loss of RMB153m represented a 75.9% yoy improvement.
Factors: Kuaishou made breakthroughs in user growth, customer acquisition channel innovations and user processes. DAUs in Brazil increased 9.7% yoy, while DAU time spent increased 4.2% on average in the quarter.
Outlook: under the company’s ROI-growth foreign market model, we believe it will direct resources to countries with a more concentrated user base and mature ecosystem, so as to drive better monetization.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
Forecast and risks
Taking into account Kuaishou’s external ad growth rate exceeded expectations in Q3E, we expect revenue to come in at RMB127.1bn/140.7bn and adjusted net profit at RMB17.6bn/21.6bn in 2024/25E. We maintain our BUY rating.
風險提示:快手用戶規模和時長增長不及預期;直播內容審核趨嚴; 電商付費用戶規模以及復購率提升不及預期;海外業務拓展及商業化變現不及預期。
Risks include: lower-than-expected user numbers and user time spent; tightening regulations on online entertainment formats like livestreams and on the content itself; slower scale-up of paying ecommerce users and lower-than-expected repurchasing rates; and lower-than-expected international market expansion and monetization.
Email: research@tfisec.com
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