Li Ning
(2331 HK)
Li Ning gains access to sea of opportunities as the new Olympic sportswear partner of Team China
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投資要點/Investment Thesis
投資要點/Investment Thesis
Li Ning is set to expand mindshare as Team China’s sportswear partner for the Olympics gains myriad growth opportunities for the next 4 years. And the brand’s first dedicated youth pro-sports store in Wuhan taps an emerging new premium market. We maintain our BUY call.
The gist: BUY
·Lucrative opportunities: Team China’s Olympic sportswear partner 2025-28
·Widening brand appeal: sporting spirit at the crux of consumer engagement
·Premium proposition: Li Ning’s first professional youth sports store in Wuhan
Lucrative opportunities for Team China’s Olympic sportswear partner for 2025-28
Professional sports: Li Ning China has been chosen to be the official sportswear partner of the Chinese Olympic Committee and the Chinese delegation for the 4 years over 2025-28, the Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange announced on 15 Jan 2025.
Sports DNA: we attribute Li Ning’s leading position in the sportswear market to its tripartite core strategy of bestsellers, diverse categories and an omnichannel business. And the company is also driving through a seven-pronged business overhaul to flesh out its sports DNA and fine-tune its professional sports positioning: (1) greater product matrix diversity; (2) better tech-led R&D and (3) ecommerce; (4) retail and (5) supply chain efficiencies, as well as (6) closed-loop consumer market operations and (7) a personnel system reform.
Coverage of key markets: Li Ning leverages sports industry insights and diverse category knowhow to harness R&D-driven tech innovations to cover five core markets: (1) running, (2) basketball, (3) fitness, (4) badminton and (5) a sports lifestyle. The company continually keeps up with product upgrades and consumer experience refinements to ensure that its expanding business continues to sustain long-term growth.
Brand proposition: sporting spirit at the crux of brand-consumer engagement
Public engagement: Li Ning’s new role as sportswear partner for the Chinese Olympic team adds cachet in its ambition to become a world-class pro-sports brand interpreting Chinese sports fashion for global recognition. The company participated extensively in national sporting events in 2024 to support the country’s sports market development. While athletes were served with advanced-tech sports products, event personnel and consumers were also given a taste of its sturdy and user-friendly professional sports equipment.
In My Name campaign: the company launched the In My Name campaign in 2024 to invite every consumer to become the protagonist of their own sports story through the Li Ning sporting spirit and brand proposition. Top athletes and national gold medalists told their stories alongside KOLs from various sports categories. The campaign highlighted Li Ning’s professionalism and tech strength through attractively-displayed themed collections in the end-market. We believe this consumer engagement enriched Li Ning’s brand proposition and helped the company expand mindshare.
Professional youth sports: first youth store in Wuhan adds a premium proposition
Li Ning opened its first Youth Sports store in Wuhan on 18 Jan 2025 in a new store format specially designed for consumers aged 13 to 18. The store retails professional sports products through a pleasant user experience. The inaugural store marks the premiumization of the brand’s products for young sports consumers and expansion of its brand matrix. The brand’s strategic buildout in the field of youth sports demonstrates insightful execution, in our view, and augurs well for the development of youth sports in China, as well as Li Ning’s own potential as a key market player.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
我們維持盈利預測,預計公司24-26年收入分別為284億人民幣、298億人民幣、318億人民幣; 24-26年歸母凈利潤分別為31億人民幣、35億人民幣以及40億人民幣; 24-26年EPS分別為1.2元人民幣、1.4元人民幣以及1.5元人民幣; PE分別為12x、10X以及9X。
Valuation and risks
We maintain our forecast for revenue of RMB28.4bn/29.8bn/31.8bn and net profit of RMB3.1bn/3.5bn/4.0bn in 2024/25/26E; implying EPS of RMB1.2/1.4/1.5, with our PE at 12x/10x/9x. We maintain our BUY rating on the stock.
風險提示:原材料及人工價格波動、環保要求穩步提升影響公司毛利; 新品銷量不及預期; 渠道鋪設及市場滲透不及預期; 行業競爭格局激化等。
Risks include: deepening gross profit impact from raw material and labor cost fluctuations, and tightening environmental protection requirements; new products generating lower sales than expected; slower channel buildup and market penetration than expected; and an increasingly competitive landscape.
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