PDD Holdings
24Q3E takeaways: PDD focused on investments to drive sustainable development and sharpen competitive edge
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投資要點/Investment Thesis
投資要點/Investment Thesis
公司公佈24Q3業績。2024Q3公司營業收入同比增長44%至994億元; 拆分來看,公司24Q3營銷服務收入為493.5億元,同比增長24%; 交易服務收入同比增長72%至500億元,公司指出Q3營收增速主要受競爭加劇和內部投入加大等因素影響; 公司24Q3可比調整后凈利潤同比增長61%至274.6億元,低於彭博一致預期,Non-GAAP凈利率為27.6%。
收入端來看,公司24Q3營銷服務收入同比增長24%,增速同環比均有所放緩,交易服務收入同增72%,我們預計公司增速有所放緩主要系宏觀消費疲軟疊加公司減免商家多項費用,免除偏遠地區訂單的中轉費用,或部分拖累主站佣金收入。利潤端來看,考慮到公司受限於3P業務模式,國補政策對公司助力有限,公司或加大補貼以維持相關商品的價格優勢; 同時,考慮到行業激烈競爭,公司或加大投入以維繫增長,因此公司短期利潤端或承壓。我們認為公司加大投入應對行業激烈競爭,短期或部分影響貨幣化率,短期利潤端或承壓,長期來看,我們認為加大投入有利於為消費者提供更好的產品和服務,同時也可以部分緩和商家和平台的緊張關係,有利於平台長期健康發展,我們認為從長期角度公司仍具備強競爭力。
With its sights set on long-term growth, PDD continues to strengthen its partnerships with high-performing merchants and building up its platform ecosystem. Meanwhile, it is steadily expanding its international footprint and implementing a semi-managed model. We maintain our BUY call.
The gist: BUY
·24Q3E revenue up 44% yoy to RMB99.35bn
·PDD invested into supporting quality sellers, improve platform ecosystem
·Temu: growing semi-managed business; rising regulatory risks
24Q3E results highlights: Sturdy growth in revenue and profit
PDD released unaudited 24Q3E results recently.
Key metrics: revenue rose 44% yoy to RMB99.35bn; adjusted net profit grew 61% yoy to RMB27.46bn, below the Bloomberg consensus estimate (BBG). Non-GAAP net margin came to 27.6%. The company noted that revenue growth during the quarter was constrained by factors such as intensifying competition and heavier internal investments.
Segmental revenue: online marketing services brought in revenue of RMB49.35bn, up 24% yoy. Revenue from transaction services increased 72% yoy to RMB50bn.
Advertising and ecommerce: revenue growth dampened by fierce competition
Revenue: even though both online marketing and transaction services saw revenues increase yoy, growth slowed in both qoq and yoy terms at online marketing. We attribute the slowdown mainly to weak macro-consumption, as well as the company’s moves to reduce merchant fees and waive transit fees for orders from remote regions, which could have weighed on commission income from its main marketplace.
Profit: PDD operates under a third-party (3P) business model and benefits only partially from China’s subsidy policies, so we reckon the company might increase subsidies to maintain its price advantage in certain products. In addition, stiff competition could prompt it to boost investment to bolster growth, so profits might come under pressure in the short term.
Outlook: in the short term, we believe increasing investment in response to heavy competition could affect monetization rates. However, in the long term, we feel such a move could help provide consumers with better products and services, while promoting healthy development of its platform ecosystem by strengthening its merchant partnerships. Thus, we believe PDD will be able to maintain its strong competitive edge.
Temu: steady growth in semi-managed business; rise in regulatory uncertainties
PDD has been steadily expanding its global market through Temu, its international arm, which has launched in more than 80 countries and regions, according to its official website. The company had launched a semi-custodial management model in North America in March and has since extended it to Europe, Japan, South Korea and other regions. We believe that as contributions from this semi-managed business increase, the company could face an increase in regulatory and policy risks overseas. PDD has stated it will strengthen compliance, build a healthy business environment and pursue sound long-term development for its global business. We believe its investments in the semi-managed model could add some pressure to profits but expect the company would manage losses at its international arm.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
投資建議:考慮到電商行業競爭激烈,公司主站收入增速有所放緩,我們下調公司2024-2025年營業收入分別至3970/4771億元(前值為3990/4863億元),同比增長60%/20%; 考慮到公司加大供給端投入,我們下調2024-2025年Non-GAAP凈利潤至1231/1380億元(前值為1282/1553億元),同比增長81%/12%,對應12月20日收盤價PE分別為8X/7X,維持“買入”評級。
Valuation and risks
Faced with fierce competition in the ecommerce industry, PDD’s main marketplace has seen revenue growth slow down. Hence, we lowered our forecasts for 2024/25E operating profit to RMB397bn/477.1bn (previously RMB399bn/486.3bn), which would mean yoy increases of 60%/20%. Factoring in the company’s increased investment on the supply side, we have lowered non-GAAP net profit forecasts for 2024/25E to RMB123.1bn/138bn (previously RMB128.2bn/155.3 bn), which represent yoy increases of 81%/12%, corresponding to PEs of 8x/7x based on the 20 Dec closing price. We maintain our BUY rating.
風險提示:宏觀經濟不確定性; 行業競爭加劇; 主站收入增速放緩,貨幣化率提升不及預期; 海外業務開展不及預期; 多多買菜業務盈利進度不及預期; 海外監管存在不確定性。
Risks include: macroeconomic uncertainties; intensifying competition; slowing revenue growth and lower-than-expected monetization growth in the China market; international business growth failing to meet expectations; Duoduo Maicai profitability failing to meet expectations; and foreign regulatory uncertainties.
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