HLA Group
(600398 CH)
Tie-up with JD Outlets gains traction with new stores
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投資要點/Investment Thesis
投資要點/Investment Thesis
安陽店位於河南省安陽市北關區彰德路萬意廣場京東奧萊,滕州店位於山東省滕州市荊河中路999號中萬購物中心L2層(大潤發旁); 兩店2024年12月28日試營業,2025年1月1日正式營業。
HLA’s collaboration with the JD group is picking up pace with more physical stores opening to mark the turn of 2025. The menswear producer’s business expansion last year to include discounted big-brand retail demonstrates market awareness. We maintain our BUY call.
The gist: BUY
·JD tie-up: HLA pivots from menswear to discounted big-brand retail model
·New business gains traction with more store openings
·Model: large line-up of affordable and authentic products by big brands
JD tie-up: HLA pivots from menswear to discounted big-brand new retail model
Business pivot: under JD.com’s strategic pact with HLA Group to jointly carry out shop outlet operations, JD Outlets opened their first China offline in Wuxi Heilan Pegasus Aqua City, while launching the official flagship store on JD.com. The collaboration offers consumers quality apparel with convenience, as well as light luxury wear, sports wear and shoes by other big brands.
About the first offline store: the first physical flagship store opened on 25 Sep 2024 and is run by Shanghai Jingxinhai Commercial Development, which is wholly-owned by Shanghai Jinghai Outlets Commercial Development, in which HLA’s wholly-owned subsidiary Shanghai Heilan Home Investment Company owns a 65% stake. The inaugural store in Wuxi Heilan Pegasus City adopts a business model exclusively operated by Heilan Group. The planned area of about 5,000sqm has designated areas for sports shoes and apparel, outdoor wear, men’s and women’s clothing, children’s clothing, light luxury wear, and footwear. The many international brands include Under Armour, adidas, Puma, Lee, Vans and Champion, which it retails at deep discounts.
Two more outlets: Anyang and Tengzhou stores opened for 2025 New Year
Two more stores have opened, with soft openings on 28 Dec 2024 before their official openings on 1 Jan 2025. The Anyang store is located at JD Outlets’ Wanyi Plaza, Zhangde Road, Beiguan District, Anyang City in Henan Province; while the Tengzhou store is located on the second level of Zhongwan Shopping Center at No. 999, Jinghe Middle Road, Tengzhou City, Shandong Province (next to the RT Mart).
Business profile: the key attraction of JD Outlets stores is a multi-brand product line-up offered with discounts. It brings together a multitude of authentic products by big sports brands to provide consumers with convenient and affordable options.
Designated areas: as mentioned, JD Outlets’ key value is in curating deeply cost-effective premium branded products. The layout designates areas for sports and leisure, men’s and women’s clothing, and footwear in a one-stop shopping experience.
Membership: under a new retail model, all JD Outlets products are sold on a membership basis by which members enjoy discounts on all major brand products.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
Valuation and risks
We project EPS will arrive at RMB0.46/0.55/0.62 in 2024/25/26E, corresponding to our PE of 16/13/12x. We maintain our earnings forecast and our BUY rating.
風險提示:專案落地不及預期; 國內需求疲軟; 行業競爭加劇; 庫存積壓。
Risks include: slower project implementation than expected; weak demand in the Chinese market; intensifying competition; and a potential inventory backlog.
Email: research@tfisec.com
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