Man Wah Holdings
(1999 HK)
FY25H1E results show export market growth; company anticipates China market weakness will turn around
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投資要點/Investment Thesis
投資要點/Investment Thesis
其中沙發及配套品收入58億港幣同減6%,其中中國市場收入約33億港元,同減15.6%; 床具及配套品收入12億港幣,同減19%; Home集團業務收入3.7億港幣同增25%。
集團在全球的業務佈局,將使公司面臨未來的不確定環境中具有更穩健的優勢。北美市場目前仍是功能沙發的主要消費市場,目前市場需求良好; 公司訂單增長持續優勢明顯,且歐洲及其他出口市場仍有較大開拓空間。
Moving on from a lackluster fiscal first-half, Man Wah believes a structural demand shift could help turn around the China market. North America is its main market for functional sofas but their appeal is growing in China, while European markets hold much growth potential. We maintain our BUY call.
The gist: BUY
·FY25H1E revenue down 7.4% yoy on sluggish Chinese growth; flat net profit
·Export revenues: N America up 6%; Europe up 38%; Home Group up 25% yoy
·Outlook: functional sofas stable in NA; growth potential in China, Europe
FY25H1E revenue fell 7.4% yoy on sluggish growth in the Chinese market
Man Wah Holdings reported unaudited FY25H1E (the fiscal half-year ended September 2024) results:
·Top line: total revenue arrived at HKD8.5bn, down 7.4% yoy; contributed by:
-Sofas and accessories at HKD5.8bn, down 6% yoy, of which the Chinese market fell 15.6% yoy to HKD3.3bn;
-Beds and accessories at HKD1.2bn, down 19% yoy; while
-Home Group subsidiary generated HKD370m, up 25% yoy.
·Bottom line: net profit was HKD1.14bn, up 0.3% yoy, with net margin at about 13.7% (vs 12.7% a year ago).
China market: SSSg tweaks, better operational standards and financial health
Operations: Man Wah firmed same-store-sales growth and optimized its city store network across China this year in efforts to better navigate the economic and consumer climate. It developed stores in lower-tier cities, while adding cost-effective product line-ups in the first and second-tier cities. It has 7,516 branded stores across China as of 30 Sep 2024 (excluding Style and Suning stores). Branded stores net increased by 280 in the first-half of FY25.
Financial metrics: revenue from the domestic market fell 17.2% yoy to HKD4.98bn (contributing about 60% of total revenue, excluding real estate sales and shopping mall leases and such business); or down 16.8% yoy in RMB terms. Man Wah found it difficult to raise purchaser willingness through either price or product, and met with obstacles in many of its sales strategies. It attributes weak consumption growth to lower consumer confidence than last year.
Policy support: to stimulate consumption, the Chinese government introduced enforceable large-scale subsidy policies for the first time in the furniture industry.
Outlook: management believes demand in the furniture industry “will pick up and recover”. The company also notes its ecommerce business is on a trend of recovery and growth, and expects the Chinese market will reach an inflection point.
Export revenues: North America up 6%; Europe up 38%; Home Group up 25% yoy
Demand recovery: in the first half of FY25, the company took part in exhibitions, added new channels and new customers, reshaped the talent profile of its sales team, and strengthened R&D and upgrade iteration of new products for its export markets. Global market demand and orders recovered strongly as North America sales volume increased about 18%, but ASP fell by about 10% on structural changes as orders for fabric sofas increased and some cost-insurance-freight customers switched to the free-on-board sales model. However, gross margin was not impacted due to lower cost of goods sold.
Segmental revenues:
·North America: HKD2.15bn revenue, up 5.7% yoy.
·Europe and other foreign markets: HKD733m revenue, up 37.7% yoy.
·Home Group: HKD371m revenue, up 24.5% yoy as Man Wah’s Luxembourg-based subsidiary saw increased orders from Europe.
Outlook: functional sofa demand stable in NA; growth potential in China, Europe
Stable NA demand: Man Wah’s global network provides strength and stability advantages in the face of future market uncertainties. North America remains its main consumer market for functional sofas and is currently showing good demand. While the company has a clear edge in terms of sustainable orders here, Europe and other foreign markets hold much growth potential.
Globalized production: the company is leveraging its global production capacities, excellent product quality and cost advantage to expand market channels, capitalize on its global footprint and expand its export market share.
Product edge: the penetration of functional sofas in the Chinese market has deepened from 7.2% last year to 9.7% currently. Euromonitor International predicts the rate will exceed 13% within 5 years. As new residential housing and resale transactions return to normal, Man Wah believes the home furnishing market is transitioning from being real estate-driven to being driven primarily by replacement demand. The company expects smart homes will be the mainstream market in the future and that competitive drivers among key manufacturers will shift from a channel focus to product and brand.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
基於FY25H1業績表現,國內地產及宏觀環境不確定性以及海外關稅等不確定性,我們調整盈利預測,預計FY25-27收入分別為178億港元、185億港元、199億港元; 歸母凈利分別為22.8億港幣、24.2億港幣、26.2億港幣(原值為25.74億港元、28.67億港元、31.53億港元); EPS分別為0.59元/股、0.62元/股、0.67元/股; PE分別為8x、7x、7x。
Valuation and risks
In valuing Man Wah, we factored in the company’s FY25H1E performance, potential uncertainties in the Chinese real estate and macro environments, as well as in export tariffs. We adjusted our revenue forecast to HKD17.8bn/18.5bn/19.9bn in FY25/26/27E; with our net profit at HKD2.28bn/2.42bn/2.62bn (previously HKD2.57bn/2.87bn/3.15bn); implying EPS of RMB0.59/0.62/0.67 and PE of 8x/7x/7x. We maintain our BUY rating.
Risks include: a slower-than-expected real estate recovery; project channel payment risks; and intensifying competition.
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