Gaotu Techedu
24Q3E takeaways: high demand for summer courses drove up both revenue and cash flow growth
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投資要點/Investment Thesis
投資要點/Investment Thesis
優化產品與服務 線上線下共同發展
Gaotu’s business scale has risen quickly while it gradually implemented measures to enrich its product matrix, increasing long-term investments into key areas like the teaching system, operational efficiencies and administrative standards. We adjust our forecast and maintain our BUY call.
The gist: BUY
·24Q3E revenue growth picked up; gross billings rose strongly yoy
·Q4E guidance: Gaotu expects revenue growth will peak at 69.2-71.9% yoy
·Strategic optimization: online and offline business integration
24Q3E revenue growth picked up; gross billings rose strongly yoy
Gaotu Techedu released unaudited results for 24Q3E earlier this month:
·Q3E: Gaotu posted RMB1.21bn revenue for the third quarter, up 53.1% yoy, while gross billings increased 67.2% yoy to RMB1.07bn.
·24M9E: revenue rose 43.9% yoy to RMB3.17bn over the first three quarters, while gross billings grew to RMB3.45bn, up 67.5% yoy.
Long-haul investments: both revenue and gross billings in the core business grew steadily in the third quarter on a precise grasp of market trends, as well as optimization of the business structure and strategic execution capabilities. As business scale expanded quickly and the company implemented measures gradually to enrich its product matrix, Gaotu increased investments into key areas such as upgrading the teaching system, strengthening its organizational capabilities and enhancing management standards.
Student enrollments: high demand for summer courses enabled Gaotu to meet its gross billings target in Q3, on strong growth in both student enrollments and market share. Revenue growth accelerated qoq in the past three quarters as the student intake increased.
Share repurchases: Gaotu prioritized shareholder returns and bought back more than RMB120m of its own shares during the third quarter.
Ample cash: the company’s cash reserves amounted to RMB3.31bn as of 30 Sep 2024, consisting of cash and cash equivalents, restricted funds, and both long-term and short-term investments. These supported Gaotu’s strategic buildout and growth.
Strong Q4E revenue guidance: deferred revenue increased 89.0% yoy to RMB1.44bn as of 30 Sep 2024. Gaotu expects the annual revenue growth trend will peak in Q4E, with revenue expected to range RMB1.29bn-1.31bn, up 69.2-71.9% yoy.
Strategic optimization: online and offline business integration
Talent development and acquisition: Gaotu places teaching quality at the top of its business development priorities and continually seeks teachers with industry renown who would strengthen its business across the board: from non-academic courses and services for K-12 students to development courses for college students and adults, as well as study-abroad consultation services and entrance exam prep programs. The company increased investments to drive systematic teaching training for its Gaotu Good Teachers initiative.
Teaching and research: Gaotu is pushing to enhance the quality of its programs in this area. For every course it offers, its teaching and research teams work on course design and conduct trial lectures to ensure the best results.
Auxiliary teachers: under a two-teacher system, which has become common in the education technology sector, students experience learning in an integrated online and offline environment, where a senior educator delivers core lectures online to students via livestreaming, while an onsite auxiliary teacher provides more personalized care and guidance. Gaotu values the role of the auxiliary teachers, whose close interaction with students allows them to understand their learning behavior, goals and hitches. They provide invaluable support in different ways: explaining key content, helping students develop study management skills, as well as providing counseling. Their role also provides a feedback source for Gaotu in facilitating more effective course planning and precise assessments of its product offerings.
O2O integration: while Gaotu is consolidating its online business advantages, it is also expanding the offline business. O2O development, integration and promotion enable the company to create courses that better meet the learning needs of students of all ages.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
投資建議: 調整盈利預測,維持買入評級
由於業務規模快速擴展以及產品矩陣的逐步豐富,公司在教學體系升級、組織能力強化和管理水平提升等各個關鍵領域的投入也有所增加; 基於24Q1-3公司收入及業績表現,我們調整盈利預測:
預計FY24-26收入分別為44億人民幣、56億人民幣、70億人民幣(原值為42.93億人民幣、57.96億人民幣、72.4億人民幣); 淨利分別為-10.67億人民幣、-3.5億人民幣、0.93億人民幣(原值為0.3億人民幣、0.9億人民幣、1.98億人民幣); EPS分別為-4.2元人民幣/股、-1.4元人民幣/股、0.4元人民幣/股(原值為0.17元人民幣/股、0.52元人民幣/股、1.15元人民幣/股)。
Valuation and risks
Gaotu has increased investments into critical areas, such as upgrading the teaching system, strengthening its organizational capabilities and raising its management standards, to drive rapid business upscaling while it gradually enriches its product matrix. Factoring in 24Q1-Q3 revenue and profits, we adjusted our forecast for 2024/25/26E revenue to RMB4.4bn/5.6bn/7.0bn (previously RMB4.30bn/5.80bn/7.24bn) and net earnings to RMB-1.07bn/-350m/+93m (previously RMB30m/90m/198m). These correspond to EPS at RMB-4.2/-1.4/+0.4 (previously RMB0.17/0.52/1.15). We maintain our BUY rating on the stock.
Risks include: rising traffic costs; fierce market competition; and loss of core executives.
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