致加拿大学校后人欢迎辞 (2024年11月10日 温哥华)
Welcome Address to CS Descendants
尊敬的CS 后人们,亲爱的华西校友们,今天是我们华西校友与CS后人的一次温馨午餐聚会,也是继2019年2月在温哥华首次聚会后的续篇。回望历史,早在晚清时期,中国向世界敞开了国门之后,数以百计的加拿大宣教士先贤们不远万里,带着耶稣基督的大爱,先后去到那一方国度传播福音,兴办学校,建立医院。他们的宗教热情和无私精神影响深远,令人钦佩和尊敬。就我所知,当年这些富有爱心的加拿大人仅在四川境内就兴办了17家仁济医院及附属培训机构。在这些实体中,甚而在当时的中国,规模最大的非华西协合大学莫属。(上图:清末民初年间,年轻的加拿大宣教士医生在前往中国的远洋轮船上)
Dear CS Descendants and Huaxi alumni, today it is a joyful luncheon time for us to be here after the first gathering in Vancouver in February 2019. Back in history, since China opened its door to the outside world in the late Qing dynasty, hundreds of Canadian missionary sages of Canada came thousands of miles with the love of Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel and to open schools and hospitals around the country. Their religious zeal and selfless spirit are far-reaching, admirable and respected. As far as I know, there were 17 Renji Hospitals with attached training units in Sichuan raised by these loving Canadians. Among them, even around China, the greatest of these enterprises is the West China Union University. (上图:民国早期的CS学校师生在华西坝校本部合影)
After 1949, its name had been changed into Sichuan Medical College, and later West China Medical University. However, more than one century ago, the person who had the patience and who gave the effort to realize this great project was Dr. Omar Leslie Kilborn, the first chairman of the University Board. Today we have been honored to have four distinguished guests from the Kilborn family, Ms. Ruth Walmsley and her husband Tim, Mr. Paul K Hooper and his wife Marianne. Ms. Ruth is the great-granddaughter of Dr. Omar Leslie Kilborn. Paul is the great-grandson of Dr. Omar Leslie Kilborn. Their grandmother and grandfather are sister and brother, so they have the same great-grandparents. At the time, there were quite a few big Canadian families on the Huaxi campus. Their relationship is a bit like the figures in
At the very early stage, in the year of 1892, Dr. Omar Leslie Kilborn, together with his first wife Mrs. Jennie Fowler Kilborn, Rev. G.E. Hartwell and his wife, Rev. V.C. Hart and his wife, and Dr. D.W. Stevenson, arrived in China and founded the Renji clinic in Sishengci Street of Chengdu, which has been regarded as the first Western medical entity of Sichuan province. It is unfortunate that Jennie died of a severe illness after a few months. Later, Kilborn married Rhetta, a Canadian missionary. They together did a lot of good deeds in Sichuan. For example, Rhetta helped abolish foot binding, a local secular rite in Sichuan. In 1908, Dr. Ashley W. Lindsay established the very first dental clinic in the same street, which has been regarded as the origin of the dental hospital of West China Union University; therefore, he has been commonly recognized as the father of modern Chinese dental science ever since. Now a huge brass statue has been raised in front of the outpatient building of Chengdu No. 2 Hospital, in memory of Omar Kilborn, Rhetta Kilborn, Ashley Lindsay and other early Canadian missionaries in Sichuan. (上图:现代中国牙科医学之父,加拿大医生林则博士旧影)
显然,奥玛.启尔德博士值得我们的最高钦佩。只可惜多年前他就静悄悄地走了,没有分享到他自己辛勤耕种结出的果实,每当我们缅怀这一情形之时,我们,亲爱的校友们,对他都怀有一份亏欠之情。我们是一群华西人,正在学习他的人生理念,反哺加拿大,通过医道,救死扶伤。启尔德博士的伟岸人品与精神,就是我们学习的榜样。他在中国亲手创立的不朽事业,将会代代相传,永不消遁,也将会为中国学者和学生们永远铭记。先贤孟子曰:“人有三乐。得天下英才而教育之” 。我们相信,启尔德博士在天之灵已享受到这种乐趣。(上图:如今,位于成都四圣祠街成都第二医院门诊大楼前,竖有一座巨型青铜群雕像,纪念启尔德,启希贤,林则及其他入川的早期加拿大宣教士。作者李奇生。)
Obviously, Dr. Omar Kilborn is indeed worthy of our highest admiration. It is a pity that he passed away quietly over the years without sharing the fruits of his painstaking labors. Whenever we think of this situation, we, dear alumni, feel something owed to him. We are a group of Huaxi alumni, trying our best to give back to Canada by way of curing people’s sicknesses. The great personality and spirit of Dr. Kilborn will be immortal with the enterprise which he has created in China. He is a good example for us. He will be remembered forever by us all, Chinese scholars and students. “Educating the coming generation,” said Mencius, a Chinese sage: “is the supreme joy of life.” We believe Dr. Kilborn must have enjoyed this kind of pleasure.
Today, the University and its attached hospital are well-known both in China and abroad. We assume that there would be no such university, and we would not become medical graduates and then doctors living in Canada if no Canadian missionary pioneers had gone to China and founded the university one hundred years ago. We are grateful to them. We cherish and appreciate the consistent effort of Canadian missionary pioneers, such as Dr. Omar Leslie Kilborn and his family, three generations together who devoted their whole life to China. We pay tribute to them and wish the friendship over a century long between the peoples of Canada and China is everlasting.(上图:笔者与启尔德家族的四位后人合影)
备注:拙文中的CS即Canada School加拿大学校之英文缩写,该校始建于上世纪1909年3月,最初设在成都四圣祠北街的一间普通民房里,1918年搬迁至华西坝,抗战时期(1939-1943)避难于四川仁寿,1950年6月关闭,办学历史长达40年,为加拿大医生和教师子弟学校,本部位于今日四川成都华西坝,即华西医科大学公卫学院办公楼前身。