作者/瑞秋・金(Rachel King) 译者/林洁盈
John M. Riddle, ‘Amber: An Historical-Etymological Problem’, in Laudatores temporis acti: Studies in Memoryof Wallace Everett Caldwell, ed. Gyles Mary Francis and Davis Eugene Wood (Chapel Hill, NC, 1964), pp. 110–20.
Bandy and Bandy, De natura fossilium, p. 76.
德文 Bernstein、荷兰文 barnsteen、波兰文 bursztyn、匈牙利文 borostyn 与瑞典文 bärnsten。
Joseph Browne, A Practical Treatise of the Plague, and All Pestilential Infections That Have Happen’d in This Island for the Last Century, 2nd edn (London, 1720), p. 50.
Berlin, Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, XX Hauptabteilung, Etatsministerium 16a 5, ‘Abhandlung von Gregor Duncker über den Ursprung des Bernsteins als Arznei’ (Treatise by Gregor Duncker on the Beginnings of Amber as a Medicine, c. 1538), ff. 2r–4v.
Giuseppe Donzelli, Teatro farmaceutico, dogmatico, e spagirico, 3rd edn (Rome, 1677), pp. 399–400. 作者的翻译。
Aurifaber, Succini historia, unpaginated; Johann Wigand, Vera historia de succino Borussica (Jena, 1590); andJohn Bate, The Mysteries of Nature and Art: In Four Severall Parts, 3rd edn (London, 1654), p. 217.
Sarah Kettley, Designing with Smart Textiles (London and New York, 2016), p. 12.
Aurifaber, Succini historia, unpaginated. 作者的翻译。
John M. Riddle, ‘Pomum ambrae: Amber and Ambergris in Plague Remedies’, Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, XLVIII/2 (1964), pp. 111–22.
A Collection of Very Valuable and Scarce Pieces Relating to the Last Plague in the Year 1665 (London, 1721), p. 85.
同上,p. 234.