
财富   时事   2024-09-04 10:49   中国香港  


EU to tighten funding rules on Chinese electrolysers


The European Commission is changing rules for its upcoming green hydrogen auction to help more European electrolyser companies win bids under the European Hydrogen Bank mechanism,Kallanish learns. 

欧洲气候行动专员Wopke Hoekstra 92日在埃因霍芬理工大学为学生们发表演讲时说:“本月,我们将提出欧洲下一次氢能项目支持拍卖的内部规则。虽然第一次拍卖表明欧洲电解槽具有良好的市场前景,但中国现在正以越来越低的成本过度供应电解槽。因此,我将确保下一次拍卖与以往不同。我们将制定明确的标准,以建立欧洲电解槽供应链。”

“This month, we will propose the house rules for Europe’s next auction of support for hydrogen projects. While the first auction showed that European electrolysers have a good presence, China is now oversupplying them at ever-lower costs,” said Wopke Hoekstra, the European Commissioner for Climate Action, during a speech for students at Eindhoven University of Technology on 2 September. “So, I will ensure that the next auction is different. We will have explicit criteria to build European electrolyser supply chains.”


He also described the example of how Chinese companies “almost wiped out European’s solar industry,” indicating that the hydrogen industry may be also at similar risk.


“China is challenging us, in such a fundamental way, that it would be naive to deny that Europe has a China problem... We aim not to sever ties with China. But we will have to restore the balance,” he claimed.


According to reports, during the first auction closed in February, projects using non-EU technologies gained capital support of about half of the total budget in that round. The European Commission said in late April that €720 million ($795.4m) was awarded to fund seven renewable hydrogen projects in Europe totalling 1.5 gigawatts. The financial support ranged from €0.37 to €0.46/kilogram of renewable hydrogen produced.


“Tighter rules” are expected in the second auction this autumn, which will award €1.2 billion to green hydrogen projects. However, it’s unclear what the requirements will be.


Kallanish has contacted the European Commission for clarification.

在过去的几个月里,包括Nel、西门子和thyssenkrupp nucera在内的欧洲主要电解槽厂商敦促欧洲政策制定者将“欧洲制造”作为一些氢能项目的一项要求,从而帮助他们与中国制造商竞争。

Over the past few months, leading European electrolysers, including Nel, Siemens, and thyssenkrupp nucera, have urged European policymakers to help them compete with Chinese manufacturers by making “Made in Europe” a requirement for certain hydrogen projects.

贸易机构Hydrogen Europe的首席执行官Jorgo Chatzimarkakis说:“如果没有这些条件,将导致高补贴的中国电解槽倾销,在欧洲占据大量市场份额。”

“The absence of such conditions will lead to the dumping of highly subsidised Chinese electrolysers gaining large market shares in Europe,” Jorgo Chatzimarkakis ceo of trade body Hydrogen Europe has said.


Hoekstra says the European economy “simply lacks the dynamism, innovation, and entrepreneurship” required to compete and deliver sustainable economic growth. “I am convinced we have the ability to tackle these issues and to shape our future. But we are in urgent need of renewal,” he adds.



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