
财富   时事   2024-09-19 12:56   中国香港  


RWE to source 250,000 t/y of green ammonia from India

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)报道,总部位于德国的RWE Supply & Trading计划每年从印度采购多达25万吨的绿色氨,供应给其在欧洲的客户。

Germany-based RWE Supply & Trading plans to source up to 250,000 tonnes/year of green ammonia from India to supply its customers in Europe,Kallanish reports.

该公司与印度AM Green集团的子公司AM Green AmmoniaAMG)签署了一份谅解备忘录。该初步协议为将于2027年开始交付的承购协议铺平了道路。

The company signed an MOU with AM Green Ammonia (AMG), a subsidiary of India’s AM Green Group. The preliminary agreement paves the way for an offtake agreement with delivery set to start in 2027.


In a joint statement on Wednesday, the firms said the green ammonia will be produced at AMG’s Kakinada and Tuticorin sites. The bulk of sales will come from the latter facility, with the remaining 50,000 t coming from Kakinada.

RWE Supply & Trading国际氢投资主管Costas Papamantellos评论道:“RWE致力于投资氢气及其低碳衍生品,以帮助各行业实现其气候目标。为此,我们正在与全球合作伙伴建立强大的供应链。与AMG的合作使我们能够在早期阶段确保绿色氨产能。”

“RWE is committed to investing in hydrogen and its low-carbon derivatives to help industries achieve their climate goals. For this end, we are building strong supply chains with partners globally,” comments Costas Papamantellos, head of international hydrogen investments at RWE Supply & Trading. “Partnering with AMG allows us to secure green ammonia capacities at an early stage.”


Further details of the planned deal should be unveiled once a binding offtake is inked.


Yet, the companies say the ammonia will be compliant with the EU RFNBO standard, which means it is produced entirely using carbon-free energy sources.


RWE has not disclosed its potential customers and whether it would crack the green ammonia back into green hydrogen for domestic distribution.



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