Esteel将收购Southern Steel股份

财富   2024-09-13 09:24   江苏  

Esteel将收购Southern Steel股份

Esteel to acquire shares in Southern Steel

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,总部位于新加坡的钢铁公司Green Esteel (Esteel)可能会成为马来西亚钢铁公司Southern Steel的控股股东。

Singapore-headquartered steel firm Green Esteel (Esteel) may emerge as the controlling shareholder of Malaysian steel firm Southern Steel,Kallanish notes. 

Southern Steel在一份交易所文件中称,该公司已与Esteel签订一份非约束性条款书。条款书涉及拟发行新股。在完成拟由Esteel认购的股份发行后,新股将至少占公司扩大后已发行股本的50.1%

Southern Steel says in a bourse filing that it has entered into a nonbinding term sheet with Esteel. The term sheet is about the proposed issuance of new shares. The new shares would represent not less than 50.1% of the enlarged issued share capital of the company after completion of the proposed issuance of shares to be subscribed by Esteel.

Esteel将以每股0.42马币(0.097美元)的价格认购这些股份。该价格比Southern Steel周三的收盘价0.50马币折价16%

The shares are to be subscribed by Esteel at MYR 0.42 ($0.097) per share. The price is a 16% discount from Southern Steel's closing price of MYR 0.50 on Wednesday.

拟发行股票所得款项将用于提升Southern Steel的制造和运营能力,以及公司的营运资金。

The proceeds from the proposed issuance of shares will be used to upgrade the manufacturing and operational capabilities of Southern Steel as well as for the company’s working capital.


The proposed issuance of shares will provide an avenue for the group to raise funds more expeditiously and in a cost effective manner as opposed to bank borrowings and any issuance of debt instruments which will incur interest cost.

此外,由于EsteelSouthern Steel都从事钢铁行业,预计拟发行股票将在两家公司之间产生协同效应。

In addition, the proposed issuance of shares is expected to create synergies between Esteel and Southern Steel as both entities are involved in the steel industry.

Southern Steel表示:“鉴于拟将募集资金用于提升公司的制造和运营能力,加上Esteel及其子公司在钢铁相关行业的经验和专业知识,公司的运营能力和效率有望得到提高。”预计与Esteel的能力相结合将有利于该公司未来的业务发展。

"In view of the proposed use of the proceeds to be raised to upgrade the manufacturing and operational capabilities of the company, coupled with the experience and expertise of Esteel and its subsidiaries in the steel related industry, the operational capability and efficiency of the company are expected to improve," Southern Steel says.It is envisaged that the combined capabilities of the company and Esteel will be beneficial to the company’s businesses moving forward.



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