
财富   2024-09-09 10:04   中国香港  


ASEAN billet market plunges on Chinese latest drop


The market tone in the ASEAN billet import market reversed and fell sharply last week,Kallanish notes. Buying has been muted in the region because of weak demand and fluctuating prices.


Billet offers in the Philippines market for mostly open-origin ASEAN and Chinese 3sp grade 150mm billet for November shipment plunged to as low as $445-458/t tonne cfr at the end of last week. Offers for 5sp grade are around $6/t more. Last week’s fall of at least $20/t week-on-week offsets an increase of $15/t in offers during the week through 23 August.


The $445/t cfr Manila was offered by short selling amid slumping steel futures, according to a Chinese trading source, showing very pessimistic market sentiment. Market activity has fallen as other traders hesitated to offer at such a low level.

上周五,唐山一家钢厂的3sp 130毫米方坯报价为436美元/fob天津港。从中国到马尼拉的运费约为20美元/吨。华东地区的钢厂没有公开报价。

One mill in Tangshan offered 3sp 130mm billet at $436/t fob Tianjin port last Friday. The freight from China to Manila was around $20/t. Mills in eastern China did not offer billet publicly.


“It is a crazy stupid market,” a Manila trader says on the price plunge. He has not heard of deals taking place. He does not blame local buyers for their reluctance to participate in the uncertain market environment.

来自中国的5sp 150毫米方坯报价普遍在455-460美元/cfr印尼。一位贸易商称,买家的出价为450美元/cfr印尼。一位雅加达买家在周五表示:“今天的市场似乎仍在下跌。”他看到之前的报价为460美元/cfr

Offers for 5sp 150mm billet from China are prevailing at $455-460/t cfr Indonesia. A trader says that buyers are bidding at $450/t cfr Indonesia. “The market seems to be still falling today,” a Jakarta buyer says Friday. He saw offers previously at $460/t cfr.

Kallanish评估的5sp/psQ275 120/125/130毫米方坯价格为450-455美元/cfr马尼拉,周环比下跌10美元。

Kallanish assessed 5sp/ps or Q275 120/125/130mm square billet at $450-455/t cfr Manila, down $10 on-week.



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