Hoa Phat在市场低迷的情况下降低热轧卷价格

财富   2024-09-05 10:27   中国香港  

Hoa Phat在市场低迷的情况下降低热轧卷价格

Hoa Phat trims HRC prices amid market downturn

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)报道,随着市场疲软和停滞,越南热轧卷生产商Hoa Phat Dung Quat下调每月国内价格。

Vietnamese hot rolled coil producer Hoa Phat Dung Quat has lowered its monthly domestic prices in tandem with a weak and stagnant market,Kallanish notes. 

94日,Hoa Phat将其最新的国内热轧卷销售价格下调约13美元/吨。该公司对202410月和11月交货的非精整SAE1006SS400级热轧卷的报价定为相当于约514美元/cfr越南南部,不含增值税。

Hoa Phat lowered its list sales prices by around $13/tonne for its latest domestic HRC allocations on 4 September.The company's quotes for non-skin passed SAE1006 or SS400 grade HRC, due for delivery in October and November 2024, have been set at the equivalent of around $514/t cfr southern Vietnam, excluding VAT.


In VND terms, the latest price of VND 12,870/kg to southern Vietnam is at VND 430/kg lower than last month’s official monthly domestic value set on 1 August. The mill’s quotes to northern and central Vietnam are now at VND 12,840/kg.

一些贸易人士称,他们认为Hoa Phat需要降低价格才能达成交易,因为中国热轧卷的报价要低得多。一位河内贸易商在周三表示:“我认为他们需要给出10美元/吨的折扣。”他指出,一些中国供应商现在愿意以低至460美元/cfr的价格出售Q195/Q235级热轧卷,10月第二周发货。上周五的报价为475-480美元/cfr越南。 

Some trading sources say that they think that Hoa Phat would need to lower prices to close deals as offers for Chinese HRC are much lower. “I think they need to give a $10/t discount,” a Hanoi trader says Wednesday. He notes that certain Chinese suppliers are willing to sell Q195/Q235 grade HRC for shipment by second-week October as low as $460/t cfr now. Offers were at $475-480/t cfr Vietnam last Friday.   

目前,来自中国的SAE 1006热轧卷的报价为470-475美元/cfr,来自中国一家钢厂的SAE 1006热轧卷的报价也较低,为468美元/cfr

Offers for SAE 1006 HRC from China are currently heard at $470-475/t cfr, and SAE1006 HRC from a certain Chinese mill is also offered lower at $468/t cfr.


Some trading sources think that Vietnamese importers are getting wary to book Chinese HRC for October shipment. There are market concerns that retroactive anti-dumping duties could apply if results of a pending trade investigation in Vietnam against Chinese HRC are released year-end.



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