Qatar Steel阿联酋公司树立二级螺纹钢市场基准

财富   2024-09-03 11:31   中国香港  

Qatar Steel阿联酋公司树立二级螺纹钢市场基准

Qatar Steel UAE sets secondary rebar market benchmark


Secondary rebar suppliers in the United Arab Emirates and the Omani major are eyeing UAE market rebar price increases of AED 50-73/tonne ($14-20) on August transaction prices.

Qatar Steel的阿联酋子公司在8月份将其螺纹钢价格维持在二级钢厂中的较高水平,90天信用证交货价格为2,160阿联酋迪拉姆/吨,9月份的价格保持不变,树立了一个基准。

Qatar Steel's UAE subsidiary, which kept its rebar prices on the high side among the secondary mills in August at AED 2,160/t delivered on LC 90 days, rolled over for September, setting a benchmark.


Dubai buyers, in particular, appear to be receiving offers for rebar at and above AED 2,160-2,170/t delivered on LC 90 days for September deliveries.Meanwhile, buyers in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi seem to be accepting Abu Dhabi-made secondary rebar at and above AED 2,210/t due to the regulation stipulating local – Abu Dhabi – product use, Kallanish notes.


One re-roller is meanwhile reported offering rebar at AED 2,230-2,250/t delivered on LC 90 days, but receiving very little interest.


So far, rebar retail prices have increased by AED 25-30/t on-week to AED 2,310/t for benchmark mill material and AED 2,190-2,210/t for secondary mills, both on a credit and delivered basis. However, some traders in Abu Dhabi are quoting rebar at AED 40-60/t higher than the indicated average prices for both benchmark and secondary mill material.

据悉,Hamriyah Steel 9月份的螺纹钢供应目标为4万至5万吨。上周,Hamriyah的一名代表拜访了贸易商,解释了该生产商的增长计划以及打算如何供应市场。Qatar Steel母公司正在供应其迪拜轧钢厂无法提供的一些补充螺纹钢规格,但供应量不大。

Hamriyah Steel is heard targeting 40,000-50,000 tonnes of rebar supply in September. Traders were visited last week by a representative of Hamriyah, explaining the producer’s growth plans and how it intends to supply the market. The Qatar Steel parent company is supplying some supplementary rebar sizes that its Dubai rolling millcannot provide, but not large volumes.

一位业内人士说:“我们曾试图将8月份的挂牌价提高70阿联酋迪拉姆/吨,但市场只接受比8月份的成交价提高50阿联酋迪拉姆/吨。这似乎就是现实。Qatar Steel的价格持平(如果属实)树立了一个基准,是价格上调超过50阿联酋迪拉姆/吨的最大障碍。”

"We have tried to increase August list prices by AED 70/tonne, but the market will only accept an increase of AED 50/t over August transaction prices. That seems to be the reality. Qatar Steel's price roll-over, if true, sets a benchmark and is the biggest obstacle to increasing by more than AED 50/t," comments a sector participant.


The Omani and local UAE wire rod producers have slightly increased their wire rod quotes to $585-590/t delivered against LC 90 days. In August, the newcomer to the UAE wire rod market concluded the lowest-priced deal in the market, at $565/t ex-mill against cash.



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