
财富   2024-09-02 10:37   中国香港  


ASEAN billet market lags behind China hikes


The billet import market in ASEAN has risen amid the uptick in the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE),Kallanish notes. But transactions are trailing behind because of weak regional demand for finished steel.


Billet offers in the Philippines market for mostly open-origin ASEAN and Chinese 5sp grade 150mm billet for November shipment are quoted at around $475/tonne cfr Manila. This is up from $460/t cfr Manila during the week through 23 August. 130mm square billet commands a premium of around $10/t over 150mm billet.

在需求依然疲软的情况下,买家很难接受更高的价格。马尼拉一位贸易商说:“这很难。”他补充说,客户并没有表现出认真的购买意向。Kallanish评估的5sp/psQ275 120/125/130毫米方坯价格为460-465美元/cfr马尼拉,周环比上涨5美元。

It is difficult for buyers to accept higher prices when demand remains weak. “It’s tough,” a Manila trader says. Customers are not indicating any serious buying interest, he adds. Kallanish assessed 5sp/ps or Q275 120/125/130mm square billet at $460-465/t cfr Manila, up $5 on-week.

印尼一家钢厂的出口价格似乎稳定在445-450美元/fob。据闻贸易商在821日至28日前后订购了约12-15万吨3sp 150毫米方坯,大部分销往土耳其,小部分销往埃及。一位新加坡贸易商说:“几乎所有的订货都是贸易商在中国市场反弹后试图回补空头头寸。”贸易人士称,周五该钢厂继续以445美元/fob达成交易。

Meanwhile, an Indonesian mill’s export price seems to be stable at $445-450/t fob. Traders were heard to have ordered some 120,000-150,000 tonnes of 3sp 150mm base billet around 21-28 August, mostly to Turkey and a smaller tonnage to Egypt at this level. “Almost all bookings were by traders trying to cover their short positions since China rebounded,” a Singapore trader notes. On Friday, the mill continued to close deals at $445/t fob, trading sources report.

尽管中国国内价格上涨,人民币升值,但中国3sp 150毫米方坯在印尼的报价仍与前一周持平。一位印尼再轧商说,他在周五收到一份来自中国南方的方坯报价,价格为465美元/cfr。他认为买方只要认真出价,就能争取到更低的价格。他补充说:“我们大多数人都认为价格会再次下跌,因为中国经济不景气。

Interestingly, Chinese 3sp 150mm billet is still offered in Indonesia at around the same level as the week before, despite domestic price increases in China and the CNY appreciation.An Indonesian reroller says he received an offer for billet from southern China at $465/t cfr on Friday. He thinks the buyer can secure a lower price with a serious bid. “Most of us feel that prices will fall again because the China economy is bad,” he adds.


One supplier is offering at $460-465/t cfr, a Jakarta trader says. But the $5/t price difference is not sufficiently attractive when compared to the Indonesian billet price of $465/t cfr –freight is estimated at $20/t. Indonesian buyers can fix the local exchange rate for payment for the Indonesian billet, which reduces the risk of forex fluctuations, he argues. Importing billet also incurs payment of an upfront 2.5% duty, he adds. While this duty is refundable, this is not favoured by Indonesian customers.


Based on Friday's domestic prices in Chinna, a back-to-back export offer should be higher, at around $474/t cfr Jakarta, a Chinese trader notes



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