端午特别活动暨中国景泰蓝艺术交流展成功举办 China Cloisonné Art Exhibition Kicked off

2024-06-11 23:18   瑞典  


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On June 9, the "Witness of Cultural Exchanges and Mutual Learning - China Cloisonné Artwork Exchange Exhibition," jointly organized by China Cultural Center in Stockholm and Network of International Culturalink Entities, and presented by Sino-Foreign Enamel Gallery, Beijing Enamel Factory Co. ,Ltd., was inaugurated at China Cultural Center in Stockholm. This event marks the beginning of "Art on the Fingertips - Cloisonné Art Exhibition and Event Series" in June. Nearly a hundred guests, including Director of China Cultural Center in Stockholm Li Rui, Chinese arts and crafts masters Zhong Liansheng and Li Jing, Director of Sino-Foreign Enamel Gallery Zhu Jingyou, and guests from various sectors in Sweden attended the event to appreciate the unique charm of traditional Chinese cloisonné craftsmanship and contemporary trends.

Dragon Boat



As the Dragon Boat Festival approached, the audience learnt to make Zongzi-shaped (a kind of traditional leaf-wrapped glutinous rice dumpling of the Dragon Boat Festival) cloisonné ornaments under the guidance of Chinese crafts masters .

在开幕式中,特邀中国工艺美术大师钟连盛现场带来《走进景泰蓝的世界:古老中国600年艺术瑰宝》主题演讲。他讲述了景泰蓝艺术的辉煌历史、不断发展、持续创新和世代传承,带领观众一同走进景泰蓝的艺术世界。主持人瑞典艺术家罗梅雨(Maria Nordsø Lundberg)在交流环节中提到,景泰蓝是已经有超过600年历史的传统技艺,其发展历史和当代的成就确实令人叹为观止。中国艺术家们的介绍,让我们了解到景泰蓝不仅是中国非物质文化遗产的重要组成,也是世界文明发展在中国的一个缩影。

During the opening ceremony, Chinese arts and crafts master Zhong Liansheng delivered a keynote speech titled "Cloisonné: An Ancient Chinese Art Treasure Spanning Six Centuries". He discussed the glorious history, continuous development, innovation, and generational inheritance of cloisonné art, leading the audience into the artistic world of cloisonné. Swedish artist Maria Nordsø Lundberg, and the host of the opening, remarked in the exchange session that cloisonné, with its history of over 600 years, is indeed astonishing in both historical development and contemporary achievements. The presentations by Chinese artists helped us understand that cloisonné is not only an essential part of China's intangible cultural heritage but also a reflection of the development of world civilization in China.


The event also featured a short film introducing the history of cloisonné, detailing the complex production processes from design drawing to forming, filigreeing, enamel filling, firing, burnishing, and gilding. After the opening ceremony, Chinese arts and crafts masters Zhong Liansheng and Li Jing, and artisans Zhu Jingyou and Gao Lili gave a detailed introduction to the exhibits, interacting with the audience on the origins, historical development, and innovations of cloisonné.


This exhibition will be on display at China Cultural Center in Stockholm until July 15. During this period, there will be other lectures and workshops focused on cloisonné craftsmanship. Please stay tuned for more.


Photo by Wei Xuechao


China Cultural Center in Stockholm

开放时间:周二至周六,10:00 - 16:00

Opening hours: 

Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 -16:00


Västra Trädgårdsgatan 2, Stockholm



Facebook: China Cultural Center in Stockholm


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YouTube: China Cultural Center in Stockholm

