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Citizen: My Life After the White House
by Bill Clinton
2001年1月20日,在从政近30年——其中八年担任美国总统之后,比尔·克林顿突然成为一名普通公民。年仅54岁的他充满活力和想法,希望能有意义地利用自己的技能、与世界各国领导人的关系以及自己在政治生涯中学到的一切,但如何才能做到呢?就在离开白宫的几天后,克林顿接到了援助印度大地震灾民的电话,于是他立即投入了工作。在接下来的二十年里,他在从印度尼西亚到路易斯安那、从北爱尔兰到南非的公共服务和宣传工作中创造了不朽的传奇,并在此过程中重新认识了慈善事业,重新定义了一位前总统对世界的影响。 《公民》是克林顿以前排第一人称记录的总统任期结束后的岁月和21世纪最重大的事件,包括“9-11”事件和伊拉克战争、海地地震、大衰退、新冠大流行、1月6日国会山叛乱以及我们时代持久的文化战争。然而,《公民》不仅仅是一本总统回忆录。在这些篇幅中,克林顿以一种罕见的、令人难忘的方式展现在读者面前:他不仅是著名的前总统和基金会领导人,还是一位父亲、祖父和丈夫。他分享了自己在希拉里·克林顿担任参议员、国务卿和总统候选人期间对她的支持,并公开详述了2016年大选中的挫折和痛苦。克林顿总统还以清晰的思路和悲悯的情怀,对全球大流行病、持续的不平等、不断变暖的地球以及致力于削弱民主的独裁势力所带来的前所未有的挑战进行了权衡。在这本具有里程碑意义的出版物中,克林顿在畅销书《我的一生》的基础上,对全球舞台上的美国民主进行了清醒的阐述,对过去进行了坦率的反思,同时也对我们的未来进行了无畏的拥抱。《公民》见证了一个男人对家庭和国家坚定不移的承诺,是一幅雄辩、洞察力和坦率并重的自画像。
目 录
1. 没有脸的人
2. 墙边的埃及裔美国人
3. 走出办公室的工作
4. 布什总统和儿童画
5. 新奥尔良和拉巴特湾的船
6. 海地和坚持不懈的人们
7. 飓风袭家,布什的最后表演
8. 生活继续
9. 克林顿基金会与创建CHAI
10. 积极分子、冠军和布什的公平交易
11. CGI:一次承诺,重塑慈善事业
12. 寡妇农夫与香料商人
13. 支持国内的健康和机会
14. 妇女儿童优先
15. 摩天大楼和树木的拯救
第 III 部分:政治、重写历史以及在仍不确定的未来重振基金会
16. 旧事重提
17. 参议员对决
18. 我们的第一位黑人总统和极右翼势力的卷土重来
19. 希拉里下台和上台
20. 科米和普京开始行动
21. 重写历史的危害
22. 2017-2020: 回到基础
23. 影响我们所有人的病毒,以及我们抵御的病毒
A powerful, candid, and richly detailed memoir from an American icon, revealing what life looks like after presidency: triumphs, tribulations, and all.On January 20th, 2001, after nearly thirty years in politics–eight of them as President of the United States–Bill Clinton was suddenly a private citizen. Only fifty-four years old, full of energy and ideas, he wanted to make meaningful use of his skills, his relationships with world leaders, and all he’d learned in a lifetime of politics, but how? Just days after leaving the White House, the call came to aid victims of a devastating earthquake in India, and Clinton hit the ground running. Over the next two decades, he would create an enduring legacy of public service and advocacy work, from Indonesia to Louisiana, Northern Ireland to South Africa, and in the process reimagine philanthropy and redefine the impact a former president could have on the world.Citizen is Clinton’s front-row, first-person chronicle of his post-presidential years and the most significant events of the twenty-first century, including 9 11 and the runup to the Iraq War, the Haiti earthquake, the Great Recession, COVID-19, the January 6th insurrection, and the enduring culture wars of our times. Yet Citizen is more than a presidential memoir. These pages capture Clinton in a rare and unforgettable light: not only as celebrated former president and foundation leader, but also as a father, grandfather, and husband. He shares his support for Hillary Clinton during her tenure as senator, secretary of state, and presidential candidate, and openly details the frustration and pain of the 2016 election.With clarity and compassion, President Clinton also weighs in on the unprecedented challenges brought on by a global pandemic, ongoing inequality, a steadily warming planet, and authoritarian forces dedicated to weakening democracy. In this landmark publication, the highly anticipated follow-up to the best-selling My Life, Clinton pens a clear-sighted account of American democracy on a global stage, offering a frank reflection on the past and, with it, a fearless embrace of our future. Citizen is a testament to one man’s unwavering commitment to family and nation, a self-portrait of equal parts eloquence, insight, and candor.