《太空歌剧院》 图源:美国版权局
Allen(艾伦)最初设想的是一个身着维多利亚时代礼服、头戴太空头盔的女性的详细形象。他希望使用名为 "Midjourney "的生成式人工智能工具将这一设想变为现实。他选择了艺术作品的颜色、风格和时代,经过624个提示词的创建修改,最终创作出艺术作品 Théâtre D'opéra Spatial(《太空歌剧院》)。2023年,创作者Jason Allen(杰森·艾伦)试图为这个作品申请版权保护,却遭到了驳回。
It is clear that the Work was not generated by Midjourney through the mere input of a few prompts. The creative selection and arrangement of elements in the image were entirely directed by the Plaintiff, who meticulously crafted the instructions.
After each output was generated, much like a director requesting multiple takes of each scene from a cameraman, Plaintiff made the creative decisions on whether or not to retain, remove, enhance, or alter the elements present in the output, or to add new ones. Midjourney, lacking autonomous creativity, simply executed the detailed guidance provided by the Plaintiff. Plaintiff's extensive effort and careful direction were crucial in creating the image, far surpassing the role of the AI tool.
Here, Allen’s selection, coordination, and arrangement of elements resulted in the creation of the Work. The law recognizes authorship even if the final product is created “directly or with the aid of machine or device.”
The Copyright Act explicitly acknowledges that works created with the aid of machines or devices can be protected, emphasizing the importance of human creative input in the process. 17 U.S.C. 102(a).
本作品并非由 Midjourney 仅通过输入一些提示或按一个按钮而创作的,相反,图像中元素的创造性选择和排列完全由Allen指导。Midjourney 缺乏独立的创造力,没有自行生成图像的能力。 Allen 对元素的选择、协调和安排促成了作品的创作。《版权法》明确承认,借助机器或设备创作的作品可以受到保护,强调了人类在创作过程中的创造性投入的重要性。
Plaintiff conducted extensive testing of the outputs generated based on his prompts. Through 624 iterations, he noted the results produced by each word and its placement within the prompt. By studying the AI's behavior, he learned when Midjourney focused on specific parts of his instructions and when it ignored them altogether.
He realized that guiding the AI to incorporate all elements required a process of trial and error, akin to a director working with a cameraman. Just as a cameraman needs repeated instructions on what to focus on, Midjourney needed precise and repeated guidance. During his experimentation, Plaintiff developed a "writing technique" for crafting effective prompts, ensuring the AI accurately captured his vision.
Allen对根据其提示生成的输出结果进行了大量测试。他记录下了每个单词及其在提示中的位置所产生的结果。他意识到,引导人工智能融入所有元素需要一个反复试验的过程,就像导演与摄影师合作一样,摄影师需要导演反复叮嘱拍摄重点,Midjourney 也需要用户精确和反复的指导。Allen开发出了一种 "写作技巧",用于制作有效的提示,确保人工智能准确捕捉到他的想法。
On January 24, 2023, a First Request for Reconsideration was submitted,pointing out that the Examiner misapplied the “human authorship” requirement; Copyright law focuses on the origin of the idea expressed; Mr. Allen contributed original authorship to create a unique work;
AI tools should be treated like other tools available to artists; the Examiner considered improper factors, such as the publicity surrounding Mr. Allen's Colorado State Fair victory, which was controversial due to the AI tools used; and numerous public policy reasons required registration of the Work.
2023 年 1 月 24 日,Allen 先生在提交的第一份复议申请中指出审查员误用了 "人类作者 "的要求,版权法的重点在于所表达的思想的来源。Allen 先生为创作独特的作品贡献了原创性,人工智能工具应与艺术家可用的其他工具同等对待。
On December 13, 2022, the Copyright Office initially refused registration, noting that “all of the pictorial and graphic content within the deposit is attributable to the AI-your client did not paint, sketch, color, or otherwise fix any of the deposit.
As for your position that your client is responsible for the AI’s results, in our view this does not define human author and authorship as we understand it. Only human authorship should be deposited and claimed, and you have not done this.”
According to the U.S. Copyright Office's Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, "the Office will not register works produced by a machine or mere mechanical process that operates randomly or automatically without any creative input or intervention from a human author."
On June 6, 2023, the Copyright Office continued their Refusal, offering to allow registration of the prompts and Photoshop enhancements, but excluding the portion of the Work created using the Midjourney and Gigapixel AI tools.
2023年6月6日版权局针对复议申请再次拒绝,提出允许注册提示和Photoshop增强功能,但不包括使用Midjourney和Gigapixel AI工具创作的部分。
The Office further incorrectly noted that “Mr. Allen had no control over how the artificial intelligence tool analyzed, interpreted, or responded to these prompts. Nor did he exercise any control over the actual creation, development, or execution of the image that Midjourney rendered on his screen.Simply put, the resulting image was the output of the artificial intelligence technology, and your correspondence does not identify any specific creative authorship in this image that can be attributed to Mr. Allen.”
版权局认为Allen 先生无法控制人工智能工具如何分析、解释或回应这些提示。他也无法控制 Midjourney 在其屏幕上渲染图像的实际创建、开发或执行。简而言之,所产生的图像是人工智能技术的输出结果。
编辑:梁佳佳 王丽