‘我明天休息’别说I rest tomorrow.

文摘   2024-10-15 11:34   广东  


1. be off. 表示‘不上班,休息’;但需要注意:随着语境变化,其意思也变化。be off用来形容人的话还可以有‘状态失常不正常;有问题不对劲’等意思。比如:

(1). I'm off next Monday. Would you like to go to London with me? 下个周一我不上班,你想跟我一起去伦敦吗?

(2) I love my job because I'm usually off in the morning. 我太喜欢我的工作了,因为我一般上午都不用上班。

(3) I'm a little off today. 我今天状态有点不好。

(4) I think he's a little off. 我觉得他有点不对劲。

2. be on someone 表示‘算谁的;谁请客’。比如:

(1) It's all on you. 这都算你的责任,都怪你。

(2) Drinks are on me. 喝的都算我的,我请。

(3) Dinner is on me, because you paid the last time. 晚饭我请,因为上次是你买的单。

3. be out of something  表示‘没了,用完了’等意思。比如:

(1) We're out of milk. 咱们牛奶都喝光了。

(2) I'm out of time. 我没时间了。

4. be up 表示‘醒着,不在床上睡觉’。比如:

(1) Are you still up?  你睡了吗?

(2) What are you doing up? 你不睡觉在干嘛?

(3) I was up 'till 7 this morning.我今天早上一直熬到七点才睡。

5. be up for something 表示‘对...感兴趣,想参加’。比如:

(1)We're going to John's birthday party tonight. Are you up for it? 我们今晚去参加John的生日派对。你有兴趣一起吗?

(2) Are you up for going out tonight? Sam is up for it. 你今晚想出去玩吗?Sam是想的哦。


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