《经济管理学刊》| 罗湘等:负面经济冲击下中小微企业的挑战与调整

文摘   财经   2024-08-12 19:01   北京  

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The Challenges and Adjustments of  Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under Negative Economic Shocks




Xiang Luo, Xiangting Hu, Ruixin Wang (School of Economics and Management,Harbin Institute of Technology,Shenzhen)






Keywords: Negative Economic Shocks; Small and Medium-sized Enterprises; Resilience of Supply Chain; Adjustment; Innovation




为此,本文利用中国企业创新创业调查(Enterprise Survey for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China, 简称ESIEC)在2018年和2023年调研的两轮数据,以新冠疫情冲击为例,系统地评估负面经济冲击对中小微企业的影响和作用机制,并详细刻画中小微企业为应对冲击所做的调整及其意义。与已有相关文献比较,本文有两方面的边际贡献:①本文利用最新的实地调研数据,聚焦新冠疫情暴发这一典型的负面经济冲击,从供给侧和需求侧两个方面,不仅估计了负面经济冲击对中小微企业的影响和机制,还系统地考察了中小微企业面对冲击所采取的调整措施,以及这一系列调整措施在中长期对企业恢复、发展可能产生的作用,从而有助于复盘企业应对冲击的经验教训、优化助企纾困的产业政策。②本文的现实意义还在于,对企业而言,新冠疫情冲击的 “疤痕效应” 至今仍未完全修复,这既是因为 “停摆效应” 和 “紧缩效应” 带来的持续影响,也在很大程度上源于企业为应对冲击所做的一系列调整。深入了解疫情冲击下中小微企业所做的应对和调整,既有助于理解疫情冲击在中长期产生影响的机制,也有助于准确判断不同类型企业在疫情后的恢复情况,从而精准施策,放大政策效果,有效推动和加速企业及经济复苏。


面对疫情冲击,通常需要视疫情严重程度对人员、物资采取不同程度的管控、隔离措施,但管控、隔离可能造成生产、运输迟滞,并从供给侧、需求侧两个方向,对企业的生产、经营造成冲击。本文利用企业所在城市存在中高风险区的时间长度作为疫情对经济冲击强度的测度,设计了一个 “类双重差分” 模型来估计疫情冲击给企业经营带来的挑战和企业为应对挑战所做的调整。





基于中国企业创新创业调查(ESIEC)2018年和2023年的两轮调查,本文利用一个 “类双重差分” 模型,以新冠疫情冲击为例,系统考察了负面经济冲击对中小微企业的影响及企业为应对冲击采取的调整措施。面对疫情带来的负面冲击,我们看到大量企业为生存、发展奋力坚持,不断调整、升级产品和经营模式,努力“转危为机”,展现出强大的韧性。但同时也必须注意到,疫情冲击对企业的总体影响仍是负面的,而通过重塑供应链上下游,勒紧企业资金和预算约束,疫情冲击在长期可能造成“疤痕效应”,进而迟滞中小微企业的恢复和发展。



Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have made important contributions to China's economic development.However,SMEs generally exhibit weak resilience and are constrained by limited capacities of financing and risk sharing.When facing negative economic shocks,they often lack the resources and capabilities to adjust and alleviate difficulties.Therefore,what challenges will SMEs face under negative economic shocks?How will these challenges hinder SMEs from recovery and growth?What adjustments will they make to cope with these challenges?How will negative economic shocks affect the development of SMEs in the medium and long term?Answering these questions not only holds clear theoretical significance but also practical significance and policy implications,especially today when many SMEs have not fully recovered from the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Based on data from two rounds of the Enterprise Survey for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China (ESIEC) conducted in 2018 and 2023,we attempt to answer the series of questions raised above using the COVID-19 pandemic as a typical negative economic shock.The ESIEC is a field survey conducted by Peking University on private enterprises in China.In 2018,the research team conducted the first baseline survey,covering 6198 firms and accumulating quite detailed enterprise data.In 2023,the research team conducted the second large-scale field survey,completing on-site surveys for 6117 enterprises and investigating the challenges encountered by enterprises during the pandemic and their responses.The two rounds of surveys happened to span the COVID-19 pandemic,providing us with an opportunity to systematically evaluate the impacts of negative economic shocks on SMEs,the underlying mechanisms,and to detail the adjustments made by SMEs to cope with these shocks.

In this paper,we employ a “quasi-difference-in-differences” model to examine the challenges faced by SMEs under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,as well as the strategies they adopted in response and adjustment,taking advantage of the variation in strength of pandemic control measures across regions and over time.We find that:① The pandemic influences the supply side of SMEs mainly due to the “shutdown” effect caused by supply chain disruptions.②  To cope with the impact of the pandemic on the supply side and strengthen the resilience of the supply chain,SMEs need to systematically adjust the size and spatial layout of  the supplier network,but at the same time bearing higher transportation and transaction costs.This effect is more pronounced in regions with lower industrial agglomeration.③ The pandemic affects the demand side of SMEs mainly due to the “contraction” effect brought about by market shrinkage.④ To cope with the impact of the pandemic on the demand side,SMEs need to further explore customer resources,strengthen innovation efforts,and adjust business models to ensure market size and increase profitability.Whether these adjustments can be made in a timely and effective manner is highly correlated with the resources and backgrounds of the enterprises and entrepreneurs.⑤ The pandemic has significantly negative effects on revenue and gross profit,and may lead to a “scarring effect” delaying the recovery and development of SMEs.

These findings contribute to our understanding of the key mechanisms for the recovery of SMEs in the post-pandemic era.They also provide theoretical insights and empirical evidence for the targeted design of policies to assist SMEs,facilitating an efficient and balanced economic recovery.Specifically,the  “scarring effect” of the negative economic shock like the COVID-19 pandemic may hinder the development of SMEs in the medium and long term not only due to the persistent impacts of the  “shutdown”and  “contraction”effects but also largely due to a series of adjustments made by enterprises in response to the shock.Policymakers should consider aligning relief policies with the adjustments made by enterprises themselves to amplify policy impacts,thereby effectively promoting and accelerating the recovery of enterprises and the economy.At the same time,negative economic shocks often lead to a  “reshuffling”of the market landscape.Enterprises that can adjust promptly and effectively,and even capitalize on opportunities to upgrade,often gain greater competitive advantages and market share after the shock,potentially leading to changes in market structure and even widening regional disparities.Therefore,in policy design for the post-pandemic era,it is also necessary to fully consider the balance between enterprises and between regions,thus achieving economic recovery efficiently and equitably.

原文引用:罗湘, 胡向婷, 王睿新. 负面经济冲击下中小微企业的挑战与调整[J]. 经济管理学刊, 2024, 3(2): 121-154.




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