《经济管理学刊》| 王颂等:创业网络从何而来?——决策逻辑视角下创业者结网研究回顾与展望

文摘   财经   2024-08-19 19:01   北京  

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Where Does the Entrepreneurial Network Come From?—A Review and Prospect of Research on Entrepreneurial Networking from Decision Logic Perspective




Song Wang, Hanru Zhang, Liaodan Zhang (School of Management,Zhejiang University)


Zhuoren Jiang (School of Public Affairs,Zhejiang University)



创业网络对于新创企业的存活和发展而言意义重大。伴随网络能动观的提出,创业网络研究开始关注创业者结网(Entrepreneurial Networking),探讨“创业网络从何而来”的问题,即创业者如何建立和发展创业网络。然而,既有研究未能清晰界定创业者结网的概念内涵及其背后的决策逻辑,对于创业网络来源多样性及其原因的体系化研究框架亟待整合。基于文献回顾,首先本文结合目标与行动先后顺序的不同理论假设,明晰创业者结网的概念内涵与策略类型;其次,梳理创业者“决策逻辑-结网模式”的逻辑链条,系统归纳创业网络“搜集”“汇集”“搜集+汇集”三条来源路径,并引入不确定性这一关键条件,从区域、企业和个体三个层次解构不同路径的适用边界;最后,从细化创业者结网概念、探索数字组织场景新议题、拓展研究方法三个角度提出未来研究方向。本文通过刻画创业者结网研究的“认知-行为”路径框架,为拓展能动观视角下创业网络来源研究以及推动创业网络微观机制研究提供了理论借鉴。



Keywords: Entrepreneurial Networking; Entrepreneurial Network; Causation Logic; Effectuation Logic; Uncertainty



面对百年未有之大变局,如何发展高质量创业成为学术界和实业界关注的重要问题。大量研究表明,创业网络对于新创企业的存活和发展具有重要作用。学者们从网络规模、类型等维度出发,探究创业网络对机会识别、商业模式创新等创业活动的重要影响。然而,上述研究大多基于网络结构观 (Network Structuralism),将创业网络视作一种静态的、先赋的结构,较少关注“创业网络从何而来”的问题。为解答这一问题,学者们呼吁从网络能动观 (Network Agency) 视角关注创业者的个体能动性,提出创业者结网 (Entrepreneurial Networking ) 的概念。

创业者结网从行为视角探究创业网络来源,指创业者为了与外部利益相关者建立和发展联系而采取的一系列行为、活动和手段。围绕这一话题,以凯瑟琳·艾森哈特 (Kathleen Eisenhardt) 教授为代表的学者提出了若干项卓有成效的结网策略。这些结网策略基本都隐含 “先有目标、再有行动” (Design⁃Precedes⁃Execution) 的理论假设,认为创业者是目标驱动的,会战略性地选择有价值的网络关系,而后制订计划,与目标合作伙伴建立网络联系。然而,“先有目标、再有行动”的理论假设难以解释创业者如何在不确定性情境下建立和发展创业网络。不确定性是创业行动所面临的独特情境,该情境下的创业者结网不可避免地面临着目标模糊性与未来不可预测性。具体而言,当目标无法明确时,创业者可能遵循 “先有行动、再有目标” (Execution⁃Precedes⁃Design) 的理论假设,通过整合利用既有的社会关系与资源等手段,采取力所能及的结网行动以收敛并明确目标。此外,创业者结网也可能基于“目标与行动交替发生” (Convergence of Design and Execution) 的理论假设,根据其感知到的不确定性,在目标驱动与行动驱动之间动态转换。

既有创业者结网研究对于创业网络来源的多样性及其原因缺乏系统解释,体现在以下两方面。其一,当前的创业者结网研究还处于碎片化策略开发阶段,未能梳理不同创业者结网策略的底层理论假设,并全面厘清创业者结网的概念内涵及策略类型。遵循“先有目标、再有行动”“先有行动、再有目标”与“目标与行动交替发生” 的不同理论假设,创业者结网具有差异化的模式与策略表征。其二,现有研究对创业者结网前因的探索仍处于起步阶段,因此难以充分解释创业者采取不同结网模式的原因。区别于外向型人格、先前经验等探索创业者结网能力的特质前因,决策逻辑为探索创业者采取异质性结网模式的认知前因提供了理论支撑。基于因果逻辑、效果逻辑和决策逻辑双元性,创业者将差异化地认知创业网络,由此采取不同结网模式。综上,系统梳理创业者结网“决策逻辑-结网模式”路径框架,提炼不同创业者结网模式的认知前因与底层假设,将有利于进一步加深对创业网络微观基础及其来源多样性的理解与认识。


本文采用多阶段过程对国内外文献进行系统收集和分析,旨在梳理创业者结网已有探索成果,严谨评述创业网络来源及其背后的决策逻辑。而后,本文首先立足“先有目标、再有行动”“先有行动、再有目标”以及“目标与行动交替发生”的理论假设,梳理三类创业者结网模式及其策略表征; 其次,结合因果逻辑、效果逻辑和决策逻辑双元性,归纳创业网络“搜集”“汇集”“搜集+汇集”三条来源路径,并引入不确定性作为关键条件,探索上述路径的适用边界; 最后,从细化创业者结网概念、探索数字组织场景新议题、拓展研究方法三个角度提出未来研究方向。






Entrepreneurial networks play a pivotal role in the viability and advancement of startups.The introduction of the network agency perspective has directed research attention toward entrepreneurial networking,investigating the question of “where does the entrepreneurial network come from”,i.e.,how entrepreneurs establish and develop networks.Entrepreneurial networking,in essence,encompasses a series of behaviors,activities,and means undertaken by entrepreneurs to form and develop networks with external stakeholders.

However,previous studies on entrepreneurial networking remain in a fragmented stage of strategy exploration,failing to elucidate the underlying theoretical assumptions of different entrepreneurial networking strategies comprehensively.Besides,the conceptual connotations of entrepreneurial networking and the decision logic behind it have not been clearly identified.Specifically,following different theoretical assumptions such as “design-precedes-execution”,“execution-precedes-design” and “convergence of design and execution”,entrepreneurial networking exhibits differentiated modes and strategies.Meanwhile,the exploration of antecedents of entrepreneurial networking in existing research is still in its nascent stage,making it difficult to fully explain the reasons why entrepreneurs adopt distinctive networking modes.Hence,this paper coordinates various underlying theoretical assumptions of entrepreneurial networking and systematically analyzes its conceptual connotation.Then,we take the decision logic of entrepreneurs into account and summarize three paths concerning the “decision logic-networking mode” relationship.

Based on systematic collection and analysis of existing literature,this paper demonstrates a path framework of entrepreneurial network formation.First,according to its theoretical assumptions,entrepreneurial networking is divided into three modes,namely “design-execution” mode,“execution-design” mode,and “design×execution” mode.Specifically,the “design-execution” mode regards entrepreneurial networking as a goal-oriented activity and a strategic and instrumental resource-seeking action,while the “execution-design” mode takes entrepreneurial networking as an inspiring entrepreneurial network-building action,which provides basis for the formation of goals of entrepreneurial action.Combining the two assumptions,the “design×execution” mode treats entrepreneurial networking as actions based on a vague and dynamically adjusted plan,with an orchestration of people,resources,and ideas.

Second,grounded in the cognitive perspective,this paper initiates a comprehensive framework for entrepreneurial networking,discerning three source paths of entrepreneurial networks.First,in network collecting path,entrepreneurs adopt the causation logic and are driven by goals,strategically selecting valuable network relationships,making plans,and establishing network relationships with target partners.During such process,entrepreneurs face a risky context,and entrepreneurial networking is essentially about finding the best means to achieve the established goal.And the final structure and form of the entrepreneurial networks depend on the goals set by the entrepreneurs in advance.Second,in the network convergence path,entrepreneurs adopt the effectuation logic,combining internal factors such as personal experience and ability with external conditions such as accidents to take different behaviors to develop the entrepreneurial network.During such process,entrepreneurs will give full play to their subjective initiative,utilize contingency to control new situations,and even create new means to strive for the best possible results.The structure and form of the entrepreneurial networks are jointly created and defined by entrepreneurs and their partners without possibility to be predicted in advance.

Third,in the network “collecting+convergence” path,entrepreneurs adjust their decision logics and networking strategies according to the level of situational uncertainty throughout the life cycle of the enterprise development,taking analytical and planned networking actions to integrate the entrepreneurial network while remaining open to  contingency. They usually connect with partners in an inspiring way and gradually refine entrepreneurial networks while focusing on achieving their long-term goals.Then,taking regional institutional environment,stage of entrepreneurial enterprises,pre-existing network characteristics and entrepreneurs' previous experience as examples,this paper discusses the moderating effects of uncertainty on the above paths of entrepreneurial network formation.

Eventually,future research directions are proposed from three aspects:refining the concept of entrepreneurial networking,exploring new issues in digital context,and expanding research methods.First,future research is encouraged to conduct in-depth exploration of the process mechanism of dynamic evolution of the “collecting+convergence”path.For example,dynamically characterizing the behaviors of entrepreneurial networking driven by various decision logics.Second,based on the characteristics of the digital organizations,the unique concept,strategies and mechanisms of platform-based entrepreneurial networking are under exploration.Third,it is recommended to apply new research methods such as machine learning and large models to effectively utilize digital platform big data and capture entrepreneurial' networking strategy and its mechanisms.

This paper contributes to entrepreneurial network research by summarizing various modes of entrepreneurial networking and proposing a path framework concerning “cognition-behavior” framework.Hence,this research helps to enrich the understanding of entrepreneurial networking and explore the antecedents of entrepreneurial networking strategy to understand why and how entrepreneurs adopt distinctive networking strategies from a more integrated perspective.Moreover,this review helps entrepreneurs understand the conceptual connotation and strategies of entrepreneurial networking more comprehensively and guides them to adopt appropriate strategies based on various decision logics,so as to construct their entrepreneurial networks effectively.

原文引用:王颂, 张涵茹, 张了丹, 蒋卓人. 创业网络从何而来?——决策逻辑视角下创业者结网研究回顾与展望[J]. 经济管理学刊, 2024, 3(2): 155-188.




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