
教育   2024-11-06 15:22   北京  





另据@CCTV国际时讯 援引美国媒体消息,特朗普即将发表讲话。据报道,特朗普的车队离开海湖庄园。而据美国民主党总统候选人哈里斯的竞选团队方面称,哈里斯暂时不会对其支持者发表讲话,“将于明天讲话”。

美国节日——大选日(Election Day )每四年一次吗?

Election Day in the United States of America is the Tuesday following the first Monday in November.It can fall on or between November 2 and November 8. It is the day when popular ballots are held to select public officials. These include national, state, and local government representatives at all levels up to the president.

*ballot:['bælət](无记名)投票选举;投票表决the system of voting in writing and usually in secret; an occasion on which a vote is held

The chairperson is chosen by secret ballot.



Is Election Day a Public Holiday?

Election Day 2024 is a state holiday in 12 states and an observance in 39 states.

*observance:(对法律、习俗的)遵守,奉行;(节日的)庆祝the practice of obeying a law, celebrating a festival or behaving according to a particular custom

What Do People Do?

On Election Day, citizens of the United States of America can vote by popular ballot for candidates for public offices at local, state, and national levels. In even-numbered years, federal elections are held, while in years divisible by four, presidential elections are held. Elections for local and state officials may be held in odd- or even-numbered years, depending on local and state laws.


The way in which people vote depends on the state in which they live. In Oregon, all votes are cast by post and all votes have to be received at a given time on Election Day. In the state of Washington, nearly all people vote by post and the envelopes containing the voting papers have to be postmarked with the date of Election Day. In other states, people vote at voting stations, where long queues can form.    



In 1792, a law was passed allowing each of the states to conduct presidential elections at any point in the 34 days before the first Wednesday in December. This was the date when the meetings of the Electors of the U.S. president and vice-president, known as the Electoral Colleges, were held in each state. A date in November or early December was preferable because the harvest would have been finished, but the most severe winter storms would not have begun.

*the Electoral Colleges:The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress.


As long distance communication improved and became quicker with the advent of trains and telegraphs, allowing each state to conduct its elections at any point in a period of more than a month became outdated. The results of the elections that were announced earliest could influence the outcomes of elections held later in the permitted period.

*advent:[ˈædvent](重要事件、人物、发明等的)出现,到来the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.

In 1845, the United States Congress chose a single date for all national elections in all states. The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November was chosen so that there would never be more than 34 days between Election Day and the first Wednesday in December. Election Day is held on a Tuesday so that voters will not have to vote or travel on Sunday. This was an important consideration at the time when the laws were written and is still so in some Christian communities in the United States.

On Inauguration Day, which is on January 20 every four years, the president and vice-president of the United States of America are sworn in and take office.    


*swear sb in:使某人宣誓就职;使某人宣誓终于某组织(often passive)to make sb promise to do a job correctly, to be loyal to an organization.


美国大选 US presidential election
唐纳德·特朗普 Donald Trump
卡玛拉·黛维·哈里斯 Kamala Devi Harris
总统大选辩论 presidential debate
选举人团 Electoral College
赢者通吃 Winner-Takes-All
摇摆州 Swing State
民调 Poll
选举舞弊 Election Fraud
三权分立 Separation of Powers
两党制 Two-Party System
联邦制 Federalism
立法机关 Legislative Branch 
国会 Congress 
参议院 Senate
众议院 House of Representatives
行政机关 Executive Branch
司法机关Judicial Branch
最高法院 Supreme Court
普选 General Election
弹劾 Impeachment
草根运动 Grassroots Movement
拉票 Stump Speech
民主党 Democratic Party
与共和党 Republican Party
亿万富豪 Billionaire
压倒性胜利 Landslide victory
flip flopper 改变立场的人,政策骑墙派
grass roots 草根群体,底层选民
空中大战 air war 
 红色州 red state 
蓝色州 blue state
投票 cast a ballot
投票站 voting booth/polling station
竞选活动 election campaign
大选焦虑 election anxiety
党团会议 caucus
初选 primary
黑天鹅事件 black swan event
参考来源:新华社、中国新闻网、央视新闻 @CCTV国际时讯
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