2024-11-11 19:00
“退网”通常是在指个人或团体主动停止使用网络、社交媒体、或某些互联网平台时使用的说法。主要有以下几种常见的解释:1.退出社交媒体平台:例如,某个名人或公众人物宣布不再使用微博、微信、等社交平台,可能因为隐私、压力、个人原因或反感网络暴力等原因。这种情况下,“退网”即是指停止更新或删除社交媒体账户。2.减少或完全停止上网:某些人可能因为希望减少互联网对生活的干扰,选择减少上网时间,或完全断开互联网。“退网”如要表达退出社交媒体的意思,可以用quit / leave social media。【例】In the year since I quit social media, my screen time has fallen, my mood is up – even my resting heart rate is lower.【例】You're perhaps right to roll your eyes when pop stars declare, on social media,"I'm quitting social media!", only to return a week or month later.如想表达当用户不想继续使用社交平台一段时间时,选择停用账户,也可以用deactivate one’s account【例】She has announced that she will be soon be deactivating her social media accounts in an effort to focus on future artistic projects.背景介绍:美国科技类博客网站“TheVerge”的资深编辑保罗·米勒(PaulMiller)上月刚刚完成一项实验——他过了整整一年没有网络的生活。- One year ago I left the internet.
- Miller, who was and still is a senior editor at a tech news site called The Verge, plans to stay offline for a full year.
- In May 2012, The Verge writer Paul Miller quit the Internet for a year.
- Paul Miller gave up the Internet at midnight Tuesday.
- The speaker, Paul Miller, decided to disconnect from the Internet for a year due to feeling overwhelmed and unproductive.