ShekouMSCE|Chinese/French Artists in Schools 中法艺术家进校园:艺术与文化的交融盛宴

文摘   2024-11-21 18:47   广东  

A Date with Chinese/French Artists 

in  Primary Schools



From November 18th to 19th,

with the theme of “SciFi and Fantasy”,

 the “Chinese/French Artists in School” event, 

one of a series of cultural engagements 

that are part of the Chinese/French Artists 

Exchange Program Season Ⅲ 

was launched in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. 

Let‘s take a look!








The program was hosted by the Nanshan District People's Government, undertaken by the Foreign Affairs Office of Nanshan and Shekou Sub-district Office, and co-organized by the participating schools, aimed to foster students' aesthetic appreciation and creative abilities while deepening the integration of Chinese and French cultures. The event series were held in Shenzhen OCT Primary School, Shenzhen Nanshan Arts and Sciences Experimental School and Shekou International School respectively, which brought a big feast of art and culture to the students.


Shenzhen OCT Primary School: A Fusion of Creativity and Tradition



On the morning of November 18, the event kicked off under the big banyan tree at Shenzhen OCT Primary School. Holding the welcome sign written in Chinese, French and English with the words “Nice to meet you”, the students lined up to enthusiastically greet the famous French artists illustrator Gilles Francescano and Concept designer Nicolas Petrimaux. The students happily waved the welcome sign in their hands and shouted “Bienvenue! (Welcome!) in their youthful voices to express their warm welcome to the artists. Amid this cheerful atmosphere, the Chinese and French artists stepped into the school and first visited the “SciFi and Fantasy Exhibition”, which showcased students' works reflecting their exploration of the unknown and aspirations for a better future. The artists paused at each piece, carefully observed it and frequently expressed their admiration for the students' talent and dedication.

11月18日上午,活动在华侨城小学的大榕树下拉开帷幕。学生们手持着写有“很高兴认识你”的中法英三语的欢迎牌,整齐列队,热情洋溢地迎接来自法国的著名插画师吉尔·弗朗西斯卡诺先生(Gilles Francescano)和漫画家尼古拉斯·佩特里莫先生(Nicolas Petrimaux)。孩子们开心地挥动手中的欢迎牌,用稚嫩的声音喊着“Bienvenue!”(欢迎你!),表达对远道而来的艺术家们的热烈欢迎。在一片欢快的气氛中,中法艺术家们步入校园,首先参观了《科幻与想象力作品展》,这些作品凝聚着学生们对未知世界的探索和对美好生活的向往。艺术家们驻足每一件作品前,仔细观摩,不时发出赞叹之声,对学生们的才华和努力表示高度认可。

On that day, OCT Primary School also welcomed the unveiling ceremony of the "Rong Art Gallery",inviting two French artists to witness this historic moment together.Mr. Cheng Bin, Deputy Curator of He Xiangning Art Museum, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. He emphasized the importance of art education and the significance of this museum school cooperation. This art gallery not only provides a place for children to experience art works and feel the artistic atmosphere, but also greatly enriches the school's art resources through cooperation with He Xiangning Art Museum.


The event specially arranged a Chinese tea experience segment, letting French artists taste the traditional Chinese famous tea - rock tea narcissus. Everyone sat around the tea table, attentively listening to the tea art teacher's explanation. French artists have experienced the profound cultural heritage of Chinese tea through tasting.


Subsequently, in the art classroom, students had a face-to-face painting exchange with two French artists. Within 20 minutes, Gilles Francescano drew a lifelike tree inspired by banyan trees.Gilles Francescano said that he drew this because he just learned that the banyan tree is the spiritual symbol of the school and witnesses the school’s growth and development. He hopes to convey the importance of protecting the natural environment and inheriting the spirit of the school through this painting.

随后,在美术馆的美术教室里,学生们与两位法国艺术家进行了面对面的绘画交流。在限定的20分钟内,艺术家们即兴创作,展示了他们的高超技艺。在第一组,吉尔·弗朗西斯卡诺(Gilles Francescano)先生首先展示了他的绘画技巧。他拿起画笔,迅速在画布上勾勒出一棵大榕树的轮廓,然后再用鲜艳的颜色填充,使画面栩栩如生。孩子们目不转睛地看着,不时发出惊叹声。吉尔·弗朗西斯卡诺(Gilles Francescano)先生表示,选择这个主题是因为刚才了解到大榕树是学校的精神象征,见证了学校的成长与发展。他希望通过这幅画传达出保护自然环境和传承学校精神的重要性。

Nicolas Petrimaux drew a comic character - a man wearing mechanical glasses - and gave him the mission of guarding five large banyan trees.He quickly sketched the outline of this character on the drawing paper and then drew the details of the character.The students were fascinated by the painting and were eager to ask Nicolas for painting tips.Nicolas guided and modified some of the students' paintings, and even completed a few works with them.

在第二组,尼古拉斯·佩特里莫(Nicolas Petrimaux)先生则选择了一个漫画人物——一个戴着机械眼镜的男子,并赋予他守卫五棵大榕树的使命。他快速地在画纸上勾勒出这个人物的轮廓,然后用细腻的笔触描绘出人物细节。学生们被这个画作深深吸引,争先恐后地向尼古拉斯先生请教绘画技巧。尼古拉斯先生对部分学生的画作进行了指导和修改,甚至与他们共同完成了几幅作品。整个过程充满了欢声笑语,学生们兴奋地围在两位法国艺术家身边,认真观察每一个笔触和色彩的运用。


Finally, the Chinese and French artists watched the students' performances.Peking Opera, Hulusi, dragon fist martial arts and court dances were performed.Peking Opera is one of China's national treasures, and the classic clips of "Announcing the Name of the Lamp" and "Selling Water" demonstrated the unique charm of Peking Opera; Hulusi is a special instrument of China's ethnic minorities, and the melodious melody was intoxicating; Dragon fist demonstrated the essence of Chinese martial arts, and Court Dance was full of cultural flavour.The children demonstrated their talents with confidence and won warm applause.


Shenzhen Nanshan Arts and Sciences Experimental School: The Collision of Science Fiction and Imagination



On the afternoon of November 18, Chinese and French artists visited the Shenzhen Nanshan Arts and Sciences Experimental School. The artists first toured the school, experiencing the its educational atmosphere and vibrant energy of the students.  


The event started with a wonderful Chinese dance performance. Then, Gilles Francescano took the stage to give a talk. Gilles explained the ideas and meanings behind his works and emphasized the importance of color and imagination. He illustrated how digital tools are applied in the painting process, expanding the audience’s artistic horizons. Meanwhile, Gilles shared his connection to Shenzhen, noting how the city had given him a sense of being in a science fiction world, sparking his creativity. 

活动伊始,文理学校的舞蹈队为大家带来了精彩的中国舞表演。面对学生们灵动曼妙的舞姿,大家纷纷举起手机,记录下这令人难忘的时刻。随后,吉尔·弗朗西斯卡诺先生(Gilles Francescano)率先开讲。一幅幅饱含创造力与想象力的画作轮番呈现,吉尔先生向大家讲解了自己作品的创作思路与内涵,强调了色彩与想象力的重要性,并结合具体作品介绍了数字化工具在绘画过程中的实际应用与优势,拓宽了大家的艺术视野,让大家感受到了绘画作品中细腻的情感表达与创新思维的融合所带来的震撼人心的感染力、生命力与无穷魅力。同时,他也分享了自己和深圳的“缘分”,表示深圳带给了他置身科幻作品的奇妙感受与创作灵感。

Later, Nicolas Petrimaux first introduced the works of his close friend, Aleksi Briclot, known for his work in visual development for several Hollywood blockbusters. Aleksi recently published a new book, Multiverse. Through showcasing and analyzing his own artwork, Nicolas discussed how to create based on different needs and aesthetic preferences, highlighting the importance of detail and atmosphere.  

随后,尼古拉斯·佩特里莫(Nicolas Petrimaux)代表未能到场的艺术家阿莱克西·布里克洛(Aleksi Briclot)介绍了他的作品和风格。阿莱克西·布里克洛(Aleksi Briclot)曾参与多部好莱坞大片的视觉开发工作,最近还出版了新书《多元宇宙》。尼古拉斯·佩特里莫(Nicolas Petrimaux)通过展示和解析作品,探讨了如何根据不同的需求和审美偏好进行创作,强调了细节和氛围的重要性。

At the end, Liang Chaopo, renowned CG effects artist and founder of Shenzhen MadCats Digital Media Co., Ltd. (MadCats FX), shared his career journey, the development of his company, and his insights into the film and television special effects industry. Through playing a special effects videos he had produced, he not only demonstrated the power of technology but also expressed his unique perspective on the future world.  


Witness to Chinese & French Friendship in Shekou International School



Visiting French artists Gilles Francescano and Nicolas Petrimaux, together with staffs from Foreign Affairs Office of Nanshan District and Shekou Management and Service Center for Expats, walked into Shekou International School(SIS).

11月19日上午,法国艺术家吉尔·弗朗西斯卡诺先生(Gilles Francescano)和尼古拉斯·佩特里莫(Nicolas Petrimaux)在南山区委外办和蛇口境外人员管理服务中心工作人员的陪同下,走进了蛇口外籍人员子女学校。

Gilles Francescano and Nicolas Petrimaux were attracted by a series of drawings from SIS students,they showed their active imagination as well as the friendship between China and France. Especially one drawing combining the Chinese dragon with the Eiffel Tower impressed everyone.


Gilles and Nicolas shared their creative process and insights from their exhibited works.Then they started their improvisation. Nicolas made a vivid self-portrait during his sharing, which won lots of applauds from kids. Meanwhile, kids were encouraged to follow his drawing, after that, Nicolas communicated with kids and gave some comment on their drawings. 

紧接着,吉尔·弗朗西斯卡诺先生(Gilles Francescano)和尼古拉斯·佩特里莫(Nicolas Petrimaux)通过PPT的形式,向学生们详细介绍了各自的艺术生涯、作品及其背后的创作理念。两位艺术家不仅分享了自己的艺术之路,还现场进行了即兴创作,与孩子们进行了深入的互动。尼古拉斯·佩特里莫(Nicolas Petrimaux)在讲解概念设计的同时,快速完成了一副生动的自画像,赢得了孩子们的阵阵掌声。孩子们也在艺术家的鼓励下拿起画笔,模仿创作,活动结束后,尼古拉斯·佩特里莫(Nicolas Petrimaux)亲切地与孩子们交流,并对他们的作品进行了细致的点评,给予了宝贵的建议。

Gilles drew a future SIS campus for kids, which will be located in the outer space with a beautiful wish that science and nature would be symbiotic, it motivated kids’ imagination and exploration greatly.

吉尔·弗朗西斯卡诺先生(Gilles Francescano)则用画笔勾勒出了一幅令人向往的未来校园景象,这所学校不仅位于遥远的太空中,而且充满了科技与自然和谐共生的美好愿景,极大地激发了孩子们对未来世界的想象与探索欲。

And then, the artists visited the school under the guidance of the staff in charge of the French department of SIS.Gilles Francescano said that even when he returned to France, it would be hard to find an international school with such excellent teaching equipment, and he spoke highly of the school.

随后,在学校法语部负责人的带领下,艺术家们参观了校园。吉尔·弗朗西斯卡诺先生(Gilles Francescano)表示,即使是回到法国,也很难找到这样一所软硬件条件都如此优秀的国际学校,对学校给予了极高的评价。

The French artists highly praised this activity, especially mentioned the innovative practice of Shenzhen OCT Primary School to introduce art museum into the school, and believed that this can not only allow masterpieces to be displayed on the same stage with students' creations, but also plants the seed of pursuing art dreams. By inviting French artists to visit schools and display art works, interactive exchanges and other forms, it not only creates a strong sci-fi art atmosphere for students, but also becomes a new highlight of Sino-French cultural exchanges. This activity not only enriched the students' artistic experience, expanded their international vision and injected more diversified colors into the school culture, but also promoted cross-cultural understanding and integration.



