TYSCE | Career Development Workshop: Fresh Perspectives国际人才就业指导会

文摘   2024-11-14 19:18   广东  


Career Development Workshop

桃源街道To Future


To Future Youth Leadership Creative Camp

●●● To Future ●●●

11月13日,由南山区桃源街道主办的“To Future”中外青年领导力创造营系列活动——国际人才就业前景指导会在深圳大学城举办,从就业分析、职业规划、政策解读、专题分享等方面,为国际留学生提供多元化的就业支持,进一步优化国际人才服务,满足国际化企业招聘与国际学生实习就业的双向需求。活动吸引了来自清华大学深圳国际研究生院、北京大学深圳研究生院、哈工大(深圳)、南科大、港中深、深职大、天津佐治亚、中科院8所高校和科研院所70余名国际师生积极参与。

Hosted by Taoyuan Sub-district Office of Nanshan District, “To Future” Youth Leadership Creative Camp--Career Development Workshop was held at Shenzhen University Town on Wednesday. The event provided employment supports for international students, including job market analysis, career planning, policy interpretation, and resume optimization, further improving services for international talents, satisfying both foreign-related enterprises and international students’ needs. Over 70 international teachers and students from 8 universities and research institution -- Tsinghua SIGS, PKUSZ, HITSZ, SUSTech, CUHK- Shenzhen, SZPU, GTSI, and SIAT, participated in the event.

Step Up Your Career Game 



Supplementing with personal experiences and chart data, specialist from GEOR, an international talent recruiter, conducted a detailed analysis of China’s job market, and presented information about career paths, policy support, and opportunities and challenges faced by foreign international students in China. She demonstrated China’s demand for international talents in various industries such as joint ventures, tech companies, cross-border business, and education, hoping that participants could fully leverage their international perspectives and skills in their job hunting and entrepreneurship endeavors, thereby helping them achieve personal value and career goals.


Specialists noted that the development paths for international talents in China are becoming diverse. Not only can they find suitable major-related positions in enterprises and research institutions, but also start their own businesses. When it comes to choosing a suitable career path, international students are suggested to take into consideration their personal interests, education background and market demands.

Charge Ahead in Your Career Chase 



Following the presentation, professional instructor explained the importance of resumes in job hunting and provided practical tips for resumes optimization. She guided international students on how to showcase personal abilities and highlight advantages in their resumes to enhance competitiveness in the job market. In the discussion session, international students asked various questions regarding different topics, such as visa application, residence permits, and employment policies. The instructor answered with patience, helping the students gain a clearer understanding of China’s employment situation and plan better for their future studies, life, and work in Shenzhen.

Get Ahead, Stay Ahead


“The diversity and inclusiveness of China offer many opportunities for international students. I’ve always been interested in cross-border e-commerce, an area where China has made significant progress. This event has also provided me with more industry insights,” said one of the international students. “After graduation, I want to stay and develop in Shenzhen because it is a city full of charm and creativity. It’s an ideal place for innovation and entrepreneurship.” Many of the international students expressed their willingness and aspirations to start their career in Shenzhen in the future.


After this event, international students understood better the entrepreneurship and employment support policies for expats coming to Shenzhen, and had a clearer outline about their future work and life in the city. In the next steps, Taoyuan Sub-district will continue to organize diverse cultural exchange events and provide distinctive talent services, aiming to create international, convenient, and efficient conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship to grow. It’s hoped that these measures will attract more international talents to live, work, and start businesses in Nanshan, helping to develop the area into a district with rich talent resources.

翻译 Translate | Wendy

排版 Typeset | May
