Constantin Cope 博士
Stan Cope 博士对血管造影和介入放射学 (IR) 领域的贡献是巨大的,他自 1970 年代以来与 Cook Medical 的合作带来了令人印象深刻的创新产品清单,包括:
• Cook-Cope 型 Loop,用于肾造瘘术、胆道和脓肿引流导管
• Cope 导管引入系统
• Cope 胃肠缝合锚固装置
• 显微穿刺®导引器套件
他于 1927 年 6 月 3 日出生于法国巴黎。10 岁时,他的父亲感觉到希特勒迫在眉睫的危险,将他们搬到了英国伦敦;在那里,他在二战的伦敦战争中度过了学生时代。他父亲在波兰的家人是大屠杀的受害者,1942 年,他母亲的兄弟们在冬季赛车场围捕期间被法国警察带走,并被驱逐到奥斯威辛集中营并被杀害。
战后,他从英国伦敦大学米德尔塞克斯医院医学院转学到纽约州纽约医学院,他的父母已经移民到纽约州纽约市。不久之后,他成为美国公民,并在朝鲜战争的最后几年被征召入伍担任医务官。战后,他回到纽约开始他的医学实习,并遇到了新泽西州恩格尔伍德的 Mary Grace Heller (Cope) 并结婚。
Constantin “Stan” Cope, professor emeritus in the radiology department at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, died on November 6 of heart failure at Spring Village at Floral Vale in Yardley, Pennsylvania. He was 89 years old.
宾夕法尼亚大学医院放射科名誉教授康斯坦丁·斯坦·科普 (Constantin “Stan” Cope) 于 11 月 6 日在宾夕法尼亚州亚德利 (Yardley) 的 Floral Vale 的春村 (Spring Village) 因心力衰竭去世。他享年 89 岁。
Constantin “Stan” Cope, professor emeritus in the radiology department at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, died on November 6 of heart failure at Spring Village at Floral Vale in Yardley, Pennsylvania. He was 89 years old.
Dr. Cope was born in Paris, France and was educated in England during the London Blitz. He earned a bachelor of science from London University and a master of business and science from Middlesex Hospital Medical School, then moved to the United States and earned a medical degree from New York Medical College.
Cope 博士出生于法国巴黎,在伦敦大轰炸期间在英国接受教育。他获得了伦敦大学的理学学士学位和米德尔塞克斯医院医学院的商学和理学硕士学位,然后移居美国并在纽约医学院获得了医学学位。
Dr. Cope became a US citizen and was drafted into the Army as a medical officer during the Korean War. When the war ended, he completed his training as an internist at Memphis VA Medical Center.
Cope 博士成为美国公民,并在朝鲜战争期间被征召入伍担任医务官。战争结束后,他在孟菲斯退伍军人医疗中心完成了内科医生的培训。
In 1963, Dr. Cope was hired as an attending physician at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, where he served as staff physician and chief of the vascular roentgenology section in the department of diagnostic radiology. At the same time, he began to work in partnership with William Cook, who had just started manufacturing guide-wires, needles and catheters out of his apartment. Today, Cook, Inc. is one of the largest medical companies in the world and manufactures many Cope devices, such as the Cope loop drainage catheter, Cope gastrostomy set, Cope mandril wire guide and the Cope nephroureterostomy stent.
1963 年,Cope 博士被聘为费城阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学中心的主治医师,在那里他担任诊断放射学系的专职医师和血管放射学科主任。与此同时,他开始与 William (bill) Cook 合作,后者刚刚开始在他的公寓里制造导丝、针头和导管。如今,Cook, Inc. 是世界上最大的医疗公司之一,生产许多 Cope 设备,例如 Cope 环引流导管、Cope 胃造口装置、Cope 心轴导丝器和 Cope 肾输尿膜造口支架。
Dr. Cope joined HUP in 1986 as a lecturer in radiology and became a professor of radiology in the standing faculty, and a clinician educator in the School of Medicine, with a secondary appointment in gastroenterology in 1987. He also held a secondary appointment as professor of radiology in surgery and a clinical position with Clinical Practices of the University of Pennsylvania (CPUP).
Cope 博士于 1986 年加入 HUP,担任放射学讲师,并成为常设教师的放射学教授和医学院的临床医生教育者,并于 1987 年获得胃肠病学的二级任命。他还担任过外科放射学教授和宾夕法尼亚大学临床实践 (CPUP) 的临床职位。
He retired and was named professor emeritus in 2004 (Almanac May 4, 2004). Upon retirement, he moved with his wife, Mary Grace (Heller) to Bend, Oregon.
他于 2004 年退休并被任命为名誉教授(2004 年 5 月 4 日年鉴)。退休后,他与妻子 Mary Grace (Heller) 搬到了俄勒冈州的本德。
Dr. Cope received the Society of Interventional Radiology’s Gold Medal, along with Mr. Cook, in 1999; the New York Medical College Alumni Gold Medal in 2001; and the society’s Leaders in Innovation Award in 2004. The society also created an award, the Dr. Constantin Cope Medical Student Research Award, in his honor. Its purpose is to introduce interested medical students to the greater interventional radiology community.
Cope 博士于 1999 年与 Cook 先生一起获得介入放射学学会的金奖;2001 年纽约医学院校友金奖;以及 2004 年该协会的创新领袖奖。该协会还为他设立了一个奖项,即 Constantin Cope 医学生研究奖。其目的是将感兴趣的医学生介绍给更大的介入放射学社区。
He authored or coauthored more than 200 scientific articles and was the lead author of 1990’s Atlas of Interventional Radiology.
他撰写或合著了 200 多篇科学文章,并且是 1990 年代《介入放射学图集》的主要作者。
He is survived by his wife, Mary Grace; three sons, Leonard, Daniel and James; two daughters, Evelyn Stainthorpe and M. Constance Cope Franckle; 10 grandchildren; and a great-grandson.
他的妻子玛丽·格雷斯 (Mary Grace) 在世;三个儿子,伦纳德、丹尼尔和詹姆斯;两个女儿,Evelyn Stainthorpe 和 M. Constance Cope Franckle;10 个孙子;和一个曾孙。
Dr. Cope donated his body to science.
Cope 博士将自己的遗体捐献给了科学界。