WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), in coordination with the U.S. Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, and Defense, today released a study showing that there is significant potential for further expanding renewable energy production on federal lands. The most comprehensive study of its kind finds that onshore federal lands in the contiguous United States could technically support over 7,700 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity. Researchers found that, in central scenarios that prioritize for meeting America’s growing energy demand while balancing other needs such as natural resource protection, between 51 to 84 GW of renewable energy could be deployed on federal lands by 2035, requiring only around half of one percent of total federal land area in the contiguous U.S. That level of deployment by 2035, which could entail authorizing such projects by around 2030, is enough to provide up to about 10% of the reliable, renewable energy needed to reach net-zero emissions in the electricity sector.
美国华盛顿特区——美国能源部(DOE)下属的国家可再生能源实验室(NREL)今日与内政部、农业部及国防部协同发布了一项研究,显示联邦土地在可再生能源生产扩展方面具有巨大潜力。这项同类中最全面的研究发现,美国本土联邦土地技术上可支持超过7700吉瓦(GW)的可再生能源装机容量。研究人员指出,在优先满足美国日益增长的能源需求,同时兼顾自然资源保护等需求的核心情景下,到2035年,可在联邦土地上部署51至84 GW的可再生能源,这仅占美国本土联邦土地总面积的约0.5%。这种部署水平到2035年(约2030年授权相关项目)能够提供约10%的可靠可再生能源,为电力部门实现净零排放提供支持。
The Department of the Interior has already permitted more than 30 GW of clean energy projects on federal lands, surpassing its Congressionally authorized 25 GW goal well ahead of the 2025 target date—enough clean energy to power more than 15 million homes across the country.
美国内政部已在联邦土地上批准了超过30 GW的清洁能源项目,远超国会授权的25 GW目标,并提前于2025年目标日期完成。这些清洁能源足以为全国超过1500万户家庭提供电力。
With domestic energy demand expected to rise, including to support new homes and growing American industries such as advanced manufacturing and data centers, this new analysis shows major opportunities to build on recent progress in deploying renewable energy resources on federal land to provide a significant source of additional energy capacity in the years ahead.
“DOE is a data-driven agency and the data shows that the nation’s growing energy demand can be met with cleaner, cheaper, more resilient power,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “Today’s report underscores how the federal government can be a leader in building out American-made clean energy on federal lands, ensuring a secure and sustainable domestic energy supply.”
“We are pleased to be a partner in this analysis and contribute to growing a sustainable clean energy economy while protecting the natural and cultural resources on our public lands,” said Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management Principal Deputy Director Nada Wolff Culver. “By working together, we can ensure the responsible development of clean energy across our lands that will help create good paying jobs, lower energy costs for consumers, and support our goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035.”
To understand future renewable energy deployment on federal lands, researchers created seven scenarios with a wide range of possibilities. For each scenario, they used a power sector model to determine the most cost-effective way to deploy new generation, storage, and transmission across the country to meet future energy demand. Those results were then used to produce renewable energy deployment estimates on federal lands.
To ensure realistic assumptions in their model, NREL researchers sought expertise from federal agencies and land administrators in DOE, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Department of Defense—each of which have varying priorities for managing their lands to achieve agency missions. NREL’s modeling aligns with recent federal progress on supporting efficient and environmentally responsible renewable energy planning and permitting, including the Bureau of Land Management’s updated Western Solar Plan.
Key findings of the study include:
In total, there is technical potential for 5,750 GW of utility-scale photovoltaics (solar), 875 GW of land-based wind, 130 GW of hydrothermal, and 975 GW of enhanced geothermal generation on federal lands.
联邦土地上技术上可支持5750 GW的大型光伏(太阳能)、875 GW的陆上风能、130 GW的水热发电以及975 GW的增强地热发电。
Even with more stringent siting constraints, such as land use for conservation, livestock grazing, recreation, military use, and more, the technical potential on federal lands remains 1,750 GW for utility-scale solar and 70 GW for land-based wind.
即使在更严格的选址限制下,如用于保护、放牧、休闲、军事用途等的土地使用,联邦土地上仍有1750 GW的大型光伏和70 GW的陆上风能技术潜力。
Deployment of geothermal capacity is strongly tied to availability and future cost reductions for enhanced geothermal. Success of enhanced geothermal results in up to 10 GW deployed on federal lands by 2035 and 36 GW by 2050, whereas without enhanced geothermal technologies, less than about 5 GW would be deployed.
地热发电能力的部署与增强地热的可用性和未来成本下降密切相关。如果增强地热成功,到2035年联邦土地上将部署多达10 GW,到2050年则可达36 GW;而在没有增强地热技术的情况下,仅部署不到5 GW。
Out of seven deployment scenarios explored in the study, the three central scenarios find that 51-84 GW of renewable energy would be deployed on federal lands by 2035, followed by a scenario that favours utility-scale solar and storage, in which deployment goes up to 81-128 GW. However, in scenarios where siting on non-federal lands is more constrained, estimated deployment on federal lands increases to 231–270 GW by 2035.
在研究中探索的七种部署场景中,三种核心场景发现,到2035年,联邦土地上将部署51-84 GW的可再生能源;在优先部署大型光伏和储能的场景下,部署规模可达到81-128 GW。然而,在非联邦土地选址受到更多限制的场景中,联邦土地上的部署规模预计到2035年将增加到231-270 GW。
Of all federal land administrators, the Bureau of Land Management has the highest renewable energy technical potential, followed by the U.S. Forest Service and the Department of Defense. The Department of Energy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other federal land administrators have relatively modest renewable energy technical potential.
Only 4% (8.9 GW) of currently operating renewable energy generation in the contiguous United States is located on federal lands, and the scenarios find that up to 12.5% of total 2035 renewable energy capacity could be deployed on federal lands. The Department of the Interior’s recent prioritization of clean energy permitting could help facilitate this increased deployment. For comparison, 12% of oil production and 11% of natural gas production are located on federal lands.
目前,美国本土运行的可再生能源发电仅有4%(8.9 GW)位于联邦土地上,而研究场景显示,到2035年,最多可将12.5%的可再生能源总装机容量部署在联邦土地上。内政部最近优先推动的清洁能源许可工作可能有助于促进这种部署增长。相比之下,石油产量的12%和天然气产量的11%位于联邦土地上。
Specific sites with high renewable energy potential were identified for Bureau of Land Management field offices, U.S. Forest Service National Forests and Grasslands, and Department of Defense military installations, ranges and training areas.
Federal lands serve many public needs, and any decision about their use involves trade-offs. Collaboration is crucial to support agencies in navigating competing interests while integrating renewable energy development responsibly. Future analysis can assess the viability of specific areas or sites and should be updated as land administrators' priorities evolve.