(图源 网络)
(图源 网络)
👉 My fans have officially switched sides and accepted that I am indeed an "obscure singer" while my AI persona is the current hot property.
“冷门歌手”的英文是 obscure singer。
obscure 原意是“无名的;鲜为人知的;默默无闻的”。
用于描述人时,obscure 表示某人的身份、职业或成就不为大多数人所知或认可。
🌰 The scientist made significant contributions to the field, but his work remained obscure to the general public.(这位科学家对该领域做出了重要贡献,但他的工作不为大众所熟知。)
🌰 The musician's unique sound and experimental style often appeal to a niche audience, remaining obscure to the mainstream music scene.(这位音乐家独特的音乐风格和实验性常常吸引着小众听众,在主流音乐界仍然是无名的。)
在2021年,一位网友发帖“推荐一个冷门的新加坡华语歌手——孙燕姿”,外媒的翻译就是“Recommending an obscure Singaporean Chinese female singer - Stefanie Sun”。
所以“obscure singer”就表示那些相对不为人知或知名度较低的歌手。
🌰 She is an obscure singer with a soulful voice, yet to be discovered by the music industry.(她是一位拥有灵魂般嗓音的默默无闻的歌手,尚未被音乐界所发现。)