讲座预告 | 罗伯特·普雷基:行走即观看

文摘   文化   2023-06-07 18:20   上海  

活动时间 : 2023年6月11日(周日)14:00-15:30 

活动地点 : 上海当代艺术博物馆3楼剧场 


参与方式 : 扫描海报中二维码进行活动预约,或扫描文末二维码预约直播

签到方式 : 请预约成功的观众提前30分钟到达PSA,从主入口进馆,前往三楼剧场进行签到。






(Robert Pledge)







From the speaker

左图:雷蒙·德巴东拍摄的罗伯特·普雷基 右图:罗伯特·普雷基拍摄的雷蒙·德巴东,摄于1973年。图片来源于讲者。



Robert Pledge who has known Raymond Depardon since 1969 will focus his attention and thoughts on two seminal moments in his colleague's rich and long journey in life and in photography. Walking and seeing is what shapes all his endeavours to discover and understand the world around him. He is continuously on the move, always at a slow and steady pace, with formidable patience and determination. He visits, and revisits. Many years later, sometimes.




His shoes are as essential as his lenses. His legs and his eyes are meant to be perfectly synchronized in his effort to put on film —still and moving images alike — his experiences and his emotions whether it be in the harsh desertic mountains of Chad’s northern Tibesti region in the heart of Africa where the Toubous live, or in the South American rainforest of Chile’s Araucania region, that of the Mapuches. The relationship that his fellow humans forge with the soil he carefully treads, with the land that they were born on, that they live on, where they will die, is at the center of his relentless curiosity and concern.


 About Robert Pledge 


罗伯特·普雷基1942年出生于英国伦敦。在1951年,他和家人搬迁至法国巴黎。他的学生时期就读西非语言和人类学专业,并且对爵士乐富有热情,因专攻非洲事务从而进入了记者行业。在1970年,他协调组织了一次带领法国传奇摄影师吉勒·卡龙(Gilles Caron)和知名摄影师、电影导演雷蒙·德巴东进入利比亚和乍得的令人激动的旅程。他曾是法国视觉艺术杂志《Zoom》的编辑,国际摄影机构伽玛图片社(Gamma)纽约分社的社长。1976年,他和一群来自世界各地的富有才华的摄影师一同组建了联系图片社(Contact Press Image),一家独立摄影机构专注于反映当代问题和趋势,并在国际上享有深远反响。

他在中国策划的摄影展包括:1988年在中国历史博物馆(现中国国家博物馆)举办的 “联系图片社新闻摄影十周年──越南战争以后的新闻摄影”;2007年在平遥柴油机厂举办罗伯特·弗兰克摄影展“美国人——从书中走过”。

他还编辑过许多与中国有关的书籍:《小北路——非洲在中国》,作者为丹尼尔·特劳布(Daniel Traub),吴永福和曾宪方(2015);《沙与水》摄影师晋永权沿着中国两条“母亲河”的个人旅途记录(2016);摄影评论人和作家江融的《探索摄影之旅》(2022)。

Robert Pledge was born in London, UK, in 1942. His family moved to Paris, France, in 1951. A student of West African languages and anthropology and a passionate jazz practitioner, he first found his way into journalism by specializing in African affairs. In 1970, he coordinated a daring trip into Libya and Chad with the legendary French photographer Gilles Caron and famed filmmaker and photographer Raymond Depardon. An editor of the French visual arts magazine Zoom, then the director of the New York bureau of the international picture agency Gamma, in 1976, he went on to co-found with a small group of talented photographers of various nationalities, Contact Press Images, an independent picture agency dedicated to events and long-term projects on contemporary issues and trends, with deep international resonance.

He has curated photographic exhibitions in China that include: Contact: Photojournalism Since Vietnam at Tiananmen Square’s National Museum of History, Beijing, (in 1988); Robert Frank’s The Americans – Walking Through the Book at the Diesel factory in Pingyao (in 2007).

He has edited acclaimed books, notably related to China such as: Little North Road – Africa in China with Daniel Traub, Wu Yong Fu and Zeng Xian Fang (2015); Sand and Water, a personal journey along the two ‘Mother rivers’ of China with photographer Jin Yongquan (2016); My Journey into Photography with photography critic and writer Jiang Rong (2022).


Scroll down for the speaker's biography







🔎 上海展览 | 雷蒙·德巴东:现代生活展览全解

🔎 雷蒙·德巴东《乡村》|他镜头下是一个充满人文关怀与温度的农耕世界


 Practical Information 


Raymond Depardon, La vie moderne

日期 / Dates: 2023.4.22-7.23

开放时间 / Opening hours:

周二—周日/Tue-Sun: 11:00-19:00 

*18:00 停止入场,国定节假日均开放

*Last entry at 18:00, open during the Chinese National holiday

票务 / Tickets: 60 RMB

T: 021-31108550 

M: info@powerstationofart.com 

A: 上海当代艺术博物馆, 上海市黄浦区花园港路200号,  Power Station of Art, 200 Hua Yuan Gang Lu, Shanghai

卡地亚当代艺术基金会(Fondation Cartier)于1984年在巴黎创立, 是法国诸多企业基金会中支持当代艺术的先锋,致力于在全球范围寻找原创性现代艺术作品,资助现代艺术家的创作、交流与展示。