Last weekend, Black Myth: Wukong earned several nominations at The Game Awards 2024, dubbed "the Oscars of gaming", and took home the Best Action Game and Players' Voice awards. It's the first Chinese game that won these awards.
当日例行记者会上,有记者问:上周末《黑神话:悟空》在全球年度游戏大奖中获多项提名并最终斩获年度“最佳动作游戏”和“玩家之声”两个奖项,实现中国游戏史上“零的突破”。发言人对此有何评论?Congratulations to Black Myth: Wukong on winning the awards. We are truly glad that as one of China's most celebrated mythology novels, Journey to the West — four centuries after it was written — is now digitally transformed into a stunning video game and taking the world by storm.
“我们对《黑神话:悟空》获奖表示祝贺。”林剑说,很高兴看到《西游记》这部400多年前的中国神话小说在数字化技术“加持”下大放异彩,“圈粉”全球玩家。Black Myth: Wukong is not the only example of success when Eastern aesthetics meets modern technology and when emerging industries embrace traditional culture. Chinese internet literature has been added by the British Library to its Chinese collection, and drawn fans from all over the world. The massive success of Chinese gaming industry has opened the door to exploring traditional Chinese culture. It has found the cultural wavelength that resonate with players worldwide, and provides a fresh way for cultures to meet and inspire each other.
While gaining popularity outside China, Chinese cultural products are bringing international friends into China. Many are retracing Wukong's journey by visiting some of the scenic spots that appeared in the game, such as Yuhuang Temple in Jincheng, the Wooden Pagoda in Yingxian, Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, Dazu Rock Carvings in Chongqing and other ancient architectural sites as well as discovering the performances of traditional storytellers in northern Shaanxi, giving these visitors an extraordinary experience of what it is like to be the hero of the Journey to the West and "the Destined One" in the game.林剑表示,“中国风”吹向世界,也带动外国朋友们走近中国。不少外国朋友“跟着悟空游中国”,实地探访晋城玉皇庙、应县木塔、杭州灵隐寺、重庆大足石刻等中国古建,探寻陕北说书人,重走西游“取经路”,做起现实版的“天命人”。We welcome international travellers to come to China, and experience these smash-hit cultural products and the unique charm of Chinese culture, and write their own Journey to the East.