Flight MU721 carrying 157 passengers took off from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 8:21 am, and arrived in Hong Kong at 10:44 am, marking the inauguration of the route operating the aircraft type.当天,东航C919执飞的MU721航班搭载157名旅客于08:21分从上海虹桥机场起飞,于10:44分顺利飞抵香港。
During the flight, passengers savored meals showcasing Cantonese and Shanghainese delicacies. Business class passengers delighted in Hong Kong-style steamed dim sum served with rice porridge, complemented by Shanghai-style preserved tofu and scallion oil noodles. Economy class travelers relished Shanghainese oyster sauce chicken noodles, accompanied by the beloved White Rabbit milk and assorted side dishes.在元旦当天上海虹桥始发的MU721首航航班上,公务舱旅客品尝到了港式蒸点配米粥搭配老上海小酱菜腐乳、具有上海本帮特色的“东航那碗面-本帮开洋葱油拌面”等;经济舱方面则是本帮蚝油鸡丝拌面,搭配此前C919航班上广受好评的大白兔牛奶及拌味小菜等。后续常态化商业定期航班上也将提供多种“港滋港味”和本帮老上海特色餐食,融合海派活力与香港滋味,单双月轮换。自2023年5月28日首次商业运营以来,已累计执行航班超6600班,飞行超1.6万小时,累计承运旅客人数超90万人次。With the delivery of the new aircraft, the Shanghai-based airliner currently operates ten C919 jets, which is the largest C919 fleet globally.东航C919机队规模达到10架,通航上海、北京、成都、西安、广州、太原、重庆、武汉等城市。此次投入沪港航线后,东航C919执飞9条精品航线、通达9处航点。
来源:人民日报客户端 新华社 中国日报网 中国日报双语新闻