Beijing Automotive Industry Corporation (BAIC) has invested over 13 billion yuan in research and development in 2024, and its cumulative R&D spending will exceed 100 trillion yuan by 2030. 622 robots work together in its NEV super factory, with multiple production processes achieving 100% automation. The super factory can produce one new-energy vehicle every two minutes, with an annual production capacity of 120,000 units in the first phase, and a future capacity of up to 300,000 units.
According to an annual performance assessment recently released by China’s General Administration of Customs, among the 150 comprehensive bonded zones evaluated nationwide, Beijing’s Tianzhu Comprehensive Bonded Zone ranked second. Daxing Airport Bonded Zone saw the ranking of its import and export value climbing up 55 places, the biggest progress in the country. Beijing is currently home to four comprehensive boned zones.
Beijing's Haidian District is home to 50 unicorn enterprises, accounting for 44% of the city’s total, mainly focusing on cutting edge technology. The artificial intelligence sector has the largest number of unicorn enterprises in the district, followed by the software and information service industry.
Beijing's aviation engine maintenance project is expected to be completed in June 2025 and begin operations in December. The project is jointly funded by Air China and Rolls-Royce, and it will reach full capacity by 2030, providing maintenance service to 250 engines annually.
北京航空发动机维修项目现已完成主厂房封顶,主体工程进入收官阶段。项目预计2025年6月竣工,12月投入运营。北京航空发动机维修项目由中国国际航空股份有限公司和航空发动机巨头英国罗尔斯-罗伊斯公司共同出资建设, 项目2030年实现满负荷运营,每年可支持250台发动机进场维修。
Over 1100 planners are actively involved in Beijing's urban management, providing consultation and technology services for urban renewal projects as independent third parties. Over the past five years, they have participated in over 4,000 urban renewal projects, playing important roles in resolving key local issues such as renovation of old residential areas and parking space planning.
Authorities of Beijing’s Sub-center plan to establish 36 community centers, in a bid to provide better public service to local residents. Housed in a renovated abandon boiler room, Zhongcang community center offers comprehensive services to 3000 households, from grocery shopping to medical services. Facilities for seniors and disabled residents are included in the Dongxiaoma community center.
An urban renewal project started in the Beijing Optical Instrument Factory. The 62-year-old factory will be transformed into a green technology innovation service industrial park, housing companies in the carbon emission management and green finance sectors. Using a smart energy management system, the park is expected to reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 1,000 tons.
In 2025, parenting schools will be available in over 360 community health service centers in Beijing. Nutrition, child care, vaccination, disease screening, psychological and oral health related classes will be offered to parents of children under 3 years old.
Featuring courtyard houses and Hutongs, two unique architectural features of Beijing, a new permanent exhibition opened in the Beijing Municipal Archive, with over 3700 exhibits on display. The exhibition recreates the typical courtyard house, and multimedia technology is used to lead visitors through an impressive experience of the ancient capital.
北京市档案馆上新重磅常设展,《合院之城——北京古都文化档案史料展》亮相5层展厅。3700余件档案、资料、老照片、实物等展品按照“驻足都市”“院落北京”“营城匠意”“历久弥新” 4个部分,围绕四合院和胡同两个独具京味特色的元素,系统展现古都北京的壮美秩序和文化底蕴。展厅里复原了老北京民居院落场景,配合多媒体技术,带领观众沉浸式感受古都文化魅力。
Hundreds of handmade lanterns were produced in the Hongmiao Lantern Factory in Donggong village in Beijing’s Huairou District. Traditional lanterns are key elements in the festive atmosphere of the New Year and Spring Festival celebrations in China. In recent years, sales of traditional lanterns faced challenges from the competition with modern mechanized lanterns. Yan Wanjun, head of the factory, has made great efforts trying to bring new vitality to traditional skills. The lantern making classes Yan designed have been well received in schools and local neighborhoods.
来源:北京日报 北京城市副中心报 顺义通讯站