Charlotte Chesnai 巴黎,开启新的珠宝旅程

乐活   2024-09-27 17:40   广东  
巴黎珠宝品牌  Paris Jewelry Brand
Chartlotte Chesnais



I've always valued productiveness above all else.
珠宝,既能美观地佩戴于身体上,又是值得我们去欣赏的艺术品。Charlotte Chesnais的作品不仅是简单的耳环、戒指、手镯或项链,它们无不是美的体现,如何更好地去展现亦是Charlotte的重要使命。

Jewelry is not only beautiful to wear on the body, but also a work of art to be admired, and Charlotte Chesnais' creations are not only simple earrings, rings, bracelets or necklaces, but they are also the embodiment of beauty, which is Charlotte's mission.


Designed by Valeriane Lazar

Charlotte Chesnais是一家位于巴黎的独立时尚品牌,由珠宝设计师和雕塑家Charlotte Chesnais成立于2015年,体现了她对建筑、艺术与巴黎的热爱。凭借着“对美的创造”,Charlotte Chesnais作品推陈出新,巧妙地融合了珠宝和雕塑元素。

Charlotte Chesnais is a Paris-based independent fashion brand founded in 2015 by jewelry designer and sculptor Charlotte Chesnais, reflecting her love of architecture, art and Paris. With her “creation of beauty”, Charlotte Chesnais creates innovative pieces that subtly blend elements of jewelry and sculpture.

Charlotte Chesnais


在2012年的巴黎世家春季时装秀上,Charlotte Chesnais与模特Marte Mei van Haaster相遇,从那之后她们一直保持着密切地联系。直到Charlotte Chesnais于2015年推出自己的个人珠宝品牌,她们以合作的形式再一次相遇。

Charlotte Chesnais met model Marte Mei van Haaster at the Balenciaga Spring Fashion Show in 2012, and they have remained close ever since. They met again in the form of a collaboration until Charlotte Chesnais launched her own personal jewelry brand in 2015.

陈列 / 建筑 / 珠宝



If space is an important place for brand expression, then the display of products is a form of output of the essence of the brand, so better display and show naturally becomes the design of the whole space, and think about how to realize the overall coordination of space, business and brand?

Anne Holtrop
 Focus on the building itself and give the design a tangible form.

继巴黎阿尔及尔街10号(10 Rue D'alger)开设首店后,荷兰建筑师Anne Holtrop再次与Charlotte Chesnais合作,设计了这家位于巴黎圣日耳曼大道的珠宝精品店。从空间的表达到产品的陈列,一一回应着Charlotte Chesnais初创品牌时的愿景。

After opening her first store at 10 Rue D'Alger in Paris, Dutch architect Anne Holtrop has collaborated with Charlotte Chesnais again on the design of this jewelry boutique on Boulevard Saint-Germain in Paris. From the expression of the space to the display of the products, it responds to the vision of Charlotte Chesnais when she first created the brand.

巴黎 / 圣日耳曼 / 二店


沿着圣日耳曼大道便能轻易遇见Charlotte Chesnais精品店,暖色调的灯光闪耀于有着经典符号的门面之后,眼前景象浮现,吸引着路人的目光,想进入其中去一探究竟。

The Charlotte Chesnais boutique can easily be found along Boulevard Saint-Germain, where the warm light glows behind a facade of classic symbols, creating a scene that draws the eye of the passerby to enter and explore.

推门而入,眼前若一道道波浪席卷而来,以亚克力材料为特色的半透明展示墙,好似一帘流动的水面,连接着两侧的陈列柜,展示Charlotte Chesnais美而精致的珠宝产品。

Pushing the door, a wave sweeps in front of you, featuring a translucent display wall made of acrylic material, like a curtain of flowing water, connecting the display cabinets on both sides, showcasing the beauty and delicacy of Charlotte Chesnais' jewelry products.


Infinity Mirror Decoration


Behind the corrugated display wall, a dune-like staircase grows, a combination and juxtaposition that is poetic and dramatic in the here and now. The strong expression of material tones and textures makes the whole space one.


Along the staircase, pacing to the second floor, a wall-mounted, translucent display wall reappears, as if it were in a green, dreamy forest. The reflective sheen of the paint further takes advantage of the rippling display wall, not knowing where the ripples begin or the waves end.


Acrylic Corrugated Wall Covered With Green Paint

Charlotte Chesnais回想起如何自己进入珠宝行业,很大原因是由于她喜欢时尚,以及拥有9年的巴黎世家的服装和珠宝设计经验,使她有足够的信心和底气。她既可以在时尚界设计衣服,又可以在艺术的领域内制作椅子或者其他物品。

Charlotte Chesnais recalls how she got herself into the jewelry industry, due in large part to her love of fashion and the fact that having nine years of experience designing clothing and jewelry for Balenciaga gave her the confidence and confidence she needed. She can design clothes in the fashion world as well as make chairs or other objects within the realm of art.

巴黎 / 阿尔及尔街 / 首店


Anne Holtrop为Charlotte Chesnais设计的珠宝首店,位于巴黎阿尔及尔街10号(10 Rue D'alger)。回顾这场神秘而又充满未知的设计经历,Anne Holtrop满足了Charlotte Chesnais对巴黎首店的所有想象:一种体验,自然而又奇特,而不是单纯的美的感受。

Anne Holtrop designed Charlotte Chesnais' jewelry debut store at 10 Rue D'alger in Paris. Looking back on this mysterious and uncharted design experience, Anne Holtrop has fulfilled all of Charlotte Chesnais' imaginings for her first store in Paris: an experience that is natural and peculiar, rather than simply a feeling of beauty.

进入阿尔及尔街10号(10 Rue D'alger)的首店,犹如一段探索之旅,它以一种直接的方式将无尽之美呈现在访客面前。空间中利用了回收的亚克力,它们如同石头一样有着永恒性,并看起来就像一个漂浮着的巨大冰块,在到达特定的温度时,瞬间融化。

Entering the inaugural store at 10 Rue D'Alger is like a journey of discovery, as it presents visitors with endless beauty in an immediate way. The space utilizes recycled acrylic, which is as timeless as stone and looks like a giant floating ice cube that melts instantly when it reaches a certain temperature.

Charlotte Chesnais

Anne Holtrop用非凡的创造力让材料与形式之间的对话得以延续,这使我着迷。 

I am fascinated by Anne Holtrop's extraordinary creativity in keeping the dialogue between material and form alive.

室内被处理成一个 “陈列、拆解、展示 ”的空间,每一季的标志性物品在此都有自己专属的位置——戒指、耳环、项链和手链都展示于透明的抽屉里。

The interior is treated as a “display, dismantle, show” space where each season's iconic items have their own dedicated place - rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets are displayed in transparent drawers.

Charlotte Chesnais将品牌的DNA注入于精品店内,令产品得以完美展示,与空间里的所有材料建立起对话。这家店犹如一个精心设计的混合空间,介于画廊和古代洞穴之间,其可塑性值得去深入探索。总而言之,它时刻准备着把最好的一面,展示给顾客与那些路过并抱有好奇心的行人。

Charlotte Chesnais has infused the DNA of the brand into the boutique, allowing the products to be perfectly displayed and creating a dialog with all the materials in the space. The store is a carefully designed hybrid space, between a gallery and an ancient cave, whose plasticity is worth exploring. In short, it is always ready to show its best to its customers and to those who pass by with curiosity.


本文为原创策划内容 图片归原作者或来源机构所有
Original Planning Content

校改 Reform:Da Lim
校对 Proof:Lu Jieyi
图片 Image:Charlotte Chesnais
摄影 Photo : James Nelson
François Coquerel

陈晓然   编辑
Xran Chen    Editor of YINJISPACE
