加拿大是移民大国,每一年都有不少朋友因为种种原因踏上这片大陆。他们有纠结、有向往、有苦涩、亦有欣喜。抛在身后的东西也许值得留恋,但是奋勇向前、重新寻找人生更多的可能性的精神更值得钦佩!这不是一条好走的路,但总有人从未放弃探索,从未停下对于更加美好的生活的追寻。今天是入选2024Grand Impact Awards新移民奖的三位提名者展现风采的时刻,我们同样为她们准备了三个问题,让我们从她们的娓娓回答中,去体会这三位优秀新移民女性的人生智慧和感悟点滴吧。
Jingxia (Jasmine) Chen
City of Residence: Oakville
Profession: Business Management
Year Arrived in Canada: 2020
Tell us the story of why you came to Canada
我的移民之路,是一场关于勇气与梦想的美丽乐章,跨越了四国的风景,每一站都镌刻着不懈的追求与热爱。1996年从中国启航,带着对未知世界的好奇与向往,我踏上了前往阿根廷的征途。那里,我经历了成长的蜕变,语言的桥梁让我融入了异国文化,职业的磨砺则铸就了我坚韧不拔的品格。在会计与金融的海洋里,我不断学习,投资理财的智慧如同星辰,照亮了我前行的道路。 然而,生活的乐章总有变奏。2003年面对阿根廷的金融危机,我选择了勇敢转身,接受智利公司的邀请,开启新的篇章。在那里,我以语言为翼,飞越职业的天际,从CEO的翻译到产品开发部经理,再到亚太区域销售总监,每一步都凝聚着汗水与智慧,更是我对生活无限热爱的证明。 但心中的那份对儿子未来的期许,让我做出了一个重大决定,搬到加拿大,这个国家以其高质量的教育和对新移民的友好环境成为我们的理想选择。我深知,这个决定不仅是为了儿子能有更广阔的成长,是对他未来的投资,更是自我超越与重塑的开始。在加拿大,我们母子相依,共同探索着这个全新的国度,书写着属于我们的新故事。这里,有教育的沃土,有生活的宁静,更有我对未来无限的憧憬与热爱。我的移民之旅,是一段不断追寻与成长的旅程,它告诉我:无论身在何方,只要心怀梦想,热爱生活,就能奏响属于自己的生命乐章。
What are the major challenges you have faced in Canada so far?
初到加拿大,我面对了诸多挑战。首要任务是适应全新的生活环境与严酷的气候,尤其是那漫长的冬季,让我感到前所未有的挑战。我努力调整作息,学会在寒冷中寻找温暖。 同时,我也开始重建社交圈,与南美的生活方式说再见,逐渐融入这个新环境。这不仅是地理位置的变迁,更是心灵的重新安家。 语言和文化的差异虽不大,但足以让我深刻感受到细微的隔阂。我细心观察加拿大的社会文化,尝试理解其独特的工作氛围,希望能更快融入。
最让我头疼的是创业之路,我勇敢地创建了OKO Bagels,梦想照进现实,却不料遭遇疫情。政府禁令下,店铺陷入沉寂,我经历了迷茫与挫败。但我没有放弃,利用这段时间深耕市场营销,通过社交媒体积聚人气,为日后的复苏做准备。 终于,禁令解除,我的贝果店迎来了新生。它迅速走红,分店连开,成为城市中的一道亮丽风景。我深知,这一切的成功离不开我的坚持不懈与持续创新。 在异国他乡,我用自己的坚韧和智慧书写了属于自己的辉煌篇章。这段经历让我明白,成功从不属于轻易放弃的人,而是属于那些勇于面对挑战、不断前行的人
Since coming to Canada, what are the achievements you are most proud of?
在加拿大的奋斗旅程中,我最引以为豪的成就莫过于将加拿大本土特色的源自蒙特利尔的贝果美味带至多伦多地区,通过OKO Bagels这一连锁品牌,不仅让美食跨越地域界限,更在四个社区内创造了稳定的就业机会,为经济注入活力。同时,我坚持回馈社会,通过公益事业,如帮助社区的活动,赞助Salvation Amy和community Fridge,传递温暖与关怀。这份成就不仅关乎味蕾的满足,更是对社区责任的深刻践行。 我在加拿大没有停止学习和进步,我是一名理财规划师和持牌的保险顾问,我深知家庭财务规划与保障的重要性。因为自己也曾“淋过雨”,我更愿意成为那把为他人遮风挡雨的伞。我利用专业知识,致力于为每个家庭量身打造财务规划方案,确保他们能在不确定的未来中拥有坚实的后盾。这份初心,不仅源于对社会的责任,更源自于对家庭幸福的深切关怀。我坚信,通过我的努力,能够让更多家庭拥有安心的未来,共同编织属于加拿大的美好生活篇章
Grace Gao
City of Residence:Markham
Year Arrived in Canada: 2020
Tell us the story of why you came to Canada
Our journey to Canada began as a simple holiday. In February 2020, my family and I traveled to Canada for holiday. We were looking forward to a short break with family, after which we planned to return to our home in Hong Kong. However, little did we know that the world was about to change drastically. As the COVID-19 pandemic began to unfold, our plans took an unexpected turn. Initially, we thought the situation would resolve quickly, so we postponed our return to Hong Kong. But as the days passed, the restrictions tightened, and it became clear that the world was facing a much more significant crisis than anyone had anticipated. Suddenly, we found ourselves in a new country, far from home, unable to leave. Travel bans and quarantine measures were being enforced globally, and returning to Hong Kong no longer seemed feasible in the near future. As the months went by, it became increasingly clear that the pandemic would not be a short-term disruption. Faced with the uncertainty of when we could return, we made a life-changing decision—we decided to stay and build a life in Canada. The country had already made a strong impression on us, with its welcoming communities, vast natural beauty, and the sense of safety it offered. What started as an unplanned stay quickly turned into an opportunity to explore the possibility of settling down.
In a leap of faith, we purchased a house and began taking steps to adapt to our new environment. It wasn’t easy at first; everything from the weather to the way of life was different from what we were used to in Hong Kong. But over time, we grew more comfortable with our surroundings, and Canada started to feel like home. Settling down in a new country during a global pandemic came with its challenges. However, the kindness of the people we met and the support of our new community made the transition smoother. We embraced the slower pace of life, the wide-open spaces, and the sense of peace that came with living in Canada. Although it was a difficult decision to leave behind the life we knew in Hong Kong, we are grateful for the new beginnings we have found here. This unexpected journey has taught us the importance of adaptability and resilience. What began as a holiday has now become a permanent chapter in our lives. We continue to adjust, learn, and grow in our new home, and we look forward to what the future holds for us in Canada.
What are the major challenges you have faced in Canada so far?
Since arriving in Canada, we have faced several significant challenges as we transitioned to a new life. One of the biggest hurdles was starting everything from scratch. Moving to a new country is not just about physically relocating; it involves rebuilding all aspects of life—professionally, socially, and personally. Back in Hong Kong and China, we had a well-established routine, a stable business, and a community that we had been part of for over 15 years. In Canada, we found ourselves at the beginning of a new chapter, with little sense of how to navigate the unfamiliar terrain.
Establishing a new routine was one of the first challenges. In Hong Kong, our daily life was well-structured, with our business guiding much of our time and energy. In Canada, everything was different, from the way the day is structured to the cultural and social expectations. We had to adjust to a new rhythm of life. The time zones, the seasons, and even the pace of doing things were unfamiliar. It took time to create a new routine that worked for us in this new environment, balancing the demands of settling down with personal life, and establishing a new professional direction. Another significant challenge was how to set up a new business in Canada.
For 15 years, we had run a successful and stable business in Hong Kong and China, built on a network of trusted relationships, local knowledge, and a deep understanding of the market. Starting from zero in Canada meant facing a steep learning curve. We had to understand the regulatory environment, adapt to the different business culture, and navigate the legal and administrative processes. It was daunting to think about rebuilding what had taken years to create elsewhere. The mental stress of all these changes also weighed heavily on us. The uncertainty of the future, the emotional impact of leaving behind a well-established life, and the pressure to make everything work in a new country took a toll on our mental well-being. It’s not easy to let go of the comfort and familiarity of the life you’ve built, only to dive into the unknown. The constant adjustments, both big and small, added to the stress of the situation, and we had to learn to manage the mental challenges that came with it.
On top of everything, there was the challenge of making new, trustworthy friends. Building meaningful relationships in a new place can be difficult, especially when you’re unfamiliar with the social norms and dynamics. In Hong Kong, we had a tight-knit circle of friends and business associates that we could rely on. In Canada, we had to start all over, slowly building connections and trying to establish a new support network. Trust takes time to develop, and finding people who share common values and goals in a new environment was a challenge we had to face head-on. Despite these obstacles, we are learning, adapting, and growing through the experience. Every challenge has taught us something valuable about resilience, patience, and the importance of embracing change.
Since coming to Canada, what are the achievements you are most proud of?
Since coming to Canada, there are several achievements we are incredibly proud of, especially given the circumstances we faced during the global pandemic. Settling down during COVID-19 was no small feat. The world was in turmoil, and navigating a new country while dealing with uncertainty, restrictions, and constant changes was challenging. Despite these difficulties, we managed to establish a stable life for our family. We purchased a home, adjusted to the local way of life, and created a sense of security in an otherwise uncertain time. This achievement alone has given us the confidence that we can handle whatever challenges come our way.
One of the greatest sources of pride is how we helped our children find their place in this new environment. Moving to a new country is especially hard on kids, and we knew the importance of supporting them through this transition. We encouraged them to explore new interests, and we helped them find activities that would spark their passion. We were also proactive in helping them make new friends, building social circles that would make them feel at home. Seeing our children thrive in their new environment has been one of our most fulfilling accomplishments. Adapting to a new culture and lifestyle has also been a significant achievement. Life in Canada is vastly different from what we were used to in Hong Kong. The pace is slower, and there’s a greater emphasis on work-life balance. We embraced this change and started learning how to enjoy life in new ways. This has also allowed us to reflect on our priorities, particularly in terms of family time and self-care.
In Hong Kong, our lives were mostly consumed by work, and that imbalance affected our family relationships. Moving to Canada has given us the chance to focus more on family, nurturing our relationships with each other and learning to spend quality time together. This shift has had a profoundly positive impact on our lives, and we’ve grown stronger as a couple and as a family. Another achievement we’re proud of is learning how to care for ourselves and each other better. In the past, we were so focused on business that we often neglected our personal well-being and our family relationships. In Canada, we’ve made a conscious effort to prioritize self-care and work on resolving any issues within the family. This has not only improved our personal lives but has also made us more effective in handling the challenges of setting up a new business.
Speaking of business, we are proud of the fact that, despite the many obstacles, we successfully set up a new company in Canada. Starting from scratch in a foreign market was daunting, especially after running a stable business for over 15 years in Hong Kong and China. But we took on the challenge, learned the ropes of the Canadian business landscape, and managed to establish our new venture. This achievement signifies our resilience and adaptability and gives us hope for a prosperous future in our new home. Each of these milestones marks not only our ability to adapt but also our growth as individuals, as a couple, and as a family.
Xiu’E Jin
City of Residence:Toronto
Year Arrived in Canada: 2018
Tell us the story of why you came to Canada
What are the major challenges you have faced in Canada so far?
Since coming to Canada, what are the achievements you are most proud of?
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